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It is advisable to define rules for behaviour in the virtual space before the start, e.g. regarding the use of private chats or the handling of notes. The respective rules depend on the scenario.

Scenario 1: Team meeting


All participants can speak, camera can be optionally activated, the meeting is not recorded


  • Determine communication rules in the team and appoint a moderator
  • If possible, send an agenda to all participants before the start of the meeting as well as opportunities to prepare for certain agenda items
  • The agenda of the team meeting can be stored in the shared notes. It is a good idea to appoint one person as secretary and take notes in the shared notes
  • The chat function can be used for follow-up questions if one person has technical problems (e.g. no sound)
  • The editing function makes it possible to make markups together in a presentation
  • The use of the TUBAF cloud and the screen sharing function is a good way to work on a shared document

Scenario 2: Lecture


All participants are muted, only the moderator has audio and camera rights, the list of participants is hidden, the meeting can be recorded

The aim is for the teacher/participants to present content. The participants should be able to understand the content and at the same time be able to ask questions to the presenter.


The person who wants to present content has presenter rights and can start a survey, upload a presentation or share an external video. This person has their microphone switched on and can speak to the shared content. During the presentation, the presenter's video transmission is not mandatory and can be switched off.

All other participants have muted their microphone and follow the presentation by hearing and seeing. Possible questions from the participants are best written via the chat. These are viewed by a designated person (presenter or additional moderator). It is a good idea to have another person collect the questions and put them to the presenter in a bundle. Questions from the chat can also be addressed directly. It is important to explain to the participants how to deal with the questions at the beginning. If questions from the chat are not comprehensible, the person can also be asked to switch on their own microphone and ask them via audio.

A check/feedback on the participants' understanding can be made via "Create survey". This can be helpful, as the otherwise visible listener signals such as yawning, questioning looks, etc. are not visible in the video conference. Participants can also be asked to set their own status (next to the participant name) with regard to a question. This interaction helps the presenter to assess whether the participants have understood the key points but also helps the participants to assess themselves and apply what they have heard.

Scenario 3: Exercise/Seminar

The aim is to develop solutions/content together (exercise character) and to discuss questions and results together (seminar character).


Participants receive materials (text, video, sources, etc.) in preparation for the conference session and work on these under a question/task. The participants come to the conference prepared. In this case, content can be discussed in more depth or questions or problems can be discussed in the conference.

The participants have their own content that they would like to contribute and should have visualised this in advance. Ideally, the documents are all stored centrally beforehand so that the moderator can access them to ensure the conference runs smoothly.