![Zwei Schülerinnen schauen sich eine Tafel an](/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/2023-06/tubaf_wissensreise_01.jpg?itok=-RP_3vjj)
For school groups, e.g. advanced or foundation courses in year 11, 12 or 13, there are offers from various subject areas and fields of knowledge at the university. Lectures, internships, experiments, visits, guided tours and excursions provide an insight into university life, impart knowledge about the content and requirements of degree programmes and provide information about careers and fields of work for graduates. School classes have the opportunity to visit the research mine and laboratories or take a look around a technical centre.
Offers by subject
M 1: On futuristic permutations
Content of the lecture
The lecture is centred around the concept of permutation. After working out some basics, we will look at a mathematical theorem that was developed by the makers of the TV series "Futurama" and incorporated into the script of an episode. The resulting episode of the series is not only very entertaining, but also mathematically interesting!
- Suitable for: LK mathematics, interested parties, further education for teachers
- From grade 11
- Duration: 60 min.
- Type: Lecture at the university
Prof. Dr rer. nat. Friedrich Martin Schneider
Professorship for Applied Algebra
Prüferstr. 1, Room 1.09
+49 3731 39-3187
Fax +49 3731 39-3595
Martin [dot] Schneider [at] math [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Martin[dot]Schneider[at]math[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
M 2: Of Goats and Markov Chains
Course content
- The Goat or Monty-Hall Problem
. Monty Hall problem - Conditional probabilities
- Modelling with Markov chains
- Transition probabilities and transition matrix
- Long-term behaviour of Markov chains
- Suitable for: GK and LK mathematics, interested parties
- from grade 11
- Duration: 60 min
- Type: lecture at grammar school, lecture at university
Jun.-Prof. Dr rer. nat. Björn Sprungk
Junior Professor of Applied Mathematics
University Main Building, Prüferstr. 9, Room DG.02
+49 3731 39-3225
Fax +49 3731 39-3442
bjoern [dot] sprungk [at] math [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Bjoern[dot]Sprungk[at]math[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
M 3: The brachistochrone problem
Course content
How must a curve be shaped to allow a ring to slide from a point A and a point B further down under the influence of gravity in the shortest possible time? If points A and B are directly below each other, the solution seems obvious. However, if the points are not only vertically but also horizontally offset, the problem - the brachistochrone problem - is much more difficult and has occupied mathematicians since the beginning of differential and integral calculus. In the lecture, we will describe the brachistochrone problem mathematically, trace its historical development and derive its solution.
- Suitable for: GK and LK mathematics, further education for teachers
- from grade level: 11
- Duration: 60 min.
- Type: lecture at grammar school, lecture at university
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Marcus Waurick
Professorship for Partial Differential Equations
University Main Building, Prüferstr. 9, Room 1.04
+49 3731 39-2688
Fax +49 3731 39-3595
Marcus [dot] Waurick [at] math [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Marcus[dot]Waurick[at]math[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
M 4: What are numbers and how many of them are there?
Course content
In the lecture, we will try to shed light on the concept of numbers and number ranges from a mathematical perspective and want to understand how to count infinite sets of numbers. We will also compare sets of numbers and realise that there are as many natural numbers as there are rational numbers. But are there more? Are real numbers much more? How much more?
- Suitable for: GK and LK mathematics, further education for teachers
- From grade level: 10
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Type: Lecture at grammar school, lecture at university
Prof. Dr rer. nat. habil. Marcus Waurick
Professorship for Partial Differential Equations
University Main Building, Prüferstr. 9, Room 1.04
+49 3731 39-2688
Fax +49 3731 39-3595
Marcus [dot] Waurick [at] math [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Marcus[dot]Waurick[at]math[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
M 5: A foray through graph theory
Course content
There will be an application-oriented introduction to the world of graphs, in which selected graph-theoretical problems will be discussed using practical examples (minimum-cost communication networks, marriage problem, frequency allocation in mobile telephony or traffic light switching) and algorithms for their practical solution will be presented.
- Suitable for: Students from grade 10, further education for teachers
- Duration: 90 min lecture
- Type: Lecture at grammar school, lecture at university
Prof. Dr Friedrich Martin Schneider
Professorship for Applied Algebra
Prüferstr. 1
+49 3731 39-3187
Fax +49 3731 39-3442
%20Martin [dot] Schneider [at] math [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Martin[dot]Schneider[at]math[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
M 6: On the impossibility of squaring the circle
Course content
One of the classical construction tasks of antiquity is the task of constructing a square of equal area for a given circle of radius 1 using a compass and ruler. From antiquity to modern times, mankind has not succeeded in finding a corresponding construction rule. Towards the end of the 19th century, more than 2000 years after the problem was found, the solution was found: it cannot work because pi is transcendental! The lecture explains the basic questions and explains why the aforementioned property of pi leads to the proof of impossibility. Finally, it is outlined why pi is actually transcendental.
- Suitable for: GK and LK mathematics, further education for teachers
- from grade 11
- Duration: 60 min
- Type: Lecture at grammar school, lecture at university
Prof. Dr rer. nat. habil. Marcus Waurick
Professorship for Partial Differential Equations
University Main Building, Prüferstr. 9, Room 1.04
+49 3731 39-2688
Fax +49 3731 39-3595
Marcus [dot] Waurick [at] math [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Marcus[dot]Waurick[at]math[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
M 7: About artificial intelligence and how to make fun of it
Event content
Neuronal networks, deep learning, artificial intelligence, big data and data science are buzzwords that you come across on every corner these days and which, conversely, have become an integral part of society and science. In this lecture, we want to take a brief look at the field of AI and machine learning (how does artificial intelligence actually learn?). We will look at the history of these (seemingly) modern tools, their advantages and disadvantages, understand the structure of a neural network and take a closer look at the simplest form of such a network, the perceptron. We will then be able to explicitly and simply calculate how we can fool the trained neural network into thinking that a reliably recognised "U" is a reliably recognised "X" by minimally changing a few pixels, especially for the key discipline of neural networks: image recognition and classification.
- Suitable for: GK and LK mathematics, interested parties
- From grade 10
- Duration: 90 min
- Type: Lecture at grammar school, lecture at university
Jun.Prof. Dr Björn Sprungk
Junior Professorship of Applied Mathematics
University Main Building, Prüferstr. 9, Room 1.04, Room DG.02
+49 3731 39-3225
Fax +49 3731 39-3442
bjoern [dot] sprungk [at] math [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Bjoern[dot]Sprungk[at]math[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
I 1: Microcontroller workshop
Event content
- Programming small microcontroller systems
- Introduction to the required electronic and software components
- Pupils gain an insight into specialist areas such as computer science, robotics or electrical engineering
- Suitable for: GK and LK computer science, interested parties
- From grade 10
- Type: Lecture at grammar school, lecture at university
Prof. Dr.-.Ing. Sebastian Zug
Professorship for Software Technology and Robotics
Bernhard-von-Cotta-Straße 2, Room 224
+49 3731 39-2568
Sebastian [dot] Zug [at] informatik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Sebastian[dot]Zug[at]informatik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
I 2: Excursion into virtual reality - tour of the CAVE
Event content
Tour of the projection room at the Institute of Computer Science, the so-called CAVE, which creates virtual worlds in unique visualisation quality
- From grade 10
- Duration: 60 min.
- Type: Event at the university
Prof. Dr Bernhard Jung
Institute of Computer Science
Bernhard-von-Cotta-Straße 2
+49 3731 39-3837
Fax +49 3731 39-2298
jung [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de (jung[at]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
For enquiries and registrations please contact:
Mrs Dipl.-.Chem. Annett Paleit
Faculty of Chemistry and Physics, Institute of Organic Chemistry
Leipziger Straße 29
+49 3731 39-2151
Fax +49 3731 39-3170
Annett [dot] Paleit [at] chemie [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Annett[dot]Paleit[at]chemie[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
The lectures C1 to C6 are preferably offered during the lecture-free period (February, mid to end of March, mid to end of July, mid August to mid October).
Project day C7 is generally only offered during the lecture-free period (March, August and September by arrangement)
C1: Inorganic-organic highly porous materials - a new type of molecular clothesline
Course content: Presentation of the possible applications of metal-organic framework compounds as catalysts, sensors and release agents.
