Would you like to discover our degree programmes?
Here you can find our offers for pupils

School university during the holidays
You find many areas exciting, but don't know exactly what you want to study yet? Then our student university during the school holidays is just right for you. We invite you to get to know different fields of study and the university town of Freiberg and to experience studying in practice.
Further information and registration for the school university

School chemistry course from 20.08. to 23.08.2024
Study programme: Chemistry
The chemistry school opens its doors and invites all those interested to explore the laboratories of the chemistry institutes and take part in exciting experiments!
The day begins with a fascinating experimental lecture, followed by an informative talk by the Dean of Studies, who will provide important insights into the study of chemistry. During an exciting discovery tour, there are insights into the modern laboratories and the opportunity to experience the fascinating fields and methods of various chemical disciplines up close in a variety of experiments.
In addition to the varied technical programme, there are other highlights, such as a trip to the "Reiche Zeche" research and educational mine and a fascinating guided tour of the impressive "terra mineralia" mineral collection.
The culmination of the student college is a cosy barbecue evening. Impressions can be exchanged and questions answered in a relaxed atmosphere with scientists and students.
Online registration for the Schülerkolleg

Spring Academy Mathematics
Discover the fascinating world of maths! The Spring Academy offers pupils from year 10 onwards a unique opportunity to expand their mathematical knowledge and get a taste of what studying at university can be like. Pupils can experience just how interesting and useful mathematics can be in exciting lectures and exercises on a wide range of mathematical topics.
The taster programme gives pupils the opportunity to take an in-depth look at the content and challenges of studying mathematics. It provides support in deciding on a mathematical course of study and helps to further develop one's own passion for mathematics.
In addition to the academic activities, the Spring Academy's supporting programme offers the opportunity to get to know the city.
The Spring Academy is aimed at pupils from year 10 onwards with an advanced level of mathematical knowledge. We welcome the participation of pupils who have a strong interest in studying mathematics or who are looking for support in their decision to study a mathematical degree programme.

School laboratory materials
A modern world needs modern materials - efficient, intelligent and ecologically compatible. They would be inconceivable without innovative materials and technologies: Mobile phones, vehicles, computers - or even our formula racing car, which students built during their studies in Freiberg!
In the school laboratory "Science meets School - Materials and Technologies in Freiberg", children and young people become "materials detectives". They explore the world of materials, their production and important material properties. Their own experiments in real research laboratories illustrate how decisive the microstructure of a material is for its properties, for example. Modern research equipment such as a scanning electron microscope is available for this purpose.
Teachers will find interesting opportunities to supplement and enhance their lessons, especially in maths and science subjects, as well as attractive offers for individual further training.

Schülerwettbewerb 2025 "Pappe auf der Überholspur"
Die Entwicklung des Automobils ist seit jeher eng mit der Erforschung neuer Werkstoffe verbunden. Seit den ersten Automobilen aus schwerem Stahl bis hin zu den modernen Fahrzeugen aus leichtem Aluminium, Karbonfaser und Hightech-Kunststoffen hat sich die Automobilindustrie stetig weiterentwickelt. Dabei steht stets die Frage im Mittelpunkt: Wie lassen sich Materialien leichter, stabiler und nachhaltiger machen, um die Effizienz und Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern? Die Wahl der richtigen Werkstoffe und deren intelligente Kombination prägen das Fahrzeugdesign und spielen eine entscheidende Rolle für die Mobilität der Zukunft.
Mit dem Freiberger Karton-Karossen-Cup habt ihr die Chance, in die Rolle von Ingenieuren und Designern zu schlüpfen und eigene Fahrzeuge zu konstruieren – aus Karton, Papier und anderen Materialien, welche ihr in der blauen Tonne finden könnt!