On this page you will find an overview of the contact persons responsible for various topics at our university. Whether it's studying and working with disabilities, information security, data protection, sustainability or international relations - our representatives are happy to be your contact persons.
International Representatives of the Rector

Commissioner for Foreigners

Alumni Representative

Contact person for addiction issues

Anti-Corruption Officer

Officer for conflict resolution in the workplace

Ansprechpartner bei Fragen zum Außenwirtschafts- und Exportkontrollrecht:
Thomas Mittelstädt, Justiziariat, Thomas [dot] Mittelstaedt [at] zuv [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Thomas[dot]Mittelstaedt[at]zuv[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de), +49 3731 39-2993
Sebastian Kiefel, D2.2 (Forschungsangelegenheiten), sebastian [dot] kiefel [at] zuv [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (sebastian[dot]kiefel[at]zuv[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de), +49 3731 39-2988
Dr. Jens Grigoleit, Prorektorat Forschung, Internationales und Transfer, jens [dot] grigoleit [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de, +49 3731 39-2585
Officer for conflict resolution in the workplace

Representative for the TUBAF target agreement

Appointment officer

Data protection officer

DFG Liaison Lecturer for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice

Equal Opportunities and Women's Representative

Information Security Officer

Inclusion, studying and working with disabilities

Environmental Officer

Radiation protection officer