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  1. Software is considered "obsolete" if existing programmes can be replaced by modern code that significantly exceeds the efficiency, accuracy and/or coverage of the problem variety, so that the use of the obsolete software versions brings little or no economic benefit.
  2. Software continues to be considered "obsolete" if the training of students through the use of this software in teaching and research no longer meets the requirements of industry. The software used in teaching should correspond to a high degree of dissemination in the industry.
  3. Software will continue to be used alongside the existence of newer generations if a price-performance analysis indicates this. Such an analysis also precedes the decommissioning of software.
  4. New purchases of software are regulated in the "Framework Directive for the Procurement of Software of 26 October 1999".
  5. If software is classified as "obsolete", the following regulations and recommendations apply:
    1. The decommissioning must first be preceded by an examination of the possible implementation and continued use of the software within the respective area or the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Of course, economic considerations must also be taken into account. In this sense, it is not economical if, for example, time and resources are wasted on a shareware product that is now completely outdated and was originally registered for a small amount. However, the URZ should always be involved in the review process for higher-value software.
    2. If the software is bound to a contract, it must be cancelled in accordance with the applicable contractual terms. (cancellation period, return of documentation, destruction of data carriers, etc.).
    3. If the software is used within the framework of a central contract concluded by the URZ and no longer meets the conditions of teaching and research, this must be reported to the URZ and the licence used must be released in accordance with the terms of the contract. (deletion of the software, return of documentation, etc.).
    4. If the software to be discarded is bound to licence agreements that are not signed by a legal entity of the TU BAF (usually the chancellor), but rather represent formal registrations (but do contain binding licence conditions and restrictions on use!!), it is possible for the person responsible for the software to discard the software after a price-performance analysis, needs check in the environment or assessment of the market development.

      It is recommended to keep at least one generation compared to the new software version for recompilations, compatibilities etc.. The software will either be decommissioned in the manner described in the licence agreement or the software will be deleted from the machines in question, including the destruction of the corresponding data carriers and disposal in accordance with hazardous waste regulations. Data carriers such as floppy discs, CDROMs may have to be made unreadable by machine.

      In any case, it must be ensured that the discarded software cannot be misused or used illegally!

      Documentation must be discarded, destroyed or returned accordingly.

    5. If the discarded software was recorded centrally (see central computer inventory, all software packages > 5000 DM), the URZ must be informed of the intended discarding in any case.
    6. If no more licence documents can be found for software packages subject to licensing or if the lawful acquisition can no longer be proven in any other way, all copies of the software packages concerned must be deleted immediately.

Gez. Dr. A. Kluge

Director of the University Computer Centre