On the basis of the award regulations, the following are awarded annually:
- The Agricola Prize for outstanding academic achievements of the best graduates (Diploma/Master's) = Georgius Agricola Medal Regulations
- The Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize to students for special commitment to the interests of students = Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize Regulations
- The Julius Weisbach Prize for exemplary achievements by university teachers, university lecturers, academic assistants, lecturers for special tasks and academic staff in teaching, academic assistants, teaching staff for special tasks and research assistants in teaching in teaching = Regulations Julius-Weisbach-Prize
- the Bernhard-von-Cotta-Prize for outstanding dissertations = Regulations Bernhard-von-Cotta-Prize
- Funding for first-year students at TU Bergakademie Freiberg (merit scholarship) = Regulations merit scholarship
Note: From 2023, the Bernhard von Cotta Prizes will no longer be awarded in accordance with a resolution of the Executive Board.
Award winner 2022

Prize winners 2022
Agricola Prize 2022
- Martha Lina Zimmermann (Faculty 1)
- Betty Leibiger (Faculty 2)
- Hannah Keese (Faculty 3)
- Lisa Fritzsche (Faculty 4)
- Marieke Zickner (Faculty 5)
- Julia Edith Balski (Faculty 6)

Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2022
- Shubham Sharma (Faculty 4)
- Robin Frigge (Faculty 5)

Julius Weisbach Prize 2022
- Dr Ines Aubel (Faculty 2)
- M. Sc. Jakob Kraus (Faculty 2)
Award winner 2021

Prize Winners 2021
Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2021
- Mrs Dr rer. nat. Hripsime Gevorgyan: "Physical volcanology and petrology of Quaternary ignimbrites of the Aragats Volcanic Province, western Armenia"
- Mr Dr Johann Kirchner: "CO2 hydrogenation to CH4 on Fe-based catalysts"
- Mrs Dr phil. Angelina Naa Amlah Böhnisch: "Health communication management: The interface between culture and scientific communication in the management of Ebola in Liberia"

Agricola Prize 2021
- Lorenzo Neumann (Faculty 1)
- Luise Malik (Faculty 2)
- Peggy Gödickmeier (Faculty 3)
- Nils Lange (Faculty 4)
- Nelu Sprater (Faculty 5)
- Simone Kleinselbeck (Faculty 6)


Detlev Müller

Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2021
- Johanna-Luise Richter
Award winner 2020
Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2020
- Dr. rer. nat. Carl-Christoph Höhne: "Organic sulfides and disulfides of s-triazine and s-heptazine and their potential as flame retardants"
- Dr. rer. nat. Christian Posern: "Novel S-, Se- and P-containing s-heptazine derivatives: syntheses, structures and properties"
- Dr.- Ing.Ing. Andreas Burgold: "Modelling the fracture behaviour of austenitic TRIP steels"
Agricola Prize 2020
- Markus Friedemann (Faculty 1)
- Isabell Engel (Faculty 2)
- Cordula Haupt (Faculty 3)
- Vincent von Oertzen (Faculty 4)
- Max Weiner (Faculty 5)
- Lukas Oppelt (Faculty 6)

Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2020
- Alexandra Kaas
Julius Weisbach Prize 2020
- Dr Felix Ballani (Faculty 1)
- Dr Andreas Lißner (Faculty 2)
- Dr Anne Routschek (Faculty 3)
- Dr Rhena Wulf (Faculty 4)
- Prof Yvonne Joseph (Faculty 5)
- Dr Tobias Nell (Faculty 6)
Award winner 2019

Award Winners 2019
Honourary Arms 2019
- Prof. Dr Helmuth Albrecht

St. Barbara Medal 2019
- Prof. h.c. Dr h.c. Frank-Michael Engel and Marianne Engel

Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2019
- Carolin Schneider, M. Sc.: "A method for forward modelling of 2D axially symmetric TEM problems using the finite element method"
- Alexander Schweren, M. Sc.: "Chemiresistors made of gold nanoparticles cross-linked with linear and cyclic molecules"
- Dr. rer. nat. Tom Lorenz: "Recycling rare earths from permanent magnets and fluorescent waste using solid-state chlorination"
- Dr.-Ing. Hanka Becker: "Intermetallic phases and phase formation during solidification related to Fe-containing Al-Si alloys with Mg, Mn and Cr"

Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2019
- Thomas Hanauer

Julius Weisbach Prize 2019
- Prof. Dr Rüdiger Schwarze
- Anne Haufe / Dr Manuel Stapf
Award winner 2018

Award Winners 2018
Honourary Arms 2018
- Prof. Dr Hans-Jürgen Kretzschmar

Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2018
- Dr.-Ing. David Dominic Vogt: "Learning Continuous Human-Robot Interactions from Human-Human Demonstrations"
- Dr.-.Marco Wendler: "Metastable austenite-containing Cr-Mn-Ni steel casting alloys with C and N, their production, material behaviour and strength increase"
- Dr. rer. pol. Michael Kausche: "Economic efficiency of floating offshore wind turbines"

Agricola Prize 2018
- Kim Berude (Faculty 1)
- Franziska Gründler (Faculty 2)
- Björn Wieczoreck (Faculty 3)
- Lisa-Marie Wilde (Faculty 4)
- Stefan Neumann (Faculty 5)
- Sebastian Scholz (Faculty 6)

Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2018
- Michael Griesbach
Award winner 2017

Award Winners 2017
Honourary Arms 2017
- Prof. Dr Horst Brezinski

Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2017
- Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Groll: "Optimisation of the static model of the EAF at the Riesa steelworks"
- Steffen Trümper, M.Sc.: "The North China Qilianshan Entomofauna: Unique Archive of Pennsylvanian Insects formed by Interdelta Mud Flocculation"
- Dr.-Ing. Jörg Fritzsche: "Adhesive forces between technically rough surfaces"
- Dr Max Frenzel: "The distribution of gallium, germanium and indium in conventional and non-conventional resources - Implications for global availability"

Agricola Prize 2017
- Henry Agsten (Faculty 1)
- René Wirnata (Faculty 2)
- Tamino Hirsch (Faculty 3)
- Rico Neuber (Faculty 4)
- Alexander Walnsch (Faculty 5)
- Simon Göbel (Faculty 6)

Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2017
- Jessica Dittmann and Isabel Schulze
Award winner 2016

Award Winners 2016
Rector's Badge of Honour 2016
- Dr Hartmuth Zeiß

Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2016
- Philip Rößger, M.Sc.: "Optimisation of an innovative quench design with integrated CO conversion using Fluent and modeFRONTIER"
- Dipl.-Ing. Frank Sandig: "Investigation of stress- and deformation-induced α'-martensite formation in a high-alloy austenitic steel with 30% nickel"
- Dr.-.Ing. Christina Wüstefeld: "Defect engineering in transition metal based nitride thin films by energetic treatment during deposition"
- Dr. rer. nat. Markus Dod: "Domination in graphs with application to network reliability"

Agricola Prize 2016
- Dipl.-Math. Daniel Lorenz (Faculty 1)
- Conrad Hübler, M.Sc. (Faculty 2)
- Dipl.Ing. Toni Schmidt (Faculty 3)
- Nancy Heckel, M.Sc. (Faculty 4)
- Tina Tauchnitz, M.Sc. (Faculty 5)
- Sebastian Scholz, B.Sc. (Faculty 6)

Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2016
- Tina Grundmann and Nadja Dittrich
Award winner 2015

Award Winners 2015
Rector's Badge of Honour 2015
- Siegfried Körber
- Prof. Dr Hans Michael Eßlinger

Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2015
- Anne Förster, M.Sc.: "The Neogene foraminifera microfauna at Capo San Marco (Sinis Peninsula, Sardinia): Biodiversity, Biostratigraphy and Palaeoecological-Palaeogeographical Conclusions"
- Robert Merkelbach, M.Sc.: "Technical & Economical Well and Completion Design Analysis for Rühlermoor Re-Development"
- Dr. rer. nat. Michel Oelschlägel: "Identification of bacterial styrene oxide isomerases and evaluation of their applicability for the environment-friendly synthesis of phenylacetaldehydes"
- Dr.-.Ing. Michael Budnitzki: "Constitutive modelling and experimental investigations of phase transitions in silicon under contact loading"
Julius Weisbach Prize 2015
- Dr Cameliu Himcinschi
- Prof. Johannes Heitmann
Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2015
- Henry Agsten
Award winner 2014
Honourary Arms 2014
- Dr Hubert Höwener
- Veronika Bellmann

Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2014
- Ann Helen Klingner, M. Sc: Master's thesis entitled: "The development of the Kauffahrtei industrial complex in Chemnitz as a site of automotive history"
- Catleen Conrad, M. Sc.: "Purification and characterisation of the two recombinant dye-degrading peroxidases DypA and DypB from Rhodococcus opacus 1CP. "
- Dr.-Ing. David Ehinger: "Strength, deformation and failure behaviour of cellular TRIP-steel and TRIP-matrix composite structures as a function of stress, temperature and speed"



Julius Weisbach Prize 2014
- M. Sc. Daniel Schlothmann

Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2014
- David Krieg
Award winner 2013

Award Winners 2013
Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2013
- Dipl.-Chem. Erik Wächtler: "Synthesis and characterisation of novel (µ-S,N)-bridged tin-transition metal complexes of the nickel triad"
- Dipl.Ing. Robert Dietze: "Revision of the mining planning in field 900 of the Grasstree mine with a focus on the fault system in level 905 and 906"
- Dr. Mohammed Ali Namuq: "Simulation and modelling of pressure pulse propagation in fluids inside drill strings"
- Dr.-Ing. Robert Pardemann: "Material-force coupling in coal-based polygeneration concepts"

Julius Weisbach Prize 2013
- Prof. Dr Martin Sonntag and Dr Ute Claußnitzer

Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2013
- Maik Gerwig
Award winner 2012

Award Winners 2012
Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2012
- Dipl.-Math. Melanie Nentwich: "Structure determination of selected rare-earth compounds using the DAFS method"
- Dipl.- Ing.Ing. Markus Wagner: "Simulation of the deformation behaviour of laser-strengthened car body structures"
- Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Tischler: "Styrene Monooxygenases of Rhodococcus opacus 1 CP - Representatives of a New Type of Flavin Monooxygenases with Potential for White Biotechnology"

Julius Weisbach Prize 2012
- Prof. Dr Jens Kortus and Dr Ute Singliar


Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2012
- Peter Seidel
Winner 2011

Award Winners 2011
Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2011
- Dipl.-Geophys. Julia Weißflog: "Preconditioned "all-at-once" methods for large weakly populated parameter estimation problems"
- Dr Heni Ben Amor: "Imitation Learning of Motor Skills for Synthetic Humanoids"

Julius Weisbach Prize 2011
- Prof. Dr Meinhard Kuna and Dr Klaus Meltke

Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2011
- Friederike Zimmermann
Award winner 2010

Award Winners 2010
Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2010
- Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Hantsch: "Numerical calculation of the heat transfer in a falling liquid film using lattice Boltzmann methods"
- Dr. Patrick Moldenhauer: "Modelling and simulation of the dynamics and contact of tyre tread blocks"


Julius Weisbach Prize 2010
- Dr Renate Ohser-Wiedemann, Dr Regina Hüttl and Prof Dr Michael Höck

Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2010
- Sabine Kaiser

Winner 2009
Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2009
- Dipl.Geol. Lutz Geißler: "Geological Mapping and Geochemical Investigation of Gold-Bearing Polymetal Sulfide Quartz Veins in the French Gulch Mine, French Gulch-Deadwood District, Klamath Mountains, Shasta County, Northern California, USA"
- Dr. Babett Fiebig: "Partial oxidation of o-xylene to phthalic acid and phthalic anhydride in the gas and liquid phase"


