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The "Schüleruniversität" will take place from July 10 to August 17, 2023 as a classroom event in small groups at the university. You can expect an exciting and educational time, during which you will have the opportunity to get a taste of different subject areas and gain new experiences.

To register, please use the attached registration form. Please fill it out completely and return it by [registration deadline]. Places are limited, so we recommend that you register early to ensure your participation.

Registration form: "Schüleruni"

Materials Week from 07.08. to 11.08.2023

High-tech metals for the world of tomorrow

Study programs: Advanced Components: Materials for Mobility; Materials Science and Materials Technology

Why are bridges made of steel? What does the lithium in lithium-ion batteries do? How is it possible for a display to recognize my finger?

We'll get to the bottom of these questions. Sounds exciting to you?

If you are interested in mathematics, science and technology and if you would like to take a look into the world of modern materials, then this is the right place for you. Become a materials detective and discover what holds materials together at their core. Get to the bottom of the secrets of modern materials, with state-of-the-art research equipment in a real research lab! In our Escape Room, find out why the scientists working on our brand-new topics have disappeared. And let us take you inside our enthusiasm for high-tech metals. Because a modern world needs modern materials - high-performance, intelligent and ecologically compatible. And with these metals we want to shape our world of tomorrow.

The three-day program includes exciting experiments, lectures and excursions to companies in the region, as well as many opportunities to meet students and scientists. You will not only learn how high-tech metals contribute to a better future, but also how YOU can contribute to it through your studies and an entire professional field.

Program oft the Materials Week

Geo-Week from 24.07. to 28.07.2023

"Fascination Geoengineering"

Study programs: Geotechnics, Mining and Geo-Energy Systems; Mine Surveying and Applied Geodesy

As a mining town, Freiberg offers numerous interesting treasures not only above ground. Especially underground, there is much to discover and explore for inquisitive natural scientists. During the project week at the Faculty of Geosciences, Geotechnics and Mining, participants will gain exciting insights into various processes and methods for the extraction and processing of mineral resources, the use of special machines, and rock and soil mechanics. In addition, answers to questions on various engineering structures such as bridges or tunnels will be discussed. At our test stands, participation and trying things out are expressly encouraged. Practice-oriented excursions and a variety of opportunities to make contact with students and staff are also part of the week's program.

Program oft the Geo-Week

Geo-Week from 10.07. to 14.07.2023

"Raumschiff Erde" (unfortunately already fully booked).

Study programs: Geology and Mineralogy, Geoecology, Geophysics and Geoinformatics

The geosphere is the living space of man - stones, earth, water - almost everything is made of it. Who thinks about the fact that water is the number one food while brushing teeth and drinking cola? The sensible and sustainable use of our earth and its geopotentials (water, mineral raw materials, energy raw materials) as well as the preservation of the environment are one of the greatest tasks of our century.

And geoscientists, i.e. geologists, geophysicists, mineralogists, geoecologists and geoinformatics specialists are the first to be called upon to do this. You will get an insight into many fields of work and research of the geoscientific study programs - in the laboratory, in the mine and on excursion!

Program of the Geo-Week

Technology-Week from 31.07. to 04.08.2023

Study program: Process and Chemical Engineering (Energy Process Engineering, Mechanical Process Engineering, Thermal Process Engineering, Environmental and Natural Materials Process Engineering)

It is hard to imagine our everyday life without them - the innovative achievements of engineers in the most diverse areas of our lives. In close cooperation with industry, they research and develop innovative processes and test new materials at the university. During the technology week, you will gain an insight into the research areas of our scientists and, among other things, work on a project to produce your own biodiesel for cars from rapeseed oil.

Program of the Technology-Week

BioNanoTec week from 17.07. to 21.07.2023

Study programs: Applied natural science

The technical program consists of experiments offered at institutes of physics and life sciences during the student university. During the BioNanoTec week, you will experience first-hand the possibilities of modern electronics and biotechnology in the laboratories of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg at the Faculty of Chemistry, Physics and Biosciences.

You will get to know microorganisms as small production plants for interesting molecules and use biomolecules to extract strategic elements such as rare earths. These are used in pure form in today's electronics. You will make and measure your own small test chip in a modern clean room lab. You will penetrate into the secrets of electrons and light waves, i.e. you will be guided from small light experiments (light decomposition, laser diffraction and holography) to the construction of a laser spectrometer. Thus, in contact with the scientists, you will directly experience what it means to work together in interdisciplinary research teams. During these days, we will cover a wide range of topics, from biotechnological applications to microelectronic components.

During the Student University there will be a barbecue evening where participants will have the opportunity to casually talk to students and PhD students as well as staff members, ask questions and get information.

Program oft the BioNanoTec-Week

Computer Science Days from 14.08. to 17.08.2023

Study programs: Applied Computer Science, Robotics

Robots have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. In various forms, they support us in daily tasks and, depending on the field of application, perform predefined motion sequences or take over partial tasks completely independently. During the computer science week you will get an overview of the history and current developments in this field. In addition, you can get a taste of the control and navigation of moving robots, for example, in small research-related projects. Other highlights of the week are the presentation of our new mining robots and an abduction into the virtual world.

Program of the Computer Science Days

Weitere Kennenlern-Angebote

Offers under the responsibility of the departments

Chemistry Student College from 12.09. to 15.09.2023

Study programs: Chemistry

All chemistry institutes will open their laboratories for the chemistry student program and invite you to experiment.

To start with, an experimental lecture awaits you, after which you will receive a lot of important information about studying chemistry from the Dean of Studies. Afterwards, you will go on a discovery tour through the modern laboratories. You will walk through all the institutes, conduct a variety of experiments and discover the exciting fields of work and working methods of the various chemical disciplines in a practical way.

In addition to the technical program, other highlights await you, such as a visit to the "Reiche Zeche" research and training mine and a guided tour of the "terra mineralia" mineral collection.

At the end of the school college there will be a barbecue evening, where you will have the opportunity to talk to scientists in a relaxed atmosphere, ask questions and get information.

You can register for the student college via an online portal