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Welcome to the service pages of the Staff Council for all employees of TU Bergakademie Freiberg. We would like to provide you with expert assistance and advice on all questions and problems relating to your employment relationship or your workplace. Representation is provided regardless of whether you are an academic or non-academic employee, whether you work part-time or full-time, whether your employment relationship is temporary or permanent, or whether it is financed from third-party or budget funds. We ensure compliance with the laws, service agreements, collective agreements and legal regulations that are important for employees. Our tasks also include receiving suggestions and complaints and working towards their resolution.
The Staff Council works together with the department in a spirit of partnership, trust, cooperation, respect and openness.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any suggestions or criticism, as this is also welcome at any time.
All Staff Council members are bound by law to maintain confidentiality! As an employee, you decide for yourself whether and what personal information you have entrusted to the Staff Council may be passed on.
Visitor address
Staff Council
Main building, Nonnengasse 22, Room 1.16
09599 Freiberg
personalrat [at] zuv.tu-freiberg.de
Jörg-Ulf Röhl
Main building, Nonnengasse 22, Room 1.16
09599 Freiberg
Joerg-Ulf.Roehl [at] iart.tu-freiberg.de
+49 3731 39-2367
Staff Council Secretariat
Petra Meister
Main building, Nonnengasse 22, Room 1.11
09599 Freiberg
personalrat [at] zuv.tu-freiberg.de
+49 3731 39-2559
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Upcoming Events
26 Mar
10:00 Uhr - 12:00 Uhr
Staff meeting
Audimax, Winklerstraße 24