Julius Weisbach Prize 2009
- Dr.-Ing. Rhena Wulf and PD Dr habil. Thomas Seifert


Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2009
- Matthias Saurbier
Prize winner 2008

Award Winners 2008
Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2008
- Dipl.-Ing. Kristina Voidel: "The influence of long shear paths on the occurrence of slip-stick phenomena during wall friction"
- Dr. Florian Hoffmann: "Synthesis and reactivity of transition metal complexes with alkynylsilyl ligands"


Julius Weisbach Prize 2008
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ulrich Groß and Dr Claudia Dommaschk


Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2008
- Susanne Franke
Prize winner 2007
Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2007
- Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Hielscher: "The Radon Transform on the Rotation Group - Inversion and Application to Texture Analysis"
- Dipl.Christina Wüstefeld: "Microstructure of ultra-hard Cr-AI-N nanocomposites"
- Marcel Liebke
- Dipl.Ing. Torsten Eden: "Comparative investigation of methods for vertical deposit zoning"
- Lutz Geißler
- Dipl.-Wirtschaftsing. Julia Drechsel: "Standortplanung von Einsatzkräften bei temporären und mobilen Großereignissen"
- Hannah Dürr
- Dr.- Ing.Ing. Rolf Fischer: "Contribution to the development of a process data management system"
- Dipl.Ing. Stefan Lachmann: "Reactions between metal and the refractory environment when casting high-alloy steels and special alloys"
- Andreas Brecht
- Dr. rer. pol. Anja Geigenmüller: "Origin of Regional Brands - Influence on Brand Perception - Consequences for Brand Management"
- Dipl.Nat. Franziska Knabe: "Mass spectrometric analysis of isomeric conformations of polypeptides and proteins"
- Manuela Junghans
- Dr.- Ing.Ing. Annett Doktorowski: "Datenbasierte Modellierung der Gefügebildung bei der γ/α-Umwandlung in Stählen"
- Dipl.-Geologin Eva Enkelmann: "The Tan-Lu Fault Zone at the eastern edge of the Dabie Shan (Eastern China). A view from fission-track thermochronology"
- Dipl.-Ing. Marco Enderlein: "FEM implementation of the dynamic J-integral for the spatial analysis of cracks under impact loads"
- Christoph Lüdecke
- Dr.-Ing. Sylvia Gebhardt: "Production and characterisation of fine-scale 1-3 piezocomposites for ultrasonic transducers"
- René Otparlik
- Dr.-.Ing. Barbara Larisch: "Investigations into the production and evaluation of duplex layers of the nitrided layer/hard material layer type"
- Dipl.Ing. Marcel Neumann: "Numerical investigations into the formation of softened zones in the contour area of cavities in salt rock"
- Holger Sigg and Rico Barth
- Dr.- Ing.Ing. Hannes Richter: "Production of ceramic nanofiltration membranes from ZrO2 and TiO2"
- Dipl.-Math. Jörg Bretschneider: "Comparison of numerical methods for the treatment of the Wicksell corpuscle problem (Saltykov method, EM algorithm, Tikhonov regularisation, SVD method)"
- Dipl.Ing. Basel Mulhem: "Comparison between a simple numerical simulation of the formation and temporal development of spray structures with stroboscopic images of the diesel jet of a distributor injection pump"
- Dipl.Min. Thomas Monecke: "ICP-MS investigations on the trace element content in metamorphic and hydrothermal quartz"
- Dr.-Ing. Karsten Zolldann: "Modelling the recipe-dependent properties of aerated concrete"
- Dipl.- Ing.Ing. Michael Meyer: "Investigations into the partial degradation of collagen by thermal and mechanical treatment in kneaders"
- Dr. rer. nat. Silvio Hartmann: "A fuzzy method for modelling and investigating the stability of processes"
- Dipl.- Ing.Ing. Mike Neugebauer
- Dipl.-Ing. Hendryk Leitzke
- Dipl.Ing. Roswita Lange
- Dipl.-Ing. Anke Fuchs
- Dr.-Ing. Uwe Labude