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Content maintenance, technical innovations, outlook

Content maintenance

The manual migration of content from is almost complete.

Furthermore, all degree programmes as well as the application process and related information under "In studies" are displayed bilingually.

We are currently working on completing the profiles of the degree programmes.

Technical innovations

The URL aliases can be set in the same way as the previous aliases. As soon as an editor changes a set URL alias, a redirect to the new alias is automatically created. This ensures that the links to the websites continue to work.

The content type for events is being revised and the search for degree programmes improved.

We are also working on the integration of Matomo for web analysis.


We will continue to work on many different tasks in parallel with the service provider. This concerns the areas of conception, design, project management and communication.

The next steps:

  • Enabling the creation of groups
  • Improved menu navigation
  • Further design/content elements
  • Onboarding new editors
  • Conceptualisation of faculty/institute pages