Suitable for: LK Chemistry; interested parties from grade 11
from grade 11
Type: Lecture at the university
Duration: 45 minutes
Presenter: Prof Dr Mertens
C 2: From molecule to material
Content: Production of ceramic materials from molecular precursors and presentation of the chemistry degree programme (Bachelor/Master and Diplom) at TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
Suitable for: LK Chemistry; interested parties from grade 11
Type: Lecture at the university
Duration: 45 min
Presenter: Prof. Dr Kroke
C 3: White biotechnology
Content of the event: Modern bioanalysis, industrial biotechnology
Suitable for: LK Chemistry; interested parties from grade 11
Type: Lecture at the university
Duration: 45 min
Presenter: Prof Dr Bertau
C 4: Raw materials for the energy transition
Content: Modern raw material extraction, energy and raw material transition, renewable energies
Suitable for: LK Chemistry; interested students from grade 11
Type: Lecture at the university
Duration: 45 min
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Bertau
C 5: Identification and genetic optimisation of biocatalysts
Content: Microorganisms as a source of biocatalysts (enzymes), isolation of suitable microorganisms from the environment, possibilities of genetic optimisation of biocatalysts
Suitable for: Interested parties from grade 11
Type : Lecture at the university
Duration: 45 min
Presenter: Jun. Prof. Sabrina Hedrich, Dr. Michel Oelschlägel
C 6: Guided tour of the main building and/or the North Laboratory Annex with a tour of research equipment
The following equipment can be viewed:
- NMR spectrometer
- FT-IR spectrometer
- ICP atomic emission spectrometer
- Mass spectrometer (MS)
- Chromatographs in combination with MS
- Elemental analyser
- Equipment combination for thermal analysis
- Single crystal structure analysis
C 7: Project day with experimental work
Event content: As part of a project day at the university, pupils and
pupil groups, especially from chemistry performance courses, can carry out experimental work in the chemistry laboratories of the Faculty of Chemistry and Physics under expert guidance. The specific focus is determined by the students' level of education (grade, advanced course, basic course) and subject-specific wishes.
Suitable for: 10th to 12th grade
Duration: 3 hours
Group size: min. 7, max. 14 participants
P 1: Self-similarity, fractals and deterministic chaos
- Suitable for: Students in LK Physics
- From grade 11
- Presenter: Prof. Dr Jens Kortus
- Duration: approx. 45 min
- Type: Lecture at the university
Please note: This programme is preferably offered during the lecture-free period (February/March, mid-July to the end of September).
Prof. Dr. Jens Kortus
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Leipziger Str. 23
+49 3731 39-4008
Fax +49 3731 39-4005
Jens [dot] Kortus [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Jens[dot]Kortus[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
P 2: In search of Schrödinger's cat
- Suitable for: Students in LK Physics
- From grade 11
- Presenter: Prof Dr Jens Kortus
- Duration: approx. 45 min
- Type: Lecture at the university
Please note: This programme is preferably offered during the lecture-free period (February/March, mid-July to the end of September).
Prof. Dr. Jens Kortus
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Leipziger Straße 23
+49 3731 39-4008
Fax +49 3731 39-4005
Jens [dot] Kortus [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Jens[dot]Kortus[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
P 3: No GPS without Einstein
- Suitable for: STEM students in the physics course
- From grade 11
- Presenter: Prof Dr Jens Kortus
- Duration: approx. 90 min
- Type: Lecture at the university
Please note: This programme is preferably offered during the lecture-free period (February/March, mid-July to the end of September).
Prof. Dr. Jens Kortus
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Leipziger Str. 23
+49 (0)3731 39-4008
Fax +49 (0)3731 39-4005
Jens [dot] Kortus [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Jens[dot]Kortus[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
P 4: X-ray light source synchrotron & free-electron laser: A look into matter with new dimensions of spatial and temporal resolution
- Suitable for: Students in GK and LK physics
- From grade 11
- Presenter: Dr Matthias Zschornak or Dr Friedrich Roth
- Duration: approx. 60 min
- Type: Lecture at the university
Please note: This programme is preferably offered during the lecture-free period (February/March, mid-July to the end of September).
Dr. Matthias Zschornak
Institute of Experimental Physics
Leipziger Str. 23
+49 3731 39-2865
Matthias [dot] Zschornak [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Matthias[dot]Zschornak[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Dr. Friedrich Roth
Institute for Experimental Physics
Leipziger Str. 23
+49 3731 39 2865
Friedrich [dot] Roth [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Friedrich[dot]Roth[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
P 5: X-rays and Crystallography - Research with Nobel Prize Guarantee
- Suitable for: Students in GK and LK physics
- From grade 11
- Presenter: Dr Tilmann Leisegang
- Duration: approx. 60 min
- Type: Lecture at the university or at the respective educational institution
Please note: This programme is preferably offered during the lecture-free period (February/March, mid-July to the end of September).
Dr. Tilmann Leisegang
Institute of Experimental Physics
Leipziger Str. 23
+49 3731 39-3341
Fax +49 3731 39-4314
Tilmann [dot] Leisegang [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Tilmann[dot]Leisegang[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
P 6: Atoms in a row - from table salt to DVD
- Suitable for: Students in GK and LK physics
- From grade 11
- Presenter: Dr Hartmut Stöcker
- Duration: approx. 90 min
- Type: Lecture at the university
Please note: This programme is preferably offered during the lecture-free period (February/March, mid-July to the end of September).
Dr. Hartmut Stöcker
Institute of Experimental Physics
Leipziger Str. 23
+49 3731 39-2773
Fax +49 3731 39-4314
Hartmut [dot] Stoecker [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Hartmut[dot]Stoecker[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
P 7: Pyroelectricity and Ferroelectricity: Storing, Switching, Converting
- Suitable for: Students in GK and LK physics
- from grade 11
- Lecturer: Lecturer: Dr Hartmut Stöcker, Amir
Mohammad - Duration: approx. 60 min
- Type: Lecture at the university
Please note: This programme is preferably offered during the lecture-free period (February/March, mid-July to the end of September)
Dr. Hartmut Stöcker
Institute of Experimental Physics
Leipziger Str. 23
+49 3731 39-2773
Fax +49 3731 39-4314
Hartmut [dot] Stoecker [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Hartmut[dot]Stoecker[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
P 8: The battery of tomorrow - materials research in the context of the energy transition
- Suitable for: Students in GK and LK physics
- From grade 10
- Presenter: Dr Tilmann Leisegang
- Duration: approx. 45 - 60 min
- Type: Lecture at the university or on site at the school
Please note: This programme is preferably offered during the lecture-free period (February/March, mid-July to the end of September)
Dr. Tilmann Leisegang
Institute of Experimental Physics
Leipziger Str. 23
+49 3731 39-3341
Fax +49 3731 39-4314
Tilmann [dot] Leisegang [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Tilmann[dot]Leisegang[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
P 9: Electricity from the sun: solar cells and photovoltaics
- Suitable for: Students in GK and LK physics
- From grade 11
- Presenter: Dr Matthias Müller
- Duration: approx. 90 min
- Type: Lecture at the university
Please note: This programme is preferably offered during the lecture-free period (February/March, mid-July to the end of September)
Dr. Matthias Müller
Institute of Applied Physics
Leipziger Str. 23
+49 3731 39-2162
Fax +49 3731 39-4004
matth [dot] mueller [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Matth[dot]Mueller[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
P 10: Student internship solar cell experiment
- Suitable for: Students in GK and LK physics
- From grade: 10
- Supervisor: Lecturer: Dirk Prsa , Phillip Häussermann
- Duration: approx. 120 min
- Type: Experiment at the university
Please note: This programme is preferably offered during the lecture-free period (February/March, mid-July to the end of September)
Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Prsa
Institute of Experimental Physics
Leipziger Str. 23
+49 3731 39-2195
Fax +49 3731 39-4314
dirk [dot] prsa [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Dirk[dot]Prsa[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
M. Sc. Philipp Häussermann
Leipziger Straße 23, Room EG. 26
+49 3731 39-2779
philipp [dot] haeussermann [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Philipp[dot]Haeussermann[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
P11: ...And there was light. Fundamentals and applications from the bending light to the Aeolus satellite
- Suitable for: Students in GK and LK physics
- From grade 11
- Presenter: Dr Jan Beyer
- Duration: approx. 2 x 90 min
- Type: Lecture and seminar at the university or on site at school
Please note: An individual focus is possible in consultation with the subject teachers. Examples: Spectroscopy, colour vision and the human eye, semiconductors and light-emitting diodes, and more.
Dr. Jan Beyer
Institute of Applied Physics
Room Leipziger Str. 23 09599 Freiberg
+49 3731 39-2162
Fax +49 (0)3731 39-4004
jan [dot] beyer [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Jan[dot]Beyer[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
P12: LASER - Logical - Pupils also experiment correctly - Set up, marvel and understand amazing optics experiments yourself
With the experiments to be carried out yourself (including quantum erasers, Mich.quantum eraser, Michelson interferometer, 3D cinema, others possible if required) use lasers and show us exciting physical phenomena. Small groups of 2 (max. 3) students are recommended for each experiment.
