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If you have already achieved a Master's degree or equivalent, a second degree fee of 300 euro per semester is charged. This is also the case if you start a Bachelor's degree programme at TUBAF.  No second degree fee will be charged if you have achieved a Bachelor's degree so far.

legal basis

  • § 12 Paragraph 4 of the SächsHSFG (Saxon Higher Education Act) and 
  • § 1 Paragraph 1 of the Fee and Remuneration Regulations of TU Bergakademie 

Fee and Remuneration Regulations of TU Bergakademie govern the following:

  • TUBAF charges fees or remuneration for a degree program that leads to an additional professional higher education degree and is not a Master's program based on a Bachelor's degree, if the student already holds a Master's, Diplom, or Magister degree, or a degree from a program with a state or ecclesiastical final examination.
  • The second degree fee amounts to 300 euros per semester. The regular semester fee of 97 euros must be paid additionally regardless of this. The obligation to pay the second degree fee starts from the first semester. Payment must be made before enrolment and at each re-enrolment before the start of a new semester until graduation.

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