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We operate a new anti-spam solution for emails. Log in to the Mail gateway interface. Below you will find a brief explanation of the relevant functions.

Note: The previous Sophos UTM service will be discontinued at the end of the year. Until then, we will gradually switch to the new provider.

Login mail gateway

You can access the mail gateway within the university or from the VPN.

When logging in, please log in with your primary email address and the central password. Do not use the central user ID.

Screenshot vom Mail-Gateway

Permanently delete or release emails

After logging in, you will see the contents of the spam folder. You can now permanently delete emails or release them.

To do this, select the relevant emails and click on the paper basket icon to delete them or on the lock icon to release them.

There are other functions behind the icon with the three dots:

  • Mark as read
  • Mark as unread
  • Admission list
  • Block list
Screenshot von der Blockliste

Sender blacklist & whitelist

In the mail gateway, you can add desired email domains with placeholders (such as * [at] gmail [dot] com (*[at]gmail[dot]com)) or email addresses (such as friend [at] gmail [dot] com (friend[at]gmail[dot]com)) to the "blocklist" or the "allow list". These are placed on the blacklist or whitelist. No further messages can be sent to you from email addresses on the blacklist. Emails that are on the whitelist will always be delivered to you.

Add & delete

  • Click on the cogwheel in the control bar (User settings).
  • Switch to the "Security" tab and click on "Blocklist" or "Allow list".
  • Use the "Add" button to create a new entry. Click "OK" to save the entry.
  • You can create up to 2048 entries.

If you want to remove an entry from the block/permission list, select it in the list and either click on the trash can icon (appears via mouseover) behind it or click in the box in front of it and then on the "Delete" button.

Download & upload

You can download or upload the block and authorisation list as a CSV, e.g. to edit them locally or to upload existing lists, e.g. from other users.

Further information

In the "Security" tab, there is an option "Receive spam report". Please leave this activated, as otherwise you will no longer receive any notification when an email is delivered to quarantine.