- Suitable for: Students in GK and LK physics
- From grade 11
- Presenter: Dr Jan Beyer
- Duration: approx. 120-150 min per experiment
- Type: Experiments at the university
Please note: This programme is preferably offered during the lecture-free period (February/March, mid-July to the end of September).
Dr. Jan Beyer
Institute of Applied Physics
Room Leipziger Str. 23 09599 Freiberg
+49 3731 39-2162
Fax +49 3731 39-4004
jan [dot] beyer [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Jan[dot]Beyer[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
P 13: Student experiments on renewable energies
- Suitable for: Students from grade 7
- Presenter: Felix Bräuer
- Duration: approx. 90 min
- Type: Experiment at the university
M. Sc. Felix Bräuer
Institute of Experimental Physics
Winklerstraße 5 (ZeHS)
+49 3731 39-1518
Fax +49 3731 39-4314
felix [dot] braeuer1 [at] physik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Felix[dot]Braeuer1[at]physik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 1: Rock microscopy
- From grade level: 10
- Participants: Maximum 15 students
- Duration: ½ day (during the lecture-free period!)
- Type: Internship at the university
- Presenter: Prof Dr Schulz
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Institute of Mineralogy
Werner-Bau, Brennhausgasse 14
+49 3731 39-2668
Bernhard [dot] Schulz [at] mineral [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Bernhard[dot]Schulz[at]mineral[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 2: Geoecology - Solutions to the climate and biodiversity crisis
Content of the event
The interlinking of the climate crisis, environmental pollution and species extinction presents us humans with major challenges. Overcoming these requires a variety of measures, both large and small. The problems are usually very complex, so simple, technical strategies alone are not enough. With geoecology, we offer a degree programme in which we develop skills for tackling current and future environmental problems. This is based on a variety of scientific principles and ranges from processes of the earth system to the latest methods of data analysis. In the course, we will look at examples of current research projects to show what you can study in geoecology and what you can do with it.
- Suitable for: GK or LK natural sciences and geography (secondary level 2), from grade 11
- Depending on the focus of interest, season/weather and level of the participants, we will prepare illustrative experiments (outside/in the lab/in the lecture)
- Lecturer: Jun. Prof Conrad Jackisch
TU Bergakademie Freiberg,
Interdisciplinary Ecological Centre at the Institute of Mineralogy
Werner-Bau, Brennhausgasse 14
+49 3731 39-2297
+49 3731 39-4060
katja [dot] horota [at] ioez [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Katja[dot]Horota[at]ioez[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 3: Why are "stones" colourful?
Course content
- What is colour?
- What are the causes of colour in minerals?
- The formation of colours in minerals and other solids is explained and various colour phenomena are investigated using showpieces
- Focal points: Physics (optics, electromagnetic spectrum), chemistry (structure and composition of solids)
- Grade(s): From grade 9
- Participants: Max. 15 people
- Duration: 1.5-2 hours (longer if required)
- Type: Workshop
Prof. Dr rer. nat. Gerhard Heide
Director of the Geosciences Collections
+49 3731 39-2665
Fax +49 3731 39-3129
gerhard [dot] heide [at] mineral [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Gerhard[dot]Heide[at]mineral[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 4: How does a "modern" mineralogist work?
Course content
- Mineral identification according to external characteristics
- Mineral analysis using an electron microscope and X-ray diffraction
- Minerals or samples/minerals brought along are analysed and identified using various analytical methods
- Focus on: Chemistry (elements and compounds, structure), physics (diffraction)
- Class level(s): From grade 10
- Participants: Max. 15 people
- Duration: 3 hours (longer if required)
- Type: Internship
Prof. Dr rer. nat. Gerhard Heide
Director of the Geosciences Collections
+49 3731 39-2665
Fax +49 3731 39-3129
gerhard [dot] heide [at] mineral [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Gerhard[dot]Heide[at]mineral[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 5: Rock cycle
Course content
- Formation and classification of igneous rocks, sedimentites and metamorphic rocks (lecture)
- Determining rocks (practical)
- Class level(s): From grade 8
- Participants: Max. 15 people
- Duration: 1 hour lecture + 1 hour practical
- Type: Lecture + practical
Dr. Christin Kehrer
Geosciences Collections
+49 3731 39-2264
Christin [dot] Kehrer [at] geosamm [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Christin[dot]Kehrer[at]geosamm[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 6: Modern treasure hunts: using geophysics to look inside the Earth
Course content
- How can geophysicists visualise the Earth's interior?
- What is hidden there: earthquakes, volcanoes?
- How do you find raw materials, e.g. ore bodies and other deposits?
- Suitable for: GK and LK Physics/Mathematics/Geography
- From grade level: 10
- Type: Lecture (at school or at the institute)
- Duration: approx. 60 min
- Presenter: Prof. Dr Stefan Buske
Prof. Dr Stefan Buske
Institute of Geophysics and Geoinformatics
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 12
+49 3731 39-2728
Fax +49 3731 39-2636
buske [at] geophysik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (buske[at]geophysik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 7: Seismology in Central Germany
Event content
What does the Earth look like inside? What information do earthquakes provide about this, and how are earthquake waves registered and analysed? The observation and recording of elastic waves triggered by earthquakes or artificially generated waves reveals a great deal about the structure of our Earth. Earthquake waves "collect" a lot of information on their way from the point of origin to the observation point, which needs to be decoded from the registration. On our doorstep, in central Germany, we can observe swarm earthquakes in the Vogtland region and quakes triggered by human activity in mining areas. In addition, earthquakes can also be recorded here whose centres are very far away. The localisation of the source location and further evaluation are carried out with the help of automated software, which will be demonstrated during a presentation.
Variant 1 - Lecture at the university:
- Suitable for: GK and LK physics, maths and geography as well as interested parties
- From grade level: 10
- Duration: 60-90 min.
- Presenter: Dipl.-Geophys. Falk Hänel
Variant 2 - Tour of the Seismological Observatory in Berggießhübel with lecture:
- Suitable for: GK and LK physics, maths and geography as well as interested parties
- From grade level: 10
- Number of participants: 10-12
- Duration: 60-90 min.
- Presenter: Dr Olaf Hellwig
Dipl.Geophys. Falk Hänel
Institute of Geophysics and Geoinformatics
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 12
+49 3731 39-27 25
Fax +49 3731 39-26 36
falk [dot] haenel [at] geophysik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Falk[dot]Haenel[at]geophysik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Dr. Olaf Hellwig
Institute of Geophysics and Geoinformatics
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 12
+49 3731 39-2233
Fax +49 3731 39-2636
Olaf [dot] Hellwig [at] geophysik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Olaf[dot]Hellwig[at]geophysik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 8: Virtual Worlds - Computer Simulation in Geophysics
Course content
How do I get the Earth into my computer? How can we use it to solve problems?
Numerical simulation techniques clearly presented. Applications in geophysics and in scientific, technical and social life.
- From grade: 11
- Duration: 45 min
- Type: Lecture at university, lecture at secondary school
- Presenter: Prof. Dr Klaus Spitzer
Prof. Dr Klaus Spitzer
Prof. Klaus Spitzer
Institute of Geophysics and Geoinformatics
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 12
+49 3731 39-2722
Fax +49 3731 39-2636
klaus [dot] spitzer [at] geophysik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Klaus[dot]Spitzer[at]geophysik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)G 9: The Window into the Interior of the Earth: With Geophysics from Space to the Earth's Core
Event content
How do I explore the interior of the Earth and planets? How can geophysics contribute to solving societal issues? Magnetic fields, earthquakes, geothermal energy and more: a brief introduction to the diversity of geophysical research.
