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Research areas of the faculties

Studierende im Virtual Reality Raum CAVE
Mathematics and computer science
Studierende im Labor
Chemistry and physics
TUBAF_Geophysikalische Messungen im Gelände
Geosciences, geotechnics and mining
Versuchsanlage additive Fertigung
Mechanical engineering, process and energy technology
Materials science and materials technology
Erasmus+ Praktikum

Interdisciplinary centres (selection):

Centre for Water Research Freiberg (ZeWaF)
Gebäude des Forschungszentrums ZeHS
Centre for Efficient High-Temperature Material Conversion (ZeHS)
Zentrum für Hochtemperaturmaterialien
FCCE - Freiberg Centre for Circular Economy
IÖZ - Interdisciplinary Ecological Centre
Filterstrukturen von kohlenstoffgebundenen Alumina-Schaumfiltern zur Erforschung von leistungsstarken, sicheren und leichten metallischen Werkstoffen
DFG Collaborative Research Centre 920 - Multifunctional filters for molten metal filtration
REM-Aufnahmen von feuerfesten Materialien
DFG Research Training Group 2802: Refractory Recycling
Querschnitte durch eine Hochdruckzelle mit Probe nach einem Multi-Anvil-Experiment
FHP - Freiberg High Pressure Research Centre
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron - DESY
Saxony-DESY Cooperation Centre

Excellent research infrastructures

Roboterarm mit Keramikfilter.

A particular strength of TU Bergakademie Freiberg is its excellent, in some cases unique, equipment and research infrastructure, which enables end-to-end technology developments based on basic research, modelling and simulation through to technology development on an industrial pilot scale.

In addition to well-equipped laboratories and pilot plants in the fields of chemistry, physics, environmental and geosciences, geotechnics, metallurgy, glass and ceramics, process engineering, additive manufacturing, materials technology, robotics, foundry and forming technology, semiconductor and sensor technology as well as heat and energy technology, several central infrastructure facilities are available to researchers.

Facilities and equipment

Roboterarm mit Keramikfilter.


Central infrastructure facilities:

  • Behavioural Research Lab and Virtual Reality Lab
  • HPC Cluster
  • Central Clean Room Laboratory
  • Scientific Diving Centre
  • Geoscientific Collections
  • Research and Teaching Mine

Partnerships, networks, alliances

The TU Bergakademie Freiberg is one of the top international addresses in the field of research into resource technologies and has been shaping developments in this field worldwide since its foundation. A large number of research institutions in the field of resource research can trace their origins directly back to TU Bergakademie Freiberg or scientists trained here. The network that has grown and the number of partnerships are correspondingly large. In addition to numerous national and international university, research and industry partnerships, TU Bergakademie Freiberg is actively involved in networks such as the European University Alliance EURECA-PRO - The European University on Responsible Consumption and Production and the German Resource Research Institute (GERRI). She was also the driving force behind the founding and development of the world's largest innovation network for resource technologies, EIT RawMaterials, with more than 120 partners from education, research and industry.

Numerous scientific institutions and research-related organisations and companies are located in Freiberg and the surrounding region. Partners at the site include the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technologies HIF, the Fraunhofer Technology Centre for High Performance Materials, the Fraunhofer Outstation for Carbon Cycle Technologies, the DBI - Gastechnologisches Institut gGmbH, the FILK Freiberg Institute, the Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Geologie, the Sächsische Oberbergamt and several other affiliated institutes and industrial research organisations.

Several foundations are important sponsors of science and research. The Dr Erich Krüger Foundation, one of the largest university foundations in Germany, should be emphasised here, with the help of which projects worth well over 1 million euros can be implemented each year.

Responsible research - ethical and quality standards

Our research is at the service of society. With our work and its results, we contribute to creating and maintaining good humanitarian and natural living conditions and to solving the major social challenges of resource, environmental and climate protection. We promote sustainable development in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as innovation-friendly, cosmopolitan, peaceful and tolerant coexistence.

The TU Bergakademie Freiberg is committed to the principles of good scientific practice and the requirements of the DFG Code of Conduct "Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice" and implements these in a binding manner for all researchers and students. Good scientific practice concerns scientific work and documentation, interaction and communication with students and staff and the publication of results. The corresponding regulations offer support and guidance. It also regulates the handling of conflicts.

The TU Bergakademie Freiberg grants scientists a high degree of freedom. It encourages courage, creativity, entrepreneurship and a spirit of discovery. It strives for a culture of facilitation and support, curiosity and respectful interaction. This includes openness to new and unconventional approaches and methods. Researchers are treated with equal respect, included in the community and individually supported, regardless of gender, ethnic and cultural origin, religion, world view, individual limitations or orientations.

TUBAF's equality concept

The TU Bergakademie Freiberg is committed to Open Science and supports the disclosure and dissemination of knowledge and research results for the benefit of humanity and the realisation of the goals of sustainable development. It is a signatory to the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities and provides its scientists with the necessary means to publish research results and data openly accessible. With the publication platform Qucosa and the research data repository OpARA, the university has its own repositories. In addition, TU Bergakademie Freiberg is part of the DEAL consortium and offers support for fee-based open access publications with an open access fund.

The university promotes science communication and the transfer of knowledge and technology to industry and society with various formats of its own, for example as part of the 4transfer project.

The TU Bergakademie Freiberg creates the necessary conditions for the professional and responsible handling, long-term preservation and accessibility of research data. We are a member of the National Research Data Infrastructure e.V. (NFDI) and our scientists are actively involved in the relevant specialist groups. We are also involved in the Saxon network SaxFDM (Research Data Management Saxony), which provides advice and support to Saxon researchers.

Research data policy of TUBAF


Jens Grigoleit
Universitätshauptgebäude, Prorektorat Forschung, Internationales und Transfer, Akademiestr. 6, 1. OG
jens.grigoleit [at] +49 3731 39-2585