Resource University - regionally based and internationally networked
The TU Bergakademie Freiberg is the national resource university and at the same time the oldest university of mining sciences in the world. Since its foundation in 1765, teaching and research have been oriented along the entire raw materials value chain. Today, this includes the handling of natural raw materials from exploration, extraction, preparation and processing to recycling. The scientific fields represented at the university, which are reflected in the core fields of geo, materials, energy, environment and economics, are interlinked along the entire raw material value chain. The idea of sustainability, which was coined more than 300 years ago by Freiberg's chief miner Hans Carl von Carlowitz, was then as now the guiding principle in education and research.
Research for sustainable resource use
Resources form the basis for the economy, prosperity, security and innovation. This makes it all the more important to use them responsibly and sustainably. At TU Bergakademie Freiberg, technologies and solution approaches are developed to meet central societal challenges with regard to sustainable resource use. Its profile links the interrelated profile fields of GEO, MATERIAL, ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT in research and teaching and is consistently oriented towards the requirements of the future.
Humanitarian responsibility, environmental and climate protection, efficient use of scarce raw materials and sustainable provision of energy form key motivators of our research. Many of the innovations resulting from our research contribute worldwide to moving closer to the goal of closing the energy and material cycles.
Erdsystemverständnis und Rohstoffsicherung;
Werkstoffe und Technologien für ressourceneffiziente Produktion, nachhaltigen Werkstoffeinsatz und innovative Produkte;
Gestaltung einer grünen Energiewende;
Umweltschonende Technologien für nachhaltigen und effizienten Rohstoff- und Ressourceneinsatz
Research centered study
Resource University is a very special place to study: The excellent supervision ratio is reflected in close ties between teachers and students. Students are involved in research at an early stage and benefit from the practice-oriented teaching in their later professional lives. In courses of study that are unique in Germany, knowledge is imparted in order to find creative solutions to currently pressing questions of raw materials and energy supply.
International and cosmopolitan
The working and study atmosphere at TU Bergakademie Freiberg is characterized by openness to the world and respectful interaction with one another. The university has a great international appeal, especially in the raw materials sector. The proportion of international students is about 40 percent. Students benefit from the global networking of our scientists, who can gain experience abroad as part of exchange programs, internships or international study programs.
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum der Rohstoffstrategie
Die Sächsischen Rohstoffstrategie - mit der TU Bergakademie Freiberg besitzt der Freistaat Sachsen ein interdisziplinäres Kompetenzzentrum, mit vielfältigen Stärken und internationaler Reputation. Ausstrahlung weit über Sachsen hinausgeht. Deutschland braucht starke Impulse aus Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Freiheit in deren technologischer Umsetzung.
Innovation through networking with large-scale research and industry
Researchers at TU Bergakademie Freiberg are involved in developing solutions for sustainable value creation so that raw materials and ecological resources can be used as efficiently as possible. In its function as a scientific center, the resource university is networked nationally and internationally with institutions of large-scale research and industry, creating ideal conditions for finding innovative solutions for the sustainable development of the energy and raw materials industry.
Regional anchoring
The TU Bergakademie Freiberg is the largest employer in the region. With its specific teaching and research profile and its networking in science and industry, it offers its graduates the best conditions for starting a job regionally, nationally or abroad. Great importance is attached to the preservation of traditions and historical heritage. The university provides support so that the UNESCO World Heritage region "Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří" with its mining, metallurgical and industrial culture can develop an even greater appeal in the future.
Resource University for over 250 years
The Mining Academy, established in 1765, is considered the oldest university of mining sciences in the world. Following its example, numerous other mining academies were founded, e.g. in St. Petersburg, Russia (1773), Almadén, Spain (1777) or Mexico (1792). It was and is the home of scientists who have influenced the development of mining science and technology worldwide. The two elements germanium and indium were discovered here. Since its foundation, the TU Bergakademie Freiberg has attracted students from all over the world, including Alexander von Humboldt as well as the discoverers of other chemical elements, such as Fausto and Juan José d'Elhuyar (tungsten) and Manuel Andrés del Río (vanadium).