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Expertise in resources

The TU Bergakademie Freiberg specialises in teaching and research into the fundamentals and processes relating to raw materials, energy and materials along the entire value chain. Raw materials are explored and extracted, refined into materials, processed into materials and recycled as secondary raw materials.

This leads to trend-setting questions that are dealt with in the interdisciplinary fields of expertise of mathematics/computer science, natural sciences, engineering, geosciences, materials science and economics. TUBAF combines these as a resource university in interdisciplinary research and future-orientated student education.


University Profile -

Expertise in Resources, Technologies and Processes

In teaching and research, TU Bergakademie Freiberg deals with the fundamentals and processes relating to raw materials, energy and materials along the entire value chain. Raw materials are explored and extracted, refined into materials, processed into materials and recycled as secondary raw materials.

This leads to trend-setting questions that are dealt with in the interdisciplinary fields of mathematics/computer science, natural sciences, engineering, geosciences, materials science and economics. As a resource university, TUBAF combines these in interdisciplinary research and future-oriented student training.

The university

The university is committed to the sustainable extraction and utilisation of raw materials and resources, innovative materials and technologies and the development of solutions to the challenges of environmental and climate change.
Forschung an der TUBAF
Our research areas, scientific centres and research infrastructures.
Our degree programmes in the fields of mathematics and computer science, natural sciences, geosciences, engineering and economics.
World map with colored spots, showing partner universities
International co-operation
The university co-operates with 276 partner institutions in 75 countries
Ranking und Zahlen TUBAF
Rankings and figures
Key figures and rankings on the university, study programmes and teaching as well as science and research.
Familiäre Atmosphäre auf dem Campus
University Culture
TUBAF is not only an international research university, but also bears social responsibility. Topics such as diversity, equality, inclusion and openness to the world are central to the university's self-image.