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There are many ways to get to know TUBAF.

We invite you to

  • experience everyday university life, 
  • get to know study programs, 
  • take a look at research facilities ranging from laboratories to large-scale research facilities,
  • complete an internship at the university,
  • come to the Campus Day,  
  • come to Girl's Day,
  • visit the university and the campus with the whole school class or
  • make an appointment at the Central Student Advisory Service. 

Offers for pupils

Campus days
At the Campus Days, we will inform you about studying at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Presentations of the degree programmes, guided tours of the campus, participation in experiments, tours of the pilot plants and laboratories await you.
Flyer der Schüleruniversität
School university
We invite you to get to know our university, the degree programmes, the campus, student life and the student city during the winter and summer holidays.
Fächer entdecken am Campustag
Discover subjects
In order to explore an area of interest in more detail, there are tailor-made programmes such as the School Chemistry College, the Spring Academy of Mathematics, the Faculty Day of Economics, the School University and the School Laboratory for Materials.
Girls' Day 2024 Logo
Girls' Day
On Girls' Day, girls have the opportunity to get to know subjects at TUBAF.

Offers for courses and classes

We come to you or you come to us.

We offer a wide range of options and are happy to cater to your individual subject wishes.

Experience the university up close during lectures, workshops, experiments and campus tours.

Eine Auswahl an Highlights für den Unibesuch

Campus Tours with Students
Our students guide school groups around the campus and talk about their everyday life as students.
Der Asien-Saal der terra mineralia
Visiting Exhibitions and Collections
The university displays important and extensive collections, such as terra mineralia, the Mineralogical Collection of Germany, the Paleontological Collection and Mineralogical Collections.
Forschungs- und Lehrbergwerk der TU Bergakademie
Entrance to the “Reiche Zeche” Research and Training Mine
The research and training mine, which has been in existence for a hundred years, is unique in Europe.
Ein Mitarbeiter im Baggersimulator des Digital Mining Labs
Digital Mining Lab
Discover how augmented reality books, VR glasses and simulators are used in research and teaching in the “Digital Mining Lab” at the Institute of Mining and Specialized Civil Engineering.
Studierende bekommen auf dem Lehrpfad Wissensreise Kohlenstoff etwas erklärt
Educational Trail “Carbon Knowledge Journey”
What do your smartphone, your T-shirt and your pencil have in common? They contain carbon! You can find out more about this unique element and its influence on our lives on the carbon educational trail at the Reiche Zeche.
Blick in die Rohstoffausstellung "Vom Salz des Lebens"
Raw Materials Exhibition “The Salt of Life”
An exhibition takes you on a journey into the world of raw materials. Entitled “The salt of life”, it is a fun way to understand that the world we live in exists thanks to the extraction and use of raw materials.
Schülergruppe im ZeHS
Taster Day at ZeHS
What actually is fire? Where does heat come from? And these particles that make up our world - what do they actually do all day? For the center's youngest guests, these questions are always the focus of attention.
Neue Universitätsbibliothek
Information Research in the University Library
Insights into the new modern university library, information research, use of e-books and databases.
Bild einer verschlossenen Tür
Escape-Room "Escape our Lab"
In this escape adventure, you can playfully experience what it means to be a materials scientist. Exciting experiments will give you an insight into the mysterious world of materials that you often encounter unconsciously in everyday life.

Central Student Counselling Service

The Central Student Advisory Service is the point of contact for prospective students regarding any concerns and questions about their studies in personal counselling sessions, by telephone or by email.

It is also the point of contact for secondary schools and classes for a visit to the university.

Central Student Advisory Service

Contact us

The Central Student Advisory Service is the point of contact for prospective students regarding any concerns and questions about their studies in personal counselling sessions, by telephone or by email.

It is also the point of contact for secondary schools and classes for a visit to the university.

Central Student Counselling Service
Prüferstr. 2, 3rd floor, room 3.405
studienberatung [at] +49 3731 39-3469