Our legal tasks
We plan and coordinate the supply of the university with IT equipment and systems as well as general software.
We develop a concept and offer a recommendation for the expansion of the data network.
We work together with the university facilities on questions of training and further education in IT equipment.
We work together with the computer centres of other universities in the conception, establishment and use of regional and supra-regional data networks and in the coordination of work.

Our duties at the university
- We maintain close contact with the users of our IT systems.
- We work together with the Computing Technology Advisory Board to develop conceptual ideas for the long-term development of the use of IT as a basis for decision-making for the university management.
Our tasks at the university
- We operate our central IT systems.
- We operate the university's data communication network
- We operate the associated central communication services (network services) for data and telephony.
- We look after the central computer pools for student education.
- We support the structural units in the operation of the decentralised IT systems.
- We provide data processing-specific services.
- We advise and train university members in the use of IT systems.
- We are responsible for organising the maintenance of our central IT systems.
Utilisation regulations and guidelines
- Regulations for setting URZ passwords (only accessible internally at the university)
- Notes on the removal of obsolete software (only accessible internally at the university)
Current projects
- Restoration of the IT infrastructure after the IT security incident in 2023
Completed projects (selection)
- Project Opara - Long-term archiving of research data
- Project SaxIS 2006 - Creation of a Shibboleth Federation
- Project SaxID - Development of a federated identity management
for the distributed use of IT services in Saxony
The University Computer Centre relies on close cooperation with the users of IT at TU Bergakademie Freiberg to effectively implement its tasks. Part of this cooperation takes place via user committees.
The Advisory Board for Computing Technology
As an expert advisory body, the Senate Commission for Scientific Development and Libraries forms an Advisory Board for Computing Technology (BRT), which includes at least one representative from each faculty, the administration and the university library.
The Vice-Rector for Research chairs the Advisory Board for Computing Technology; the Director of the URZ participates in the meetings of the Advisory Board in an advisory capacity as a representative of the Senate Commission.
The tasks of the Advisory Board for Computing Technology are derived from the tasks of the Senate Commission on Scientific Development and Libraries.
The main tasks of the Advisory Board for Computing Technology are as follows:
- Developing and updating conceptual ideas for the development of the overall complex of computing technology at the TU as a basis for decision-making,
- Supporting the implementation of framework guidelines for computing technology,
- Ensuring largely uniform action by those working in the field of computing technology,
- Helping to shape cooperative relationships in the field of computing technology,
- Evaluating applications for large-scale equipment and deriving recommendations.
Working groups to support the work of the Advisory Board
The following working groups were set up or revived to intensify the necessary dialogue between users and the URZ: These working groups are intended to support the work of the Computing Technology Advisory Board and provide it with proposals for solutions to specific problem areas.
The following working groups are currently in place:
- Centralised computing
- Databases / (geo)information systems
- Finite element methods
- Multimedia teaching and learning
Further information
- Personal composition, meeting minutes (TU-internal)