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We completed the Exchange switchover this week on Thursday at around 10.30 am. At this time, the new Exchange server will be put into operation and all new incoming emails will be received. No more emails will be delivered to the old Exchange server after this time.

Delivery/retrieval of emails

Once the changeover is complete, new emails will only be delivered to the new Exchange server. Login is via the newly set central password. You will still find your old emails on the old Exchange server. You can log in with the old central password.

Sending emails

Please only send emails from the new Exchange server after the changeover.

Background: Sending emails from the old Exchange server also works in principle. However, if an email is sent to another internal Exchange user, it will be delivered directly to the old Exchange server.

Migration of old mailboxes

The migration of all old emails to the new Exchange server will take several weeks. This is a two-stage process. Firstly, all emails that have been delivered by 02/02/2023 will be migrated. In the second step, all emails delivered after this date will be migrated. As soon as the migration process has been successfully completed for your account, you will receive a corresponding notification by email.

Accessibility of the Exchange server

Until further notice, you can only access the new Exchange server and the old Exchange server internally, i.e. in the isolation network or in the "clean" network.

Access from outside (external) will only be possible again as soon as two-factor authentication has been implemented.

Sometimes there may also be complications with using the Outlook client after the changeover. Our recommendation is to initially only retrieve emails via Webowa using a browser.

Further information

If you have created filter rules, please check them after the changeover. Some rules may have to be created again.

We advise against creating the same calendars/appointments in the new Exchange as in the old one, as these will otherwise be duplicated after the migration.