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The next release will be available in the coming week and will include a number of bug fixes and new functionalities.


With the upcoming release, various bugs will be fixed:

  • There is a bug when linking buttons, which meant that existing buttons could no longer be edited. This has now been fixed.
  • In the search function, the cursor jumps out of the search input field almost immediately after calling up the page.
  • In the study programme finder, the links from the tiles on the start page are unfavourable, as this means that the preselection in the filters is retained even if you remove them.
  • The breadcrumb trail only shows entries up to the fourth level. The current page itself is not displayed, which makes orientation more difficult.
  • The breadcrumb trail is currently assembled using the URL alias and not the menu position.

Current developments / test system

Test system

The test server in the data centre is now ready for use and will be used for our tests from now on. The web server is only accessible within the university. In principle, all editors who have access to the production system can also log in there.
In future, we will have new functionalities tested by the relevant editors before a release is installed on the production system.

Overview of degree programmes

In addition to the tile overview, a list view will also be available with the next release, which can be activated via a switch.

We have also included the "Magister Legum (LL. M)" in the list as an additional degree.

Display of internal/external links

In future, external links will be visually differentiated from internal links. An additional symbol will be added to make it clear that you are leaving the current website when you follow the link.

Link underlining will only be used for textual links. Buttons or other linkable layout elements will no longer have them.

Group and authorisation system

The group and authorisation system is currently on the test system. After the first internal tests, some bugs have been identified and fixed so that the test with productive content can start soon. We will create various pilot groups and go through the process together with the editors concerned.

  • Each group has its own menu, which can be accessed via the hamburger menu icon at the top right.
  • Each group has its own media directory for file uploads.
  • News and events are automatically displayed on the group start page, provided the relevant content is available for the respective group.

As soon as these tests have been completed and we have been able to prepare the onboarding accordingly, it will also be rolled out on the production system.

Shibboleth authentication

The user login will be switched back to Shibboleth in future. The connection is currently in the test phase. Until then, you will still be able to log in with the manually created user account.

For the upcoming change, it may be necessary for us to change the currently existing logins so that the Shibboleth login can successfully match the existing account. In this case, we will inform you by e-mail.

Web forms

The web form functionality will soon be implemented on the test server. This will make it possible to create everything from simple contact forms to complex registration forms.

In the course of onboarding editors to the groups, we will use it to implement the request form, which transmits the entries directly to the ticket system. We will then use this information to gradually create the groups according to our prioritisation.

Two more menus

Two more quick access menus will be added to the header area of the website:

  • Faculties & Institutions
  • Direct Links

The four items University, Studies, Research, Business & Society will be removed. The change may not be implemented until the next release.

DeepL integration

The integration of DeepL will also be implemented on the test system soon. This will allow websites to be automatically translated into English. If the test is positive, the function will later be available to all editors.