- Suitable for: GK and LK Mathematics and Physics, interested parties
- From grade level: 10
- Duration: 60 min
- Presenter: Prof. Dr Klaus Spitzer
Prof. Dr Klaus Spitzer
. Klaus Spitzer
Institute of Geophysics and Geoinformatics
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 12
+49 3731 39-2722
Fax +49 3731 39-2636
klaus [dot] spitzer [at] geophysik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Klaus[dot]Spitzer[at]geophysik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 10: Earth's magnetic field - what the compass doesn't tell you
Course content
- Spatial and temporal changes in the Earth's magnetic field
- Relationship between sunspots, solar activity, solar wind and short-term fluctuations in magnetic field strength on Earth
- Magnetic storms
- Suitable for: GK and LK physics, maths
- from grade: 11
- Duration: approx. 90 min
- Type: Lecture at university, lecture at secondary school
- Presenter: Dr Ralph-Uwe Börner
Dr. Ralph-Uwe Börner
Institute of Geophysics and Geoinformatics
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 12
+49 3731 39-2724
Fax +49 3731 39-2636
rub [at] geophysik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (rub[at]geophysik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 11: Life between volcanoes: The Permian in the Chemnitz area
- Suitable for: people interested in geosciences
- type: excursion/field trip
- date: by arrangement
Dr. Birgit Gaitzsch
Institute of Geology
Bernhard-von-Cotta-Straße 2
+49 3731 39-2198
Fax +49 3731 39-3599
Birgit [dot] Gaitzsch [at] geo [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Birgit[dot]Gaitzsch[at]geo[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 12: Geological Excursion - Tharandt ForestG 14: Geological excursion - Weißeritztal
Course content
Rocks, rock-forming minerals, geomorphology, geology, plate tectonics, structure of the earth's crust, volcanism
- Suitable for: GK and LK geography / teacher training (geography)
- from grade: 10
- duration: 8:00 am - 2:00 (3:00) pm
- type: event at the university (with practical training/excursion)
- lecturer: Dr. Birgit Gaitzsch
Dr. Birgit Gaitzsch
Institute of Geology
Bernhard-von-Cotta-Straße 2
+49 3731 39-2198
Fax +49 3731 39-3599
Birgit [dot] Gaitzsch [at] geo [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Birgit[dot]Gaitzsch[at]geo[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 13: Presentation of Geomathematics and Geoinformatics at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- From grade: 11
- Duration: 45 minutes lecture and optional 45 minutes discussion
- Type: Lecture at the Gymnasium
- Presenter: Prof. Dr Christian Gerhards
- . Dr Christian Gerhards
Prof. Dr Christian Gerhards
Geomathematics and Geoinformatics Research Group
Gustav-Zeuner-Str. 12, Room 12
+49 3731 39-2880
Fax +49 3731 39-4067
christian [dot] gerhards [at] geophysik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Christian[dot]Gerhards[at]geophysik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 14: Satellites and Mathematics
Course content
- How can satellites help to discover structures on and in the Earth?
- How do satellites measure, for example, the Earth's gravitational field?
- Why do I need mathematics and which mathematical methods help us?
- From grade: 11
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Type: Lecture at university, lecture at secondary school
- Presenter: Prof. Dr Christian Gerhards
Prof. Dr Christian Gerhards
Geomathematics and Geoinformatics Research Group
Gustav-Zeuner-Str. 12, Room 12
+49 3731 39-2880
Fax +49 3731 39-4067
christian [dot] gerhards [at] geophysik [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Christian[dot]Gerhards[at]geophysik[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 15: "Mapping the World" A practical experience of modern surveying technology in a networked world
Event content
- Introduction to current and future tasks of surveying and cartography above and below ground in a networked world - approx. 20 minutes (lecture)
- An introduction to physical measurement principles of surveying - approx. 25 minutes (lecture)
- Methods of angle and distance measurement in measurement sensors
- How does a laser scanner work?
- How accurate can it measure?
- Practical surveying exercises with theodolite and laser scanner in groups - about 90 minutes (practicals)
- Mathematical evaluation methods -60 minutes (exercise)
- Coordinate systems of the world
- Simple geodetic calculations
- Future surveying with measuring robots? - 25 minutes (demonstration)
- Suitable for: GK and LK mathematics, interested parties; teacher training (mathematics, computer science)
- From grade level: 9
- Participants: min. 5, max. 20 or Number of pupils in the respective school class
- Duration: approx. 4 to 5 hours
- Type: Lecture at the university or secondary school (with demonstrations)
Prof. Dr.- Ing.Jörg Benndorf
Institute of Mine Surveying and Geodesy
+49 3731 39-2612
Fax +49 3731 39-3601
Joerg [dot] Benndorf [at] mabb [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Joerg[dot]Benndorf[at]mabb[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 16: Detection of changes in land use with the help of current satellite data using the example of the district of Central Saxony
Course content
- Teaching the basic principles of geo-remote sensing through the individual implementation of important evaluation steps on the PC of the university computer centre:
- Research of current satellite data;
- Land use classification;
- Detection of changes
- Suitable for: Students in geography courses from grade 10, teacher training (geography)
- Participants: max. 20
- Duration: 120 min
- Type: PC internship at the university computer centre (alternatively, a lecture at the university or at the grammar school would be possible)
- Time period: by arrangement and subject to accessibility to the URZ 12o3 PC pool
- Presenter: Dr. Martienßen
Priv.Lecturer. Ralf Donner
Institute of Mine Surveying and Geodesy
+49 3731 39-2875
Fax +49 3731 39-3601
Thomas [dot] Martienssen [at] mabb [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Thomas[dot]Martienssen[at]mabb[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 17: The importance of raw materials for our lives
Content of the event
Our modern life with mobile phones, the internet, computers, the energy transition etc. is inconceivable without raw materials. Surprisingly, many people don't even realise this. On the contrary: the extraction of raw materials is often seen as harmful to the environment. The demonstrations organised by the Fridays for Future movement are also directly directed against the raw materials industry and demand its abolition. We are against wind turbines, opencast lignite mines and power plants, nuclear power plants, petrol cars, geothermal energy, etc., but of course we want to have mobility, heating, electricity, internet, etc. available around the clock.
How does that fit together? And what does this mean for the education of our prospective students?
The event will feature a keynote speech, followed by a (hopefully controversial!) discussion on the topic.
- Duration: Approx. 90 minutes
- Age: Suitable for all year groups, but preferably for pupils in the upper school who are already thinking about their future studies.
- Venue: Gladly at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, but also at interested schools.
- Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-.Matthias Reich
Prof. Dr.-Matthias Reich
Institute of Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining
Agricolastr. 22
+49 3731 39-2491
Fax +49 3731 39-2502
matthias [dot] reich [at] tbt [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Matthias[dot]Reich[at]tbt[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 18: Can (deep) geothermal energy solve our energy problem?
Event content
The core of our earth has temperatures similar to those on the surface of the sun. At depths of 5 kilometres or more below our feet, it is already as hot as in a pizza oven. Why don't we utilise this geothermal energy much more intensively to provide heat for buildings, swimming pools and industrial processes? After all, deep geothermal energy is base-load capable, i.e. always available, in summer and winter and during the day and at night! In addition, the use of deep geothermal energy does not produce any exhaust gases and is therefore climate-friendly.
The presentation explains what is important when using geothermal energy, what types of geothermal energy there are and why the practical implementation of geothermal energy projects is often not as easy as you might think.
- Duration: Approx. 90 minutes
- Age: Suitable for all year groups, but preferably for senior school pupils who are already thinking about their future studies.
- Venue: Gladly at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, but also at interested schools.
- Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-.Matthias Reich
Prof. Dr.-Matthias Reich
Institute for Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining
Agricolastr. 22
+49 3731 39-2491
Fax +49 3731 39-2502
matthias [dot] reich [at] tbt [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Matthias[dot]Reich[at]tbt[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 19: The job profile of the geotechnical engineer
Event content
- Presentation of the job profile of the geotechnical engineer and examples of geotechnical tasks
- Tour of the laboratories in the fields of soil mechanics, rock mechanics and engineering geology with selected experimental demonstrations as well as a tour of the institute's mobile drilling rig
- From grade: 11
- Participants: min. 10, max. 25
- Duration: 3 hours
- Type: Event at the university
Dipl.Geol. Detlev Tondera
Institute of Geotechnics
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 1
+49 3731 39-2521
Fax +49 3731 39-2696
detlev [dot] tondera [at] ifgt [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Detlev[dot]Tondera[at]ifgt[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 20: Visit to the water laboratory
Event content
Water purification as an important topic of responsible mining and post-mining, methods for extracting raw materials from (polluted mining) water using ion exchangers
- Suitable from grade level: 10
- Type: Lecture at the university (with demonstration)
Dr. Ing. Nils Hoth
Institute of Mining and Specialised Civil Engineering
+49 3731 39-3213
Nils [dot] Hoth [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Nils[dot]Hoth[at]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 21: Back to the bush - a day without mineral resources
Event content
- Overview of anthropogenic processes in the earth's crust
- Introduction to the tasks of raw materials and energy supply
- Raw materials and their importance in everyday life
- Status and development trends in mining
- Suitable for: GK and LK Geography
- from grade: 10
- duration: 45 - 90 min
- type: lecture at grammar school (with demonstration), lecture at university
Prof. Dr. Carsten Drebenstedt
Institute of Mining and Specialised Civil Engineering
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 1A
+49 3731 39-3373
Fax +49 3731 39-3581
Carsten [dot] Drebenstedt [at] mabb [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Carsten[dot]Drebenstedt[at]mabb[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
G 22: Tour of the cutting test rig
Event content
- Real-time analysis system for determining material properties during the operation of demolition and dismantling machines
- Suitable for: GK and LK Geography
- from grade: 10
- Type: Lecture at the university (with demonstration)
Prof. Dr Carsten Drebenstedt
Institute of Mining and Specialised Civil Engineering
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 1A
+49 3731 39-3373
Fax +49 3731 39-3581
Carsten [dot] Drebenstedt [at] mabb [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Carsten[dot]Drebenstedt[at]mabb[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
I 1: Development of new materials - what's behind it
Suitable for: GK and LK Chemistry, Physics
from grade: 11
duration: 30 - 60 min
type: lecture at grammar school, lecture at university
lecturer: Prof. Rafaja
Institute of Materials Science
Prof. Dr rer. nat. David Rafaja
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 5
+49 3731 39-2299
Fax: +49 3731 39-3657
rafaja [at] ww [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (rafaja[at]ww[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
I 2: Copper - a metal that seduces (process for the extraction and purification of metals)
Without copper, no electricity would flow and neither computers nor smartphones would work. Alongside silver and gold, it has very good electrical conductivity, but is not that expensive. But how does copper become so electrically conductive? The lecture uses copper as an example to explain processes for extracting and purifying metals. The focus is on electrolysis. The newly acquired knowledge can be applied immediately in the subsequent practical course.
Suitable for: GK and LK chemistry, teacher training, interested parties
From grade 11
Group size: min. 8, max. 20 students
Duration: 90min (lecture only), 4 hours with practical (by arrangement), also possible for 2 days
Type: Lecture at grammar school, lecture and practical at university
Lecturers: Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Thiere
Institute of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy and High-Purity Materials
Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Thiere
Leipziger Straße 34
+49 3731 39-2129
Fax: +49 3731 39-2268
Alexandra [dot] Thiere [at] inemet [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Alexandra[dot]Thiere[at]inemet[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
I 3: Energy transition? Copper makes it possible
The demands for greater environmental awareness, the use of renewable energies and a rethink in terms of the circular economy and the zero waste concept pose challenges for the economy. There are already alternatives in research that make manufacturing processes much more effective through recycling options and the reutilisation of supposed waste products. Copper plays an important role here, because we are surrounded by copper and the demand is huge. Without copper, there would be no mobile phones, no electric cars or other environmentally friendly alternatives.
Suitable for: scientifically gifted pupils from year 9
Group size: no restriction
Duration: 90min lecture with interactive quiz
Type: Lecture at secondary school, university or online
Presenter: Prof. Dr.-Ing.Alexandros Charitos
Institute of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy and High-Purity Materials
Cindy Hebert
Leipziger Straße 34
Cindy [dot] Hebert [at] inemet [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Cindy[dot]Hebert[at]inemet[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
I 4: The periodic table in your pocket: Are metals in mobile phones recyclable?
Almost everyone has a mobile phone, but hardly anyone knows what happens to their daily companion when it has served its purpose. Will the broken or outdated mobile phone end up in the bin or gathering dust in a drawer? The best option: neither! This is because the various components in mobile phones are valuable for the circular economy and can be reused. But what is a mobile phone made of? And what can be recycled? How much research has been done to breathe new life into our disused mobile phones
Suitable for: Pupils from grade 8
Group size: no restriction
Duration: 45min lecture with interactive part, can be extended to 90min
Type: Lecture at secondary school or online
Presenter: Mr M.Sc. Ludwig Blenau
Institute of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy and High-Purity Materials
Cindy Hebert
Leipziger Straße 34
Cindy [dot] Hebert [at] inemet [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Cindy[dot]Hebert[at]inemet[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
I 5: Nanotechnology or the colours of gold
Suitable for: GK and LK Chemistry, Physics
From grade: 11
Duration: 45 min
Group size: -
Type: Lecture at the university
Lecturer: Prof. Dr Y. Joseph
Institute for Electronic and Sensor Materials
Prof. Dr. Yvonne Joseph
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 3
+49 3731 39-2146, -2601
Yvonne [dot] Joseph [at] esm [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Yvonne[dot]Joseph[at]esm[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
I 6: School Lab "Science meets School" - Materials and Technologies in Freiberg
The school lab covers a wide range of topics in the interdisciplinary engineering and natural sciences sub-discipline of materials science and materials technology. It ranges from the production and processing of materials to the investigation of their mechanical, chemical and physical properties.
Suitable for: Secondary level I from grade 8, GK and LK chemistry, physics, teacher training in physics, chemistry, profile teaching
from grade level: 8
Number of students: 20
Duration: individual arrangement (min. 90 min), full-day or multi-day programme also possible
Type: Event at the university (mainly practical training)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Horst Biermann
Institute of Materials Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Horst Biermann
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 5
+49 3731 39-3564
Fax: +49 3731 39-3703
biermann [at] ww [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (biermann[at]ww[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Website: http://tu-freiberg.de/schuelerlabor
I 7: Noodles, biscuits, Coke cans - Everything quickly brought into shape
In this lecture, we explore the question - What do "everyday objects" have to do with forming technology? In answering this question, we come across exciting mathematical, chemical and physical facts.
Suitable for: GK and LK maths, physics; interested parties
from grade: 8
duration: 60 min
type: lecture at the university
lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. U. Prahl
Institute for Metal Forming
Dipl.-Ing. Carina Petzold
Bernhard-von-Cotta-Str. 4
+49 3731 39-3699
Max [dot] Stirl [at] imf [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Carina[dot]Petzold[at]imf[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
I 8: Nothing works without casting!
In this experimental lecture, students will learn about the importance and manufacture of cast products. Cast parts are used in almost all areas of everyday life. Whether for energy generation, mobility, entertainment technology, your grandma's artificial joint or during your morning bathroom routine.
In addition to theoretical knowledge, we would like to introduce you to the world of foundry technology in an experimental way. The experiments take place at Germany's largest university technical centre for foundry technology. In addition to making your own casting moulds from sand, into which you will then pour iron at 1500°C, you will also be allowed to pour molten metal yourself. You can of course take your first self-cast part home with you.
Suitable for: Secondary level I, GK and LK chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science
From grade 10
Duration: 60-90 min (by arrangement)
Type: Lecture and experiments at the university
Foundry Institute
Dipl.Ing. Benedict Baumann
Bernhard-von-Cotta-Str. 4
+49 3731 39-2536
Benedict [dot] Baumann [at] gi [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Benedict[dot]Baumann[at]gi[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
I 9: Sensors in mobile phones
It is widely known that modern mobile phones contain a large number of sensors. However, very few people know how these sensors work. This presentation will introduce selected sensors found in today's mobile phones, explain how they are manufactured and how they work, and illustrate their possible applications. In particular, sensors for measuring acceleration, magnetic fields, temperatures, sound and pressure will be considered. Finally, an outlook is given on which sensors we can expect to see in mobile phones in the future.
Suitable for: GK and LK physics
from grade: 11
duration: 45 min
type: lecture at the university
lecturer: Prof. Dr Y. Joseph
Institute for Electronic and Sensor Materials
Prof. Dr Yvonne Joseph
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 3
+49 3731 39-2146, -2601
Yvonne [dot] Joseph [at] esm [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Yvonne[dot]Joseph[at]esm[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
I 10: Alternative Solar Cells
Suitable for: GK and LK Physics
From grade level:
Duration: 45 min
Type: Lecture at the university
Presenter: Prof. Dr Y. Joseph
Institute for Electronic and Sensor Materials
Prof. Dr. Yvonne Joseph
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 3
+49 3731 39-2146, -2601
Yvonne [dot] Joseph [at] esm [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Yvonne[dot]Joseph[at]esm[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
I 11: From ore to steel
From knives to cars - our daily lives would be unimaginable without steel. But how is this material made?
Suitable for: Secondary level I, GK and LK Chemistry, Physics from grade: 8
Duration: 45 - 90 min (by arrangement)
Type: Lecture at grammar school (with video), lecture at university (with video and experiment)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volkova, Dr.-Ing. Kreschel
Institute of Iron and Steel Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. O. Volkova
Leipziger Straße 34
+49 3731 39-3100
Fax: +49 3731 39-241
office [at] iest [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (office[at]iest[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
T 1: Challenges in vehicle safety despite 5 stars in the crash test
Suitable for: GK and LK chemistry, mathematics and physics, interested parties
from grade 10
duration: 2-3 hours
type: lecture and experiments in the crash laboratory
Institute of Machine Elements, Design and Production
Prof. Dr.- Ing.Matthias Kröger
Leipziger Str. 28
+49 3731 39-2997
kroeger [at] imkf [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Kroeger[at]imkf[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
T 2: How much friction does technology need?
Suitable for: GK and LK mathematics and physics
from grade: 11
duration: optional 60 - 120 min
type: course at the university (with practical training)
Institute of Machine Elements, Design and Production
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kröger
Agricolastraße 1
+49 3731 39-2997
Fax: +49 3731 39-3658
Kroeger [at] imkf [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Kroeger[at]imkf[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
T 3: Modelling solids in 3-dimensional virtual space (practical work on the PCs in the CAE pool)
- Creating solids: Working in the Cartesian coordinate system with geometric volume elements and vectors
- Plane sections through solids
- Modelling an object according to your own idea or template
Suitable for: LK mathematics, interested parties, further training for teachers
from grade level: 11 (max. 16 participants; 10 participants are optimal)
duration: 120 min
type: event at the university (with practical training)
lecturer: Ms Engelhardt
Institute of Machine Elements, Design and Production
Mrs Dipl.-Math. Heidi Engelhardt
Lampadiusstraße 4
+49 3731 39-2206
Fax: +49 3731 39-3658
Heidi [dot] Engelhardt [at] imkf [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Heidi[dot]Engelhardt[at]imkf[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
T 4: Fuel Cells - Fundamentals and Applications - Current Research
Suitable for: GK and LK chemistry and physics
from grade: 10
duration: 60 min
type: lecture at the university with demonstration
lecturer: Ms Dipl.-Ing. Isabel Frenzel and Mr Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Anger
Institute of Thermal Engineering and Thermodynamics
Mrs Dr.-Ing. Saskia Wesolowski
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 7
+49 3731 39-3635
Fax: +49 3731 39-3942
wesolow [at] iwtt [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (wesolow[at]iwtt[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
T 5: Introduction to combustion technology
- Presentation of different types of flames and their properties
- Flame visualisation - representation of the flame front in the non-visible wavelength range
- Pollutants and their effects
- Technical applications
Suitable for: GK and LK chemistry and physics, interested parties
from grade 10
duration: 180 min
type: lecture at the university (with practical demonstrations), lecture at the school (with practical demonstrations)
lecturer: Mr Voß
Institute of Thermal Engineering and Thermodynamics
Stefan Voß
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 7
+49 3731 39-3943
Fax: +49 3731 39-3942
voss [at] iwtt [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (voss[at]iwtt[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
T 6: Thermography - A way of measuring temperature
- Basics of non-contact measurement technology and radiation theory
- Presentation of the structure and function of thermography systems
- Explanation of possible applications
Suitable for: GK and LK chemistry and physics, interested parties
From grade 10
Duration: 180 min
Type: Lecture at the university (with practical demonstrations), lecture at the school (with practical demonstrations)
Presenter: Mr Voß
Institute of Thermal Engineering and Thermodynamics
Stefan Voß
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 7
+49 3731 39-3943
Fax: +49 3731 39-3942
voss [at] iwtt [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (voss[at]iwtt[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
T 7: From rock to quality product for the construction and building materials industry
- Analysis of the rock deposit
- mineralogical and petrological rock characterisation
- . petrological rock identification
- experimental investigations into the crushing behaviour of rocks
- selection of suitable crushing machines
- quality testing of crushed products using modern methods
suitable for: GK and LK chemistry, mathematics and physics
from grade: 10
duration: 4 hours
type: event at the university (with practical training)
lecturer: Dr Meltke
Institute for Mineral Processing Machines
Dr.-Klaus Meltke
Lampadiusstraße 4
+49 3731 39-3514
Fax: +49 3731 39-3500
meltke [at] iam [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (meltke[at]iam[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
T 8: A-levels! - What now? Studying at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Overview lecture on
- Study conditions
- Study programme
- Study courses
- Financing
- Opportunities for employment
From grade 11
Duration: 90 minutes
Type: Lecture at grammar school, event at university (with excursion), lecture at parents' evenings
Faculty of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering
Leipziger Straße 28
+49 3731 39-2686
Fax: +49 3731 39-2012
T 9: Project week computer-aided design
Suitable for: GK and LK mathematics, physics
from grade: 11
duration: Monday to Friday
Faculty of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering
Dr.-Thomas Geipel
Agricolastr. 1
+49 3731 39-2987
Fax: +49(0)3731 39-3658
thomas [dot] geipel [at] imkf [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (thomas[dot]geipel[at]imkf[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
T 10: How tall am I?
Lecture, self-work
Demonstration on all aspects of size measurement technology, i.e. for characterising material systems and their use in material conversion
Faculty of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mineral Processing
Dr. Thomas Mütze
Agricolastr. 1
+49 3731 39-2795
thomas [dot] muetze [at] mvtat [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Thomas[dot]Muetze[at]mvtat[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
T 11: What holds the world together at its core
Lecture, self-work
Demonstration on the effect of adhesive forces, i.e. in everyday life and in the field of mechanical engineering.i.e. in everyday life as well as in research (characterisation of material systems, understanding of the physical-chemical background and application in technical solutions)
Faculty of Mechanical Process Engineering and Processing Machines
Dr. Thomas Mütze
Agricolastr. 1
+49 3731 39-2795
thomas [dot] muetze [at] mvtat [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Thomas[dot]Muetze[at]mvtat[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
T 12: Studying as a working-class child?
Lecture on studying especially for young people from "educationally disadvantaged backgrounds", i.e. whose parents have not studied themselves
Duration: 45-60 minutes
Faculty of Mechanical Process Engineering and Processing Machines
Dr. Thomas Mütze
Agricolastr. 1
+49 3731 39-2795
thomas [dot] muetze [at] mvtat [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Thomas[dot]Muetze[at]mvtat[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
V 1: Energy raw materials
- Lecture with illustrative examples
- Tour of relevant research facilities
Suitable for: GK and LK Physics and Chemistry
Responsible: Prof. Dr Meyer, Dr Krzack
Duration: approx. 2 hours
Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering
Reiche Zeche, Fuchsmühlenweg 9
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Meyer
+49 3731 39-4510
Fax: +49 3731 39-4555
bmeyer [at] iec [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (bmeyer[at]iec[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
V 2: Chemical plants for sustainable resource management
Event content: Lecture and tour of the pilot plant for synthesis gas production
Suitable for: GK and LK Physics, Chemistry
Responsible: Prof. Dr Meyer, Dr Seifert
Duration: approx. 2 hours
Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering
Reiche Zeche, Fuchsmühlenweg 9
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Meyer
+49 3731 39-4510
Fax: +49 3731 39-4555
bmeyer [at] iec [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (bmeyer[at]iec[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
V 3: Fuel production from alternative raw materials
- Lecture with illustrative examples
- Tour of a laboratory test facility
Suitable for: GK and LK Physics, Chemistry
Responsible: Dr Kuchling
Duration: approx. 1½ hours
Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering
Reiche Zeche, Fuchsmühlenweg 9
Mr Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kuchling
+49 3731 39-4533
Fax: +49 3731 39-4555
kuchling [at] iec [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (kuchling[at]iec[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
V 4: Properties of fuels illustrated using the example of knock resistance (octane number) of petrol fuels; boiling behaviour
Suitable for: GK and LK physics, chemistry, biology
Duration: approx. 1.5 hours
Type: Introductory lecture and experiment at the university
Responsible: Dr Kuchling
Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering
Reiche Zeche, Fuchsmühlenweg 9
Mr Dr.-Thomas Kuchling
+49 3731 39-4533
Fax: +49 3731 39-4555
kuchling [at] iec [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (kuchling[at]iec[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
V 5: Wastewater treatment - drinking water from toilet flushing - process engineering makes it possible!
Suitable for: GK and LK Physics, Chemistry, Biology
From grade: 10 Duration: approx. 2 hours
Date: by arrangement
Type: Lecture at the university (with experiments)
Institute of Thermal Process Engineering, Environmental and Natural Materials Process Engineering
Mr Dr. Roland Haseneder
Leipziger Straße 28
+49 3731 39-3488
Fax: +49 3731 39-3292
roland [dot] haseneder [at] tun [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Roland[dot]Haseneder[at]tun[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
V 6: Recycling of wood by-products
Suitable for: GK and LK physics, chemistry, biology
from grade: 10
duration: approx. 2 hours
type: lecture at the university (with experiments)
Institute of Thermal Process Engineering, Environmental and Natural Materials Process Engineering
Mr Dr.-.Ing. Hans-Werner Schröder
Leipziger Straße 28
+49 3731 39-2534
Fax: +49 3731 39-2232
Hans-Werner [dot] Schroeder [at] tun [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Hans-Werner[dot]Schroeder[at]tun[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
V 7: The world of fine particles
Suitable for: GK and LK physics, chemistry
Duration: 1 hour
Type: Lecture at the university, lecture at the grammar school
Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mineral Processing
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Urs Peuker
Agricolastraße 1
+49 3731 39-2916
Fax: +49 3731 39-2714
Urs [dot] Peuker [at] mvtat [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Urs[dot]Peuker[at]mvtat[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
K 1: Secret heroes: Ceramic filters
Lecture and practical course on the production of ceramic foam filters
Responsible: Prof. Dr Christos Aneziris, Dr. Ing.Undine Fischer
We recommend that school classes form groups and attend other events in the field of ceramics, glass and building materials in parallel, alternating every hour
Duration: 60-90 min
Number of participants: max. 8 people
Institute of Ceramics, Refractories and Composites
Dr.Nora Brachhold
Agricolastraße 17
+49 3731 39-4255
Fax: +49 3731 39-2419
nora [dot] brachhold [at] ikfvw [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Nora[dot]Brachhold[at]ikfvw[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
K 2: Additive manufacturing, 3D printing & Co.
Presentation of modern manufacturing methods - alginate route, robocasting, 3D printing, electrospinning
Responsible: Prof. Dr Christos Aneziris, Dr. Ing.Nora Brachhold
We recommend that school classes form groups and visit other events in the field of ceramics, glass and building materials at the same time, alternating every hour
Duration: 60-90 min
Number of participants: max. 8 people
Institute of Ceramics, Refractories and Composites
Dr.Nora Brachhold
Agricolastraße 17
+49 3731 39-4255
Fax: +49 3731 39-2419
nora [dot] brachhold [at] ikfvw [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Nora[dot]Brachhold[at]ikfvw[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
K 3: Bioceramics
Course content: Lecture on the topic of bioceramics
Responsible: Prof. Dr C. G. Aneziris, Dr Jana Hubálkov
Responsible: Prof. Dr C. G. Aneziris, Dr Jana Hubálkov
Responsible: Prof. Dr C. G. Aneziris, Dr Jana Hubálkov
Duration: 60 min
Number of participants: max. 28 persons
Institute of Ceramics, Refractories and Composites
Mrs Dr.-.Ing. Nora Brachhold
Agricolastraße 17
+49 3731 39-4255
Fax: +49 3731 39-2419
nora [dot] brachhold [at] ikfvw [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Nora[dot]Brachhold[at]ikfvw[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
K 4: Can materials suffer a shock?
Lecture and practical course on thermal shock resistance and determination of the modulus of elasticity of non-metallic materials
Responsible: Prof. Dr Christos Aneziris, Dr Jana Hubálkov, Ing.Ing. Jana Hubálková
We recommend that school classes form groups and attend other events in the field of ceramics, glass and building materials in parallel, alternating every hour
Duration: 60-90 min
Number of participants: max. 8 people
Institute of Ceramics, Refractories and Composites
Mrs Dr.- Ing.Nora Brachhold
Agricolastraße 17
+49 3731 39-4255
Fax: +49 3731 39-2419
nora [dot] brachhold [at] ikfvw [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Nora[dot]Brachhold[at]ikfvw[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
K 5: How do a digital microscope, a laser scanning microscope and a scanning electron microscope work?
Practical demonstration of 3 different types of microscope (digital microscope, laser scanning microscope, scanning electron microscope)
Responsible: Prof. Dr Christos Aneziris, Dr Gert Schmidt
.Ing. Gert Schmidt
Duration: 60 min
Number of participants: max. 7 people
We recommend that school classes form groups and attend other events in the field of ceramics, glass and building materials in parallel, alternating every hour
Institute of Ceramics, Refractories and Composites
Dr.Nora Brachhold
Agricolastraße 17
+49 3731 39-4255
Fax: +49 3731 39-2419
nora [dot] brachhold [at] ikfvw [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Nora[dot]Brachhold[at]ikfvw[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
K 6: What do a lighter, a reversing sensor and an ultrasonic tank have in common?
Experimental lecture on piezoceramics
Responsible: Prof. Dr Christos Aneziris, Dr.Ing. Claudia Voigt
Duration: 60 min
Number of participants: 28 people
Institute of Ceramics, Refractories and Composites
Mrs Dr.-Ing. Nora Brachhold
Agricolastraße 17
+49 3731 39-4255
Fax: +49 3731 39-2419
nora [dot] brachhold [at] ikfvw [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Nora[dot]Brachhold[at]ikfvw[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
K 7: Without glass no penicillin and no internet
Lecture on the material glass - what glass can do, where glass is everywhere - with many surprising illustrative pieces
Duration: 60 min
Number of participants: max. 28 people
Institute of Glass and Glass Technology
J.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sindy Fuhrmann
Leipziger Straße 28
+49 3731 39-3351
Fax: +49 3731 39-2419
sindy [dot] fuhrmann [at] igt [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Sindy[dot]Fuhrmann[at]igt[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
K 8: Wavelength travelling with glass
Introduction and practical course on glass and optics - why can you see through glass at all? - What is a coloured glass spectrum? - What are tensions in glass good for and how are the greenhouse effect and the thermal imaging camera connected?
Duration: 45 - 60 min
Number of participants: max. 6 people
We recommend that school classes form groups and attend other events in the fields of ceramics, glass and building materials in parallel, alternating every hour
Institute of Glass and Glass Technology
J.-Prof. Dr.- Ing.Sindy Fuhrmann
Leipziger Straße 28
+49 3731 39-3351
Fax: +49 3731 39-2419
sindy [dot] fuhrmann [at] igt [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Sindy[dot]Fuhrmann[at]igt[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
K9: Marriage between glass and steel
Introduction and practical course on the topic of enamel: Enamelled pots and bathtubs have been around for a long time - and they are better than their reputation, as can be tested with the impact resistance test. Technical enamels are high-performance materials whose particularly good adhesion to sheet steel is tested. The fusing of enamel with copper is observed during the production of a jewellery pendant itself.
Duration: 45 - 60 min
Number of participants: max. 6 people
We recommend that school classes form groups and attend other events in the field of ceramics, glass and building materials in parallel, alternating every hour
Institute of Glass and Glass Technology
J.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sindy Fuhrmann
Leipziger Straße 28
+49 3731 39-3351
Fax: +49 3731 39-2419
sindy [dot] fuhrmann [at] igt [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Sindy[dot]Fuhrmann[at]igt[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
K10: Glass - as tough as honey
Introduction and practical course on glass melting: Glass is a very special material. Its melt is as viscous as honey, it solidifies very slowly and does not crystallise. That's why it can be moulded wonderfully. You can try all this out for yourself.
Responsible: Dipl.-Ing. Martin Groß
Duration: 45 - 60 min
Number of participants: max. 6 people
We recommend that school classes form groups and attend other events in the field of ceramics, glass and building materials in parallel, alternating every hour
Institute of Glass and Glass Technology
J.-Prof. Dr.-.Sindy Fuhrmann
Leipziger Straße 28
+49 3731 39-3351
Fax: +49 3731 39-2419
sindy [dot] fuhrmann [at] igt [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Sindy[dot]Fuhrmann[at]igt[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
K11: Who is orderly? Science lessons (encountering phenomena of inanimate nature, stones); maths (geometry, polyhedra, composite surfaces and solids); crafts (building stable constructions); chemistry
Event content/concept: Getting to know and understand what atoms are and how they build up materials: neat in crystals and messy in glass. Presentation and explanations with lots of pictures and illustrative objects, practical realisation in the craft competition.
Focal points can be coordinated. Please let us know your wishes when you contact us.
- Responsible: J.-Prof. Sindy Fuhrmann
- Suitable age: Kindergarten (preschool), primary school, up to eighth grade
- Duration: Variable, depending on age between 45 - 120min
- Where to go afterwards: Visit to Terra Mineralia
- Number of participants: up to 15 children
Institute of Glass and Glass Technology
J.-Prof. Dr.-.Sindy Fuhrmann
Leipziger Straße 28
+49 3731 39-3351
Fax: +49 3731 39-2419
sindy [dot] fuhrmann [at] igt [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Sindy[dot]Fuhrmann[at]igt[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
K12: Why is glass so fragile?
Thematic classification: Physics (force and its effects; forces; mechanics); chemistry (glass and ceramic materials; chemical compounds as materials; crystallography); economy-technology-budget/social issues (variety of materials)
Content/concept: Experimental lecture with active involvement of the children. Get to know and compare the mechanical properties of different materials. What is special about glass? Demonstration and explanation of how the strategies for making glass stronger work (chemical and thermal tempering; laminated glass).
- Responsible: J.-Prof. Sindy Fuhrmann
- Suitable age: from 7th grade and above (secondary school or grammar school)
- Duration: 60-90min
- Number of participants: up to 10 people
Institute of Glass and Glass Technology
J.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sindy Fuhrmann
Leipziger Straße 28
+49 3731 39-3351
Fax: +49 3731 39-2419
sindy [dot] fuhrmann [at] igt [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Sindy[dot]Fuhrmann[at]igt[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
U 1: Environmental Management Systems (EMS): Initiated, Installed, Documented
Suitable for: LK Chemistry, Biology, Physics
Duration: 45 min plus discussion round
Type: Lecture at secondary school/university
Lecture can also be offered in English or French.
