The TU Bergakademie Freiberg continues to be one of the leading universities in start-up support. In the current nationwide ranking "Gründungsradar 2025" by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V., it once again achieves an outstanding eighth place among 64 small universities and colleges.
The ranking assesses universities on the basis of seven key indicators, including "Start-up anchoring", "Start-up sensitisation and qualification" and "Start-up support". TU Bergakademie Freiberg once again achieved outstanding results, particularly in the categories "Start-up anchoring" and "Start-up activities". The first place in the category "Evaluation and Monitoring" is particularly pleasing. The TU Bergakademie Freiberg sets standards in the recording and monitoring of start-up activities: a comprehensive system enables the precise tracking of start-ups, documents their implementation and ensures a well-founded evaluation of the funding measures.
With a total of 50.5 out of 60 points, TUBAF is the leading small state university in Saxony when it comes to start-up support.
"TU Bergakademie Freiberg is a vibrant centre of innovation with a dynamic start-up culture, which is significantly strengthened by the SAXEED start-up network. Thanks to the commitment of our students and scientists, we have already been able to realise successful spin-offs in almost all faculties," explains Rector Prof. Dr Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht. "As the Rectorate, we support this positive development."
In the reference year 2023, SAXEED supervised a total of 30 start-up projects at TU Freiberg. This resulted in seven promising start-ups, including retria GmbH - a spin-off from the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Business Taxation.
While the number of start-ups is declining nationwide, there is a positive trend at universities, as the start-up radar shows. This emphasises the central role of universities in promoting innovative start-ups. Nevertheless, the high dependency of start-up support on third-party funding remains a challenge.
"Sustainable and long-term basic funding for transfer activities is essential in order to consolidate proven structures, secure the valuable practical knowledge of our employees in the long term and make start-up support fit for the future," emphasises Prof. Dr Tobias Fieback, Vice-Rector for Research, International Affairs and Transfer. "The Start-up Radar 2025 impressively shows that universities continue to be the central players in the German start-up landscape. The success stories of the many TUBAF start-ups such as MiViA GmbH, plasmotion GmbH and Additive Drives GmbH bring these results to life," adds Andre Uhlmann, Head of SAXEED at TUBAF.
Background: SAXEED at TU Bergakademie Freiberg
As a central institution at the Vice-Rectorate for Research, International Affairs and Transfer, SAXEED is a key player in start-up support at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. SAXEED sensitises and motivates students, graduates and university staff to the idea of starting their own business. Through the wide range of networking and teaching events, founders are qualified and supported by experienced start-up advisors from the evaluation of the business idea through the development of the business model to the founding of their own start-up. SAXEED is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), the Free State of Saxony, the participating universities and the BMWK.
The start-up radar of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. records and analyses the start-up activities and support services of German universities and higher education institutions every two years. The focus is on the following components:
- Establishment of start-ups
- Sensitisation and qualification for start-ups
- Start-up support
- Start-up activities
- Evaluation and monitoring
- Networking
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