Coordinated DFG programmes
Collaborative Research Centres
SFB 920 - Multifunctional Filters for Molten Metal Filtration,
funding 2011 - 2023, spokesperson: Prof. Dr Christos G. Aneziris
SFB 799 - TRIP Matrix Composite - Design of Tough, Conversion Reinforced Composites and Structures Based on Fe-ZrO2,
funding 2008 - 2020, spokesperson: Prof. Dr Horst Biermann
SFB 285 - Particle Interaction in Processes of Mechanical Process Engineering,
funding 2008 - 2020, spokesperson: Prof. Dr Horst Biermann. Dr Horst Biermann
SFB 285 - Particle interaction in mechanical process engineering processes,
funding 1995 - 2004, spokesperson: Prof. Dr Klaus Husemann
Priority programmes
SPP 2315: Customised artificial minerals (EnAM) - a geometallurgical tool for recycling critical elements from waste streams
Funded since 2021, spokesperson: Prof. Dr.-.Urs A. Peuker, Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mineral Processing
SPP 2045: Highly Specific Multidimensional Fractionation of Technical Fine Particle Systems
Funded since 2017, Spokesperson: Prof. Dr Urs A. Peuker, Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mineral Processing
SPP 1418: Refractories - Initiative for the Reduction of Emissions
Funding from 2009 to 2015, spokesperson: Prof. Dr.-.Ing. Christos Aneziris, Institute of Ceramics, Refractories and Composite Materials
SPP 1204: Algorithms for fast, material-compatible process chain design and analysis in forming technology
Funding from 2006 to 2014, spokesperson: Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Research Training Groups
GRK 2802: Refractory Recycling: A Contribution to Raw Material, Energy and Climate Efficiency in High Temperature Processes
Funding since 2022, Spokesperson: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christos Aneziris, Institute of Ceramics, Refractories and Composite Materials
GRK 413: Transport Processes in Porous Systems in Process and Geotechnical Engineering
Funded from 1997 to 2003, spokesperson: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Bast, Institute of Mechanical Engineering
GRK 6: Spatial Statistics
Funded from 1997 to 2003, spokesperson: Prof. Dr Dietrisch Stoyan, Institute of Stochastics
DFG Research Units
FOR 3010 - "Refrabund" Multifunctional, coarse-grained, refractory composites and material composites for large-volume key components in high-temperature processes
Funding since 2020, spokesperson: Prof Dr Christos Aneziris
FOR 1897 - Low-loss electrical sheets for energy-efficient drives
Funding from 2014 to 2022, spokesperson: Prof Dr Rudolf Kawalla, Institute of Metal Forming
EU-funded projects
ESF junior research groups and doctorates
BMBF junior research groups
Filtrolution - Reactive membranes based on biopolymer-stabilised Pickering emulsions (2023-2027)
Head: Dr Katja Heise
PurCo - Purification of copper - Contributions to copper melt filtration and recycling of copper scrap(2022-2026)
Head: Dr Claudia Voigt, Institute of Ceramics, Refractories and Composite Materials
N³V - Neue nanostrukturierte Nitrid-Volumenhartstoffe (2020-2025)
Head: Dr Kevin Keller, Institute of Mineralogy
STEEP-CarbonTrans - Evaluation of technological and resource alternatives for carbonaceous raw materials for a raw materials transition in German industry (2017-2024)
Head: Prof. Dr Roh Pin Lee / Florian Keller, Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering