The conference interface consists of two parts. The participant list can usually be seen on the left. The public chat and the shared notes can be opened here, which then open next to the list of participants.
The content area is located on the right. Elements such as videos, presentations or screen sharing are displayed here. Each element can also be hidden or displayed in full screen mode.
The left-hand area can be hidden or shown by clicking on the person icon (top left in the content area).
The view can be set individually by users and is not defined centrally in the interface by the moderator.
Animated quick overview
To view the animated GIF, open the file in a new browser tab.
List of participants
Participants can define their own name if they are not already logged into the conference system. The list of participants can also be hidden if required.
Public chat
All participants can ask or discuss questions here. The name of the questioner and the text entered are displayed for all participants to see.
Shared notes
Here, for example, minutes can be created together or links shared with everyone. Every person participating in the conference is authorised to add to the entries. The notes are available until the end of the conference and are deleted when the conference ends.
Moderators have the authorisation to promote themselves or other participants to presenter and upload a presentation using the plus symbol at the bottom. Videos can also be shared via a web address.
Share screen
Moderators are authorised to share their screen with the participants. It is possible to share just one programme window or the entire screen.
Create surveys
Moderators have the authorisation to create a poll and share it with the participants.
Group work / breakout room
Breakout rooms make it possible to divide participants into groups and open up new spaces for temporary group work.
Whiteboard function
The whiteboard function enables free drawing and writing on BBB slides similar to a whiteboard.
This function is located in the button bar on the right-hand side of the screen under "Tools". The default setting for this is the hand tool.