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Study through research

The degree programme at TUBAF is characterised by a close combination of theory and practice.

High practical relevance

Teaching is characterised by a strong focus on current research topics. You come into contact with research and practice early on in your studies.

Early involvement in research projects

TUBAF cooperates with numerous major research institutions and companies in Germany and abroad. The courses are research-based and address current topics. During their studies, students can immerse themselves in current research in future-oriented fields as part of student research projects or as student assistants.

Good career opportunities

TUBAF graduates are in high demand in industry and research.


Modern infrastructures

In addition to the typical teaching buildings on a campus, the TUBAF campus is home to engineering technology centres, modern chemistry laboratories and large-scale technical facilities, such as those for energy process engineering and the modern rolling mill for metal forming. In the new university library/lecture hall centre, students will find modern lecture halls and the University Library "Georgius Agricola" with advanced learning spaces, mixed reality rooms, a podcast studio and a cafeteria.

campus map

Studentin mit VR Brille

Innovative study concepts

With so many degree programmes on offer, it is difficult to make a decision. For this reason, the university offers several degree programmes with flexible study concepts. These degree programmes are not one-way streets, but leave scope for decision-making and development during the course of the degree. These include degree programmes such as the Bachelor's degree programme Engineering with six sub-degree programmes, the degree programme Angewandte Naturwissenschaft and the degree programme Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen.


Studying sustainability

There are degree programmes that offer courses on sustainability in their curriculum, either through a corresponding designation in the name or through a practice-oriented course of study that enables students to later work in shaping the energy and resource transition in this area. Examples of this are the degree programmes Environmental Systems Science - Geoecology, Geoengineering, Engineering and Applied Computer Science.

Sustainability Campus SteigtUM

Prof. Bräuer in einer Lehrveranstaltung

Excellent care and support

Students take centre stage - that's what makes studying at TUBAF special - individual support and dedicated guidance from our professors and lecturers, small learning groups and support during your studies from mentors and tutors.

Service and Counselling

Studium international

Internationality and Cosmopolitanism

The working and study atmosphere at TU Bergakademie Freiberg is characterised by openness to the world and respectful interaction with one another. The university has a strong international reputation, especially in the raw materials sector. The proportion of international students is around 40 per cent. Students benefit from the global networking of our scientists, who can gain experience abroad as part of exchange programmes, double degree programmes, practical semesters or international degree courses.

Open-minded university From Freiberg to Abroad Incoming Students form Abroad

Wissenschaft vor Ort

Student campus

Campus university with short distances from lectures to the library, from the canteen to the technical centre. The student residences are located directly on campus and offer affordable and varied accommodation options. The university sports centre offers a wide range of sporting activities. Outdoor activities can be found in the surrounding area, such as in Saxon Switzerland and the Ore Mountains.

Campus Life  AGs & Initiatives

Gründernetzwerk Saxeed

Start-up campus

TUBAF offers the best conditions for starting your own company. The technical foundations are taught during the degree programme. The start-up network SAXEED provides support during the start-up phase.


200 Jahre Bergakademie Freiberg

Tradition and innovation

As the oldest mining science university in the world (founded in 1765), TUBAF combines tradition with modern technologies and pioneering research.
