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Working in groups

Breakout rooms make it possible to divide participants into groups and open new rooms for temporary group work.

Moderators can start the function via the cogwheel menu next to the participant list under "Create breakout rooms". In the settings window, you can specify the number of rooms, name the rooms and determine how long the rooms should last. If the specified duration is not sufficient, it can be extended on an ongoing basis.


Three variants

  1. Choose your own assignment
  2. Choose random assignment
  3. Let participants choose their own assignment

After clicking on "Create", a new browser tab opens for the participants, in which they all have to make the audio settings again. In the sub-rooms, all participants have moderator rights and can take presenter rights. The elapsed time is visible to everyone at the top. Once the time has elapsed, the room is automatically closed and the notes and chats are deleted - they must be saved beforehand if desired. The participants return to the large start room.

While the participants are in the breakout rooms, the moderator can see all sub-rooms in the browser tab of the main room and enter them by clicking on them. The breakout session can also be ended prematurely.

Final note

Please be sure to practise these breakout scenarios beforehand so that you become confident in handling them and can explain to participants what is happening and help them if necessary.