Prof. Dr Jan Bongaerts
Brennhausgasse 14
+49 3731 39-3018
Fax +49 3731 39-4060
J-C [dot] Bongaerts [at] ioez [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (J-C[dot]Bongaerts[at]ioez[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
U 2: Skin-friendly and environmentally friendly - shampoos and water
Suitable for: LK Chemistry
Duration: 45 min plus discussion round
Type: Lecture at secondary school, lecture at university
Lecture can also be offered in English or French.
Prof. Dr. Jan Bongaerts
Brennhausgasse 14
+49 3731 39-3018
Fax +49 3731 39-4060
J-C [dot] Bongaerts [at] ioez [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (J-C[dot]Bongaerts[at]ioez[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
U 3: We design the ecological lemon squeezer
Course content: PC demonstration programme for the ecological evaluation of products and for ecological product design
Suitable for: LK Biology, Chemistry, Physics
From grade: 10
Duration: 90 min
Type: Lecture with demonstrations and practical training (work on the PC)
Prof. Dr. Jan Bongaerts
Brennhausgasse 14
+49 3731 39-3018
Fax +49 3731 39-4060
J-C [dot] Bongaerts [at] ioez [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (J-C[dot]Bongaerts[at]ioez[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
U 4: Trading CO2 certificates: Speculating on the carbon price
Suitable for: LK Economics
Duration: 45 min plus discussion round
Type: Lecture at secondary school, lecture at university
PLEASE NOTE: Lecture can also be offered in English or French
Prof. Dr Jan Bongaerts
. Jan BongaertsBrennhausgasse 14
+49 3731 39-3018
Fax +49 3731 39-4060
J-C [dot] Bongaerts [at] ioez [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (J-C[dot]Bongaerts[at]ioez[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
U 5: The greening of financial institutions
- What is sustainability finance?
- the stock exchange
- ecological products and sustainability performance (case studies)
- conclusions
suitable for: LK Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics as well as those interested in economics
Duration: 30 min
Type: Lecture at the university
Karem Murillo (MBA)
Chair of Environment and Resource Management
+49 3731 39-2948
Fax +49 3731 39-3239
karem [dot] murillo [at] bwl [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Karem[dot]Murillo[at]bwl[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
If you would like to explore the university individually and are particularly interested in a degree course such as business administration or industrial archaeology, you can do so with the help of our tutor programme. Typical events such as lectures and tutorials can be attended, and it is even possible to take part in excursions. A tutor is not only on hand during the actual visit to our university, but also helps to put together a suitable timetable. The duration of the visit depends entirely on personal wishes and interests and can range from one day to one week.
Faculty of Business and Economics
Dean's Office
Prof. Dr. Andreas Horsch
Schloßplatz 1
+49 3731 39-2089
management [at] bwl [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (management[at]bwl[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
In addition to individual taster sessions, it is of course also possible to get an impression of how studying business administration works in a group. For this purpose, the members of the chair teams offer events on a wide range of topics. How and where this takes place, e.g. whether it should be an event at the university or at school, can be agreed on a case-by-case basis. This programme is currently being redesigned. In addition to the two events below, there will soon be more. And if a topic that interests you is missing, please simply ask the Dean's Office (see above) - often something can be found for it.
W 1: Scientific Methods in Management and Strategy: Fundamentals of Experimental Work
Duration: 30-90 minutes
Type: Lecture / discussion at the university or at schools on site
Prof. Dr Jutta Stumpf-Wollersheim
Schlossplatz 1
+49 3731 39-2004
management [at] bwl [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (management[at]bwl[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
W 2: Playing with open cards? An insight into experimental economic research
Duration: 30-90 minutes
Type: Lecture / discussion at the university or at local schools
Prof. Dr Jutta Stumpf-Wollersheim
Schlossplatz 1
+49 3731 39-2004
management [at] bwl [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (management[at]bwl[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
W 3: Virtual or real? Digitalisation in Management and Marketing
Duration: 30-90 minutes
Type: Lecture / Discussion at the University
Prof. Dr. Jutta Stumpf-Wollersheim and Prof. Dr. Alexander Leischnig
Schlossplatz 1
+49 3731 39-2004
research-lab [at] bwl [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (research-lab[at]bwl[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
W 4: (Why) Do We Actually Need Banks?
Duration: 30 - 90 min
Type: Lecture / Discussion at the University
Professorship of General Business Administration with a focus on Investment & Finance
Prof. Dr Andreas Horsch
Schloßplatz 1
+49 3731 39-3696
Fax: +49 3731 39-3674
stefanie [dot] storch [at] bwl [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (stefanie[dot]storch[at]bwl[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Project days at the university
We will put together an individual programme for one or more project days according to your choice and focus. We recommend the following for the organisation of your visit to the university: Guided tours with students
- Visit to the Mineralogical Collection Germany in the Krüger House
- Participation in the terra mineralia school programme (adapted to the geography curriculum) in Freudenstein Castle
- Tracking down the history of the earth in the Palaeontological Collection, Humboldt Building
- Visit to the modern university library
- Enter the "Reiche Zeche" research and educational mine
Eine Auswahl an Highlights für den Unibesuch
- Experimente und Praktika zum Thema Werkstoffe im Schülerlabor "Science meets school"
- Auf den Spuren berühmter Wissenschaftler - die Geschichte der Bergakademie im Historicum kennenlernen.
A selection of highlights for your university visit
- Experiments and practicals on the subject of materials in the Schülerlabor "Science meets school"
- In the footsteps of famous scientists - learn about the history of the Bergakademie in the Historicum.
Campus tours with students
![Der Asien-Saal der terra mineralia](/sites/default/files/styles/crop_landscape_650/public/2023-06/tubaf_terra_mineralia_asien-saal.jpg?itok=CAOm1CM_)
Visits to exhibitions and collections
![Forschungs- und Lehrbergwerk der TU Bergakademie](/sites/default/files/styles/crop_landscape_650/public/2023-05/IMG-20200709-WA0016.jpg?itok=_mc4njiV)
Entrance to the "Reiche Zeche" research and training mine
![Ein Mitarbeiter im Baggersimulator des Digital Mining Labs](/sites/default/files/styles/crop_landscape_650/public/2023-06/tubaf_digital-mining-lab.jpg?itok=LXDRuVJc)
Digital Mining Lab
![Studierende bekommen auf dem Lehrpfad Wissensreise Kohlenstoff etwas erklärt](/sites/default/files/styles/crop_landscape_650/public/2023-06/tubaf_iec_wissensreise_kohlenstoff.jpg?itok=Ya8SEOjQ)
Carbon knowledge trail
![Blick in die Rohstoffausstellung "Vom Salz des Lebens"](/sites/default/files/styles/crop_landscape_650/public/2023-06/tubaf_banner_salz-des-lebens.jpg?itok=KQdiY24q)
Raw materials exhibition "The salt of life"
![Schülergruppe im ZeHS](/sites/default/files/styles/crop_landscape_650/public/2025-01/ITUN.jpg?h=fea27210&itok=CmPtMmAe)
Taster day at ZeHS
![Neue Universitätsbibliothek](/sites/default/files/styles/crop_landscape_650/public/2023-06/N6Z_7398-web.jpg?itok=1dXPy4Wj)
Information research in the university library
![Bild einer verriegelten Türklinke](/sites/default/files/styles/crop_landscape_650/public/2023-11/tubaf_escape-lab.png?itok=YZFoHdJC)
Escape-Room "Escape our Lab"
Who can take part?
- School classes from all over Germany from year 9 onwards can take part. An interest in STEM subjects is important.
When can I come to the university for a knowledge tour?
- The knowledge tour is offered all year round. Please arrange individual dates with the Central Student Advisory Service.
What does a Knowledge Journey cost?
- The Knowledge Journey offers at the university are free of charge. Costs are incurred for individual catering, for travel to and from the event and for overnight accommodation.
Where can we stay overnight?
- Popular accommodation options are the Pi House, the Elly Hostel and the DBI-Gästehaus in Freiberg.
Contact person for our project days
Who can participate?
- School classes from all over Germany from the 9th grade upwards can participate. An interest in STEM subjects is important.
When can I come to the university for a project day?
- The Knowledge Journey is offered all year round. Please arrange individual dates with the Central Student Advisory Service.
How much does a project day cost?
- The Knowledge Journey offers at the University are free of charge. Costs are incurred for individual meals, for travel to and from the university and for accommodation.
Where can we stay overnight?
- Popular places to stay are the Pi-Haus, the DBI-Gästehaus, the Elly Hostel and the Gästehaus Heidi in Freiberg.