The next release will take place on 26 June. It will include various bug fixes and colour adjustments to the start page.
Design changes
Hero image
A change will be made to the header area on the homepage. The filter colour will be changed to a different shade of blue and the transparency filter will be corrected so that the display of the hero image with the slogan is shown to better advantage.
Menu bar
The colour change also affects the menu bar. When scrolling down, the bar and the logo become smaller.
Technical innovations
Bug fixes
Several bug fixes will be made, including the display error for the date in the events and the text in the trapezoid view.
Cookie management
The cookie banner will disappear again. Only technical cookies are set when the website is initially accessed. A cookie banner is not required for this. Content from third-party providers (currently YouTube videos) will have a blocker with a cookie notice and approval.
Editor function
The eraser function will be added for editors to remove formatting that has been added to the text field by copying content.
Outlook for the coming weeks
Concept workshop
Another concept workshop was held with the service provider this week. We defined the prioritisation for the next topics. Unfortunately, it is only possible to estimate the timeframe to a limited extent due to the complexity.
Authorisations and groups
The next major topics we will tackle are the authorisation concept for groups and the technical implementation. We are currently examining which range of functions is possible. The aim is for faculties, institutes, facilities and other areas to be able to post their own content again.
The menu navigation in the burger menu will be revised to make it easier to find your way around. There are also plans to add two more quick access menus for faculties & institutions and for direct links. We are also working on a service menu with quick access for students.
Another major issue is the search function. We are doing away with the system's internal search function and will be implementing a higher-performance search function instead.
We are also testing the integration of the automatic translation tool DeepL. The requirements for our new website include a fully bilingual website. A translation service is therefore to be implemented to support the editors. The technical feasibility and financing are currently being examined.