Who carries out an official certification?
Any public body that bears an official seal (round stamp with emblem) can officially certify documents. This includes, among others: Authorities, notaries and churches organized under public law. Certifications from the following bodies are not recognized (even if they have a seal): Lawyers, associations, auditors, accountants.
Officially certified translations are issued by translators appointed at state level.
Official certifications and translations are subject to a fee.
How is the official certification to be carried out?
The official certification must contain:
1. a note certifying that the copy/transcript corresponds to the original (certification note),
2. the signature of the certifier and
3. the imprint of the official seal. An official seal usually contains an emblem. A simple type stamp is not sufficient.
Please note:
Copied certifications are not proper and will not be recognized by the university.
If the copy/transcript consists of several individual sheets, it must be proven that each page originates from the same document. It is sufficient if only one page bears the certification endorsement and the signature, provided that all sheets are placed on top of each other (e.g. like scales), stapled and sealed in such a way that a part of the official seal impression appears on each page (see illustration in the upper left part of the sample). Each page can also be notarized separately. In this case, make sure that your name appears on each page of the original. If it does not appear everywhere, it must be included in the notarization notes, together with a reference to the type of document. If there is a copy on the front and back of a page and the content of both pages is important, the certification note must also refer to the front and back or the front and back must be certified separately. If there is a seal imprinted in the paper on the original (a so-called embossed seal), this will generally not be visible on the copy. The certification note on the copy must then be extended to state that the original had an embossed seal of the issuer of the certificate/document.