During a degree programme, various examinations must be completed, which are set out in the examination and study regulations.

Audit matters
In order to be admitted to an examination, it is necessary to apply or register either at the Student Office or via the self-service portal.
Registration and examination periods
The exact registration and examination periods can be found in the semester dates.
- Registration period WS 2024/25: 18 November 2024 (Mon.) - 5 Dezember 2024 (Thu.)
- Examination period WS 2024/25: 10 February 2025 (Mon.) - 14 March 2025 (Fri.)
Exam registration
is done via the self-service portal
- Exchange students from a partner university (including Erasmus+) can not register online for exams. Please complete the "Registration for module examinations" form (see download below) and submit it to the Student Office.
Examination cancellation
is done via the self-service portal
Each candidate can withdraw from an examination without giving reasons up to one week before the examination date at the latest.
Inability to take examinations
If you are unforeseeably unable to take an examination, e.g. due to an accident or illness, you must notify the Student Office immediately in writing with suitable proof, in the case of illness regularly with a medical certificate. Telemedical certificates and certificates issued abroad are not accepted!
Room plan
The TUBAF room directory:
Examination schedule
Examination schedule for the winter semester 2024/25. Please note that there may still be changes, especially to the rooms!
Registration for the 2nd repeat examination
Form: Application for admission and registration for the 2nd repeat examination
Registration for module examinations
Form: registration for module examinations (free elective modules and additional modules that are not listed in the self-service portal)
Change of the examination regulations