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The Unixmail mailbox can also be used under Outlook. To do this, it must be integrated via IMAP. We offer you these step-by-step instructions for this.

Important note: These instructions have been translated word by word, so some names in Windows or Outlook may differ from the names in the instructions. However, the pictures serve as a guide.

This guide consists of two parts:

Step 1: Create app password

Step 2: Include mail account in Outlook

Optional: Set up for Outlook 2016 users

IT Service Desk
University Computer Centre
Bernhard-von-Cotta-Str. 1, 09599 Freiberg
servicedesk [at]

Step 1: Create app password


Log in to Self-Service with your central password. Click on the "Email (Unixmail)" tile.

E-Mail (Unixmail): Passwort erstellen

Create an app password for yourself. For better allocation, you can enter a meaningful comment as a description.

Note: This randomly generated password is only displayed once. You can copy it directly to the clipboard.

Step 2: Integrate mail account under Outlook

Mit Windows-Suchleiste "Systemsteuerung" suchen

Search for "Control Panel" in the Windows search bar. Open "User Accounts" and select "Mail (Microsoft Outlook)" from the following list.

Es öffnet sich das Mail-Setup - Outlook als Fenster, dort E-Mail-Konten auswählen

A window "Mail Setup - Outlook" will open, please go to "Email Accounts" to start setting up the mail account.

Neues E-Mail-Konto hinzufügen mit "Neu"

Now select "New".

"Manuelle Konfiguration oder zusätzliche Servertypen" auswählen

In the following dialogue, select the item "Manual configuration or additional server types". Then click on "Next".

Als Kontotyp "POP oder IMAP" auswählen und "weiter" klicken

In the next step, select "POP or IMAP" and go to the configuration dialogue with "Next".

Es öffnet sich ein Konfigurationsfenster, dort alle Informationsfelder mit den Universitätsdaten füllen

In this mask, enter the following parameters:

  • Your name: full name
  • E-mail address, e.g.:
    • Max [dot] Mustermann [at] student [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Max[dot]Mustermann[at]student[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
    • Max [dot] Mustermann [at] chemie [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Max[dot]Mustermann[at]chemie[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
    • mm08kuli [at] mailserver [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (mm08kuli[at]mailserver[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
      (mm08kuli would of course be your URZ login and mailserver your corresponding email alias, e.g. @chemie or @student). @chemistry or @student)
  • Account type: IMAP
  • Incoming mail server:
  • Outgoing mail server:
  • User name: Your central URZ login
  • Password: Important: Do not enter your central university password here, but an app password that you created in step 1.
  • Then click on "Further settings"
Anschließend "Weitere Einstellungen" auswählen und dort unter "Postausgangsserver" das Häkchen setzen
  • Click on the "Outgoing mail server" tab.
  • Select "The outgoing mail server (SMTP) requires authentication"
  • and "Use the same settings as for incoming mail servers".
  • Then click on the "Advanced" tab in the same window.
Ebenfalls unter weitere Einstellungen unter "Erweitert" die vorgegebenen Konfigurationen übernehmen

Enter the relevant port here and select the connection type:

  • Incoming mail server 993 or SSL
  • Outgoing mail server 465 and also SSL

Then click "OK".


Zum vorangegangene Menü zurückkehren und dort mit "weiter" weitergehen

All required account settings have been made.

Now click on "Next".

Die Kontoeinstellungen werden getestet indem eine Testnachricht gesendet wird

An attempt is then made to send a test email using the connection parameters just entered. If all the details are correct, you can close the dialogue by clicking "Close".

Mit "Fertig stellen" kann das Setup erfolgreich geschlossen werden

The setup is now complete.

After clicking on "Finish", you will find the UNIX account next to your other mailboxes.

Optional: Setup for Outlook 2016 users

Menüleiste im Startscreen von Outlook 2016

Click on the tab"FILE" in Outlook.

Konto hinzufügen im Outlook 2016

Now click on the "Add account" button at the top of the screen.

You can then continue with step 2 of these instructions.