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As a visiting professor at the Institute of Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining at TUBAF, Professor Andreas Nascimento will spend the next eighteen months investigating how drilling can become more efficient thanks to new methods and automation. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) and the Brazilian Ministry of Education are supporting him in this endeavour.

Gastprofessor Andreas Nascimento an der Versuchsanlage für Tiefbohrtechnik.

"The infrastructure here at the institute is unique!" The Brazilian guest professor is referring in particular to a test facility consisting of long, partially transparent pipes in which the flow of drilling fluid and data transmission during drilling can be simulated.

When the alumnus of the University of Leoben presses a small remote control, he starts the experiment with a control and software system - and thus also several sensors and measuring points for the pressure curve along the experimental section. It is this data in particular that interests the TUBAF guest scientist: "Only what is measured can be optimised: I am also investigating how measurement data obtained underground can be sent quickly and reliably through the pipeline in the form of pressure fluctuations. The pressure pipe represents a drill string as used in deep drilling technology. In deep boreholes, data cannot be transmitted entirely by radio or cable." The data from the depths helps deep drilling engineers to make the entire drilling process more efficient. To this end, real-time technologies and methods are becoming increasingly important, also to ensure safe and economical access to energy-related natural resources."

For this purpose, Professor Andreas Nascimento has developed a process that he would soon like to further analyse through experiments at the unique test facility. "If I wasn't here in Freiberg, I wouldn't be able to pursue my research approach nearly as extensively," says Professor Andreas Nascimento. "Here, I am at one of the best research institutions in the world for my research!"

"We are very proud that Professor Andreas Nascimento has chosen the Institute of Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining for his research stay - this is a recognition of the quality of our work! Several dissertations have already been completed and several patents granted on this particular flow test facility developed in-house," says host Professor Matthias Reich.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Reich
Professor für Bohrtechnik, Spezialtiefbauausrüstungen und Bergbaumaschinen
Werner-Arnold-Bau, Agricolastraße 22, Raum 218
Matthias.Reich [at] +49 3731 39-2491