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Registration for exams, going abroad during studies, re-registration, certificate of achievement, transition to the master's degree and entry into the profession - at every stage of studies there are many specific questions and formalities to be considered. The self-service portal offers various services. On this page you will find all the information and points of contact for everything to do with studying.


Vor dem Beginn der Lehrveranstaltungen bieten die Orientierungs- und Einführungstage Gelegenheit zum Auffrischen von Abiturwissen in Mathe, Chemie und Physik, unsere Info-Börse bietet die Gelegenheit zur Anmeldung in einen Sportkurs, es können Laborkittel erworben werden und man kann sich zu IT-Fragen beraten lassen. Dazu gibt es Angebote zu Campustouren, zum Kennenlernen der Uni-Stadt und ein vielfältiges Angebot des StuRa und der Fachschaften.

Studienbeginn Wintersemester 2024/25

Welcome Internationals

Wir begrüßen alle internationalen Studienanfängerinnen und Studienanfänger auf dem Welcome-Point im Universitätshauptgebäude, Akademiestraße 6 (EG) und zu den Orientierungsveranstaltungen.

Welcome-Services für internationale Studienanfänger 2024

Study organization

Everything about studying and the course of studies - study documents, re-registration, semester fees, change of course, leave of absence, ...
Schreibtisch mit Notebook, Büchern und einer Hand
Forms and applications
Forms for students from the Student Office in Department 2 - Studies and Research
Dates and deadlines
Dates in winter semester and summer semester, start and end of lecture periods. Examination times and registration for examinations and university days with dies academicus
Service und Beratung
Service and advice
For questions regarding the course of studies, students have contact persons available at the university - depending on the issue - and also at the Studentenwerk Freiberg (Student Union).

About studying

Erasmus+ Praktikum an der TUBAF
Learn languages
The time at the university offers the opportunity to learn languages. Some of them are language courses of the study program. But you can also learn a new language to prepare for a study abroad or internships abroad, for example.
TUBAF_Von Freiberg in die Welt
Going abroad during your studies
Expanding language skills, studying at a foreign university, completing an internship, and gaining intercultural skills are all possible during your studies.
Karrieremesse ORTE
Preparation for the start of a career
The Career Center supports students in preparing to enter the workforce. During their studies, the focus is on developing key competencies and establishing company contacts, including at the ORTE career fair.
Gründernetzwerk Saxeed
Saxeed start-up network
The start-up network Saxeed supports students, graduates, scientists who want to start their own business. The team accompanies the start-up process and advises on idea development, modeling, financing and brand launch.

IT services for students

Monitor with the image of the OPAL Learning platform
OPAL learning platform (instructions for students and external users)
Erasmus+ Hochschulkoordinatorin nutzt das Downloadcenter
Self-service portal
The self-service portal is an important platform for creating study certificates, printing certificates of achievement, and providing feedback on studies.
Opportunities in the e-education area of the media center. Among other things, for working with the OPAL learning platform, lecture transmissions or teaching videos.
University Computing Centre (URZ) IT Services
User account, software, communication, collaboration - questions answered by the FAQ service of the URZ