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Logo Audit Familiengerechte Hochschule

Audit Family-friendly University

In 2023, TUBAF once again successfully passed the auditing process of "berufundfamilie Service GmbH" and was awarded the "family-friendly university" certificate. A definition of the concept of family was developed as part of the audit. The basic understanding of family was deliberately chosen to be very open in order to do justice to the most diverse forms of family.

"Family is an interpersonal relationship characterised by solidarity, personal connection and care."

Certificate TUBAF  Brief portrait TUBAF Management guidelinesBrochure family-friendly university

The Mission Statement

The TU Bergakademie Freiberg is already committed to this topic in its mission statement. Among other things, it states:
Together: Social and intercultural competences are our particular strengths. We treat people, cultures and ideas with openness. We realise equal opportunities. The informal atmosphere of our university is one of our advantages.

Offers and Information for Students and Employees

Schreibtisch mit Notebook, Büchern und einer Hand
Information for students with children
Read more about organising your studies with a child.
Information for employees with children
Read more about work and family regulations
Kita Hornmühlenweg
Information on childcare
Read more about the childcare options
Weihnachtsbasteln Studentischer Weihnachtsmarkt 2022
Information for families
Read more about our offers for families
Information on caring for relatives
Read more about regulations on care and work
Advice & Downloads
Get an overview of contact persons and information material

Promoting good Project Ideas to improve Family Friendliness

As part of its gender equality concept for implementing the DFG's gender equality standards, the university has drawn up a package of measures to promote equal opportunities for women as an underrepresented gender in science. In this context, good ideas for improving family friendliness at TU Bergakademie Freiberg are also promoted. To this end, the Rectorate Commission for Diversity, Equality and Inclusion issues a call for proposals twice a year on 28 February and 31 August. Your ideas are in demand!

Family at the University e.V.

In the "Familie in der Hochschule e.V." association, our university also continuously exchanges information with its member universities to promote family-friendly measures and has signed the "Familie in der Hochschule" charter.

Logo Familie in der Hochschule


In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Landkreis Mittelsachsen koordiniert die AWO Kreisverband Freiberg das „Familienpaten“-Projekt im Altkreis Freiberg.

Mehr erfahren


Die Broschüre "Familiengerechte Hochschule - Die Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, ein attraktiver Arbeits- und Studienort" enthält einen Überblick über die Vielfalt der Maßnahmen und Angebote an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, die aufgrund der Bedarfe der Studierenden und der Mitarbeiterschaft entwickelt worden sind. Alle Informationen zu den gesetzlichen Regelungen, der Finanzierung, der Organisation des Studiums, den Ansprechpersonen und vielem mehr finden Sie in übersichtlicher Form auch in der Broschüre "Studium mit Kind".



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