NOWA at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Together strong in science and research
Our NOWA network is a network for and by female scientists and science managers at TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
This gives female scientists and science managers a place to exchange experiences - on a personal and professional level. The participants meet regularly for workshops, meetings and lunches, where they can learn about a wide range of topics relating to working in science as well as different career paths and funding programmes.
With the network, the women want to support and strengthen each other in order to be successful in science. With NOWA, there is now a platform with which women in science can be made more visible.
NOWA stands for
- Nnew learning:
We make it possible to inform and educate ourselves on topics related to working in academia and our career paths. - Oorganisation:
We regularly invite you to network meetings, joint lunches, workshops and professional and personal exchanges. You can find the dates on the blog and in OPAL. - Wirken:
We help shape university development in order to remove structural barriers and provide equal opportunities for all academics. - Austausch:
We create space for personal and interdisciplinary exchange and support and network with each other.
Our next dates:
Thu, 13.02.2025 12 noon Lunch get-together Neue Mensa
Mi, 19.03.2025 4 pm Coffee get-together SIZ
Thu, 10.04.2025 12 noon Lunch get-together Neue Mensa
Mi, 21.05.2025 4 pm Coffee get-together SIZ
Fri, 09.05.2025 6 pm Alumni Evening (JuFaS) still open
Thu, 12.06.2025 12 pm Lunch Regulars' Table New Mensa
Mi, 16.07.2025 4 pm Coffee Regulars' Table SIZ
Thu, 14.08.2025 12 pm Lunch Regulars' Table New Mensa
Contact us
We are self-organised and use an OPAL platform for our networking.
Sign up at OPAL and you will get access to all information and contacts.
The network has a steering group. Feel free to get in touch: nowa [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de (nowa[at]tu-freiberg[dot]de)