All advantages at a glance
Every winter semester, TUBAF puts together a new study start package to help you get the most out of your first few weeks at university.
Finding affordable housing with the housing scout
In Freiberg, there are many opportunities for prospective students to secure suitable accommodation for the duration of their studies. However, at the beginning of the lecture period, the coveted student accommodation offered by the Freiberg Student Union can run out.
In this case, the Studentenwerk Freiberg collects offers of suitable accommodation from private tenants: Small apartments, single rooms at best furnished or in a shared flat with a built-in kitchen. All offers are checked beforehand.
Li Müller
Studentenwerk Freiberg / Project manager in the housing department
Li [dot] Mueller [at] swf [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (Li[dot]Mueller[at]swf[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Tel. 03731 383455
Fax 03731 383192

Arrive in Freiberg and get started with the Buddy-Programm
The Buddy Program at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg is especially helpful for international students as it provides them with significant support during their initial days. The program connects new international students (mentees) with experienced TUBAF students (buddies). Our buddies offer guidance and assistance to international students in Freiberg during their initial days, assisting with various formalities.
The main objectives of the Buddy Program are:
- Pick-up from the train station in Freiberg, accompanying students to government offices, assistance with university-related formalities, introduction to the campus and the Silver City of Freiberg
- Fostering a sense of community and facilitating cultural exchange
- Establishing friendships and/or support networks before, during, and after studies
- Creating a deeper connection to the university and the local community
- Creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere

Overcoming the hurdles of studying with the Study Sisters

The mentoring programme aims to support female students in a trusting environment at the start of their studies and give them the opportunity to share their questions, ideas and perspectives with experienced mentors and like-minded people.
In concrete terms, it offers support when starting their studies by means of
- mentors in advanced studies
- small peer groups of female first-year students
- workshops on managing their studies
- alumni evenings to exchange ideas with interesting personalities