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On the basis of the award regulations, the following are awarded annually:

  • The Agricola Prize for outstanding academic achievements of the best graduates (Diploma/Master's) = Georgius Agricola Medal Regulations
  • The Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize to students for special commitment to the interests of students = Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize Regulations
  • The Julius Weisbach Prize for exemplary achievements by university teachers, university lecturers, academic assistants, lecturers for special tasks and academic staff in teaching, academic assistants, teaching staff for special tasks and research assistants in teaching in teaching = Regulations Julius-Weisbach-Prize
  • the Bernhard-von-Cotta-Prize for outstanding dissertations = Regulations Bernhard-von-Cotta-Prize
  • Funding for first-year students at TU Bergakademie Freiberg (merit scholarship) = Regulations merit scholarship

Note: From 2023, the Bernhard von Cotta Prizes will no longer be awarded in accordance with a resolution of the Executive Board.

Award winner 2022

Award winner 2021

Award winner 2020

Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2020

  • Dr. rer. nat. Carl-Christoph Höhne: "Organic sulfides and disulfides of s-triazine and s-heptazine and their potential as flame retardants"
  • Dr. rer. nat. Christian Posern: "Novel S-, Se- and P-containing s-heptazine derivatives: syntheses, structures and properties"
  • Dr.- Ing.Ing. Andreas Burgold: "Modelling the fracture behaviour of austenitic TRIP steels"

Agricola Prize 2020

  • Markus Friedemann (Faculty 1)
  • Isabell Engel (Faculty 2)
  • Cordula Haupt (Faculty 3)
  • Vincent von Oertzen (Faculty 4)
  • Max Weiner (Faculty 5)
  • Lukas Oppelt (Faculty 6)

Julius Weisbach Prize 2020

  • Dr Felix Ballani (Faculty 1)
  • Dr Andreas Lißner (Faculty 2)
  • Dr Anne Routschek (Faculty 3)
  • Dr Rhena Wulf (Faculty 4)
  • Prof Yvonne Joseph (Faculty 5)
  • Dr Tobias Nell (Faculty 6)

Award winner 2019

Award winner 2018

Award winner 2017

Award winner 2016

Award winner 2015

Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Prize 2015

  • Henry Agsten

Award winner 2014

Honourary Arms 2014

  • Dr Hubert Höwener
  • Veronika Bellmann

Award winner 2013

Award winner 2012

Winner 2011

Award winner 2010

Prize winner 2008

Prize winner 2007

Bernhard von Cotta Prize 2007

  • Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Hielscher: "The Radon Transform on the Rotation Group - Inversion and Application to Texture Analysis"
  • Dipl.Christina Wüstefeld: "Microstructure of ultra-hard Cr-AI-N nanocomposites"
  • Marcel Liebke
  • Dipl.Ing. Torsten Eden: "Comparative investigation of methods for vertical deposit zoning"
  • Lutz Geißler
  • Dipl.-Wirtschaftsing. Julia Drechsel: "Standortplanung von Einsatzkräften bei temporären und mobilen Großereignissen"
  • Hannah Dürr
  • Dr.- Ing.Ing. Rolf Fischer: "Contribution to the development of a process data management system"
  • Dipl.Ing. Stefan Lachmann: "Reactions between metal and the refractory environment when casting high-alloy steels and special alloys"
  • Andreas Brecht
  • Dr. rer. pol. Anja Geigenmüller: "Origin of Regional Brands - Influence on Brand Perception - Consequences for Brand Management"
  • Dipl.Nat. Franziska Knabe: "Mass spectrometric analysis of isomeric conformations of polypeptides and proteins"
  • Manuela Junghans
  • Dr.- Ing.Ing. Annett Doktorowski: "Datenbasierte Modellierung der Gefügebildung bei der γ/α-Umwandlung in Stählen"
  • Dipl.-Geologin Eva Enkelmann: "The Tan-Lu Fault Zone at the eastern edge of the Dabie Shan (Eastern China). A view from fission-track thermochronology"
  • Dipl.-Ing. Marco Enderlein: "FEM implementation of the dynamic J-integral for the spatial analysis of cracks under impact loads"
  • Christoph Lüdecke
  • Dr.-Ing. Sylvia Gebhardt: "Production and characterisation of fine-scale 1-3 piezocomposites for ultrasonic transducers"
  • René Otparlik
  • Dr.-.Ing. Barbara Larisch: "Investigations into the production and evaluation of duplex layers of the nitrided layer/hard material layer type"
  • Dipl.Ing. Marcel Neumann: "Numerical investigations into the formation of softened zones in the contour area of cavities in salt rock"
  • Holger Sigg and Rico Barth
  • Dr.- Ing.Ing. Hannes Richter: "Production of ceramic nanofiltration membranes from ZrO2 and TiO2"
  • Dipl.-Math. Jörg Bretschneider: "Comparison of numerical methods for the treatment of the Wicksell corpuscle problem (Saltykov method, EM algorithm, Tikhonov regularisation, SVD method)"
  • Dipl.Ing. Basel Mulhem: "Comparison between a simple numerical simulation of the formation and temporal development of spray structures with stroboscopic images of the diesel jet of a distributor injection pump"
  • Dipl.Min. Thomas Monecke: "ICP-MS investigations on the trace element content in metamorphic and hydrothermal quartz"
  • Dr.-Ing. Karsten Zolldann: "Modelling the recipe-dependent properties of aerated concrete"
  • Dipl.- Ing.Ing. Michael Meyer: "Investigations into the partial degradation of collagen by thermal and mechanical treatment in kneaders"
  • Dr. rer. nat. Silvio Hartmann: "A fuzzy method for modelling and investigating the stability of processes"
  • Dipl.- Ing.Ing. Mike Neugebauer
  • Dipl.-Ing. Hendryk Leitzke
  • Dipl.Ing. Roswita Lange
  • Dipl.-Ing. Anke Fuchs
  • Dr.-Ing. Uwe Labude