Corona relief fund
- Thank you very much!
- Donors
- Further information
Everyone can donate! Individual amounts can be transferred to the following account:
Account holder: Freunde und Förderer der TU Bergakademie Freiberg e.V.
IBAN: DE55 8705 2000 3115 0144 30
Kreditinstitut: Sparkasse Mittelsachsen
Verwendungszweck: Corona-Hilfs-Fonds (JA); Postan
Each donor will be listed by name and without amount on a donor list after approval (please mark "JA" in the purpose of use). (if a donation receipt is desired)
Thank you very much!
For the numerous donations to the Corona Relief Fund to support students at TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
The Rector of TU Bergakademie Freiberg, together with the Managing Director of the Support Association and the Chairman of the University Staff Council, called for a major fundraising campaign from 20 May 2020 to support students in financial difficulties as a result of the Corona crisis. Many part-time jobs alongside their studies have suddenly disappeared, while financial demands such as rent, insurance and living expenses have continued and continue to run.
We are delighted and impressed by the strong response to this appeal and the great willingness to donate. By the beginning of June 2021, the association had received 131,000 euros in donations. Many thanks to all 263 donors!
About 42 per cent of the donors are alumni who are connected to their alma mater Fribergensis in the Freiberg Alumni Network. This is our Bergakademie family!
From the numerous applications submitted by students, 129 funding applications with a funding volume of 122,000 euros have so far been approved by the Studentenwerk Freiberg (Social Services Department). Ninety-five per cent of the funding recipients are international students. We would like to say a big thank you for this extensive selection of applications!
The support allocations were wide-ranging: Rent, insurance, food, free tables in the canteen and vouchers for Freiberg shops.
Two thank-you quotes from students express the help:
"I am very grateful for your support in this difficult situation."
"Please thanks very much for your concern in helping me out in this difficult time."
So we'll stay on the ball and pay tribute to the donors with a grateful "Glück auf!"
Freiberg, 01.06.2021
Prof. Dr Hans-Jürgen Kretzschmar (Managing Director of Freunde und Förderer der TU Bergakademie Freiberg e. V.)
- Martin Abendroth
- Helmuth Albrecht
- Ulf Altmann
- Hans-Jürgen Appolt
- Martin Arndt
- Gerit and Felix Ballani
- Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht
- Katerina Bartova
- Ingrid Batschko
- Maike Baudach
- Jörg Bellmann
- Jörg Benndorf
- Andreas Benra
- Andreas Benz
- Daniel Berger
- Franziska and Jan Beyer
- Thomas Bier
- Christiane and Horst Biermann
- Gunter Peter Braniek
- Bräuer GmbH & Co. KG Hilpoltstein
- Erica Brendler
- Cornelia Brückner
- Andreas Burgold
- Dieter and Ilona Clausnitzer
- Cordula Conrad
- Stephan Dempe
- Rebecca Diewitz
- Jürgen and Monika Dittfeld
- Carsten Drebenstedt
- Volkmar Fritz Dunger
- Klaus Ebel
- Ricarda and Ralf Eckner
- Ines and Marius Ehrig
- Olaf Elicki
- René and Anita Engler
- Jürgen Eschment
- Evangelische und Katholische Studentengemeinde Freiberg
- Franziska Fabeck
- Michael Fechter
- Tobias Fieback
- Karsten Flade
- Elke Floss
- Lisa Freitag
- Freunde und Förderer der TU Bergakademie Freiberg e. V.
- Daniela Freyer
- Julia and Gero Frisch
- Conrad Fritzsche
- Sindy Fuhrmann
- Claudia Funke
- Andreas Gäbler
- Steffi and Thomas Geipel
- Lia Gevorgyan
- Sandra Gilles
- Ina Gorges
- Peter Görlitz
- Andre Gregor
- Ralf Große
- Andreas Grossmann
- Tobias Gustmann
- Christophe Hagedorn
- Daniel Hamann
- Carina and René Hänig
- Andrea and Thomas Hanstein
- Roland Haseneder
- Felix Häusler
- Martin Haustein
- Hendrik Haustein
- Almut and Torsten Hegewald
- Hermann Heilmeier
- Johannes Heitmann
- Olaf Hellwig
- Ralf Hemmerling
- Marcus Herbig
- Ulrike and Nikolaus Herzog
- Vera Hiller
- Sebastian Hippmann
- Heike and Karsten Hoffmann
- Patrick and Marika Hofmann
- Gerhard Holzhey
- Caroline Hommel
- Nils Hoth
- Qiuliang Huang
- Diane Hübgen
- Geralf Hütter
- Institute of Metal Forming at TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- Institute of Technical Chemistry at TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- Institute of Thermal Process Engineering, Environmental Process Engineering and Natural Product Process Engineering
- Kay Jachmann
- Manuela Junghans
- Irona Kahle
- Felicitas Kaiser
- Felix Kaubisch
- Peter Kelbsch
- Ravi Govindram Kewalramani
- Björn Kiefer
- Stephan Kirchhof
- Dominik Kirschenmann
- Marion and Joachim Kirst
- Julia Anna Klapperich
- Andrea and Ingo Knepper
- Thomas and Maja Korner
- Jens Kortus
- Marek Kotarba
- Rhena and Andreas Krawietz
- Hans-Jürgen Kretzschmar
- Stefan Martin Krinke
- Edwin Kroke
- Thomas Krüger
- Erika Maria Krüger
- Petra and Thomas Kuchling
- Jonathan Kühne
- Lisa Elisabeth Kühnel
- Dhaval Kulkarni
- Nicolai-Alexeji Kummer
- Christopher and Irka Kurz
- Felix Küster
- Jonas Lachmann
- Manuel Lapp
- Jana Bianka Latte
- Astrid Leuteritz
- Annette and Andreas Ludwig
- Sascha Martin
- Torsten Mayer
- Meeting of Refractory Experts Freiberg e. V.
- . V.
- Stefan Mehringer
- Eric Meier
- Nils Meyer
- Kerstin Milew
- Leo Emil Valerian Casimir Robert Mittelstädt
- Brigitte Hanna Mruk
- Siegfried Müller
- Anna-K. and Thomas Mütze
- Thomas Nagel
- Evelyn Neuber
- Michaela Nguyen
- Lukas Oppelt
- Annett and Michael Paleit
- PARFORCE Engineering & Consulting GmbH Freiberg
- Mathias Patzig Foundation - a charitable foundation with legal capacity
- . non-profit and charitable foundation with legal capacity
- Carolin Pezenka
- Kirsten and Alexander Pleßow
- Katja Polanski
- Heidi and Holger Poppe
- Stefanie Preißler
- Evelyn Antje Rausch
- Phanindra Reddy Ravi
- Matthias Reich
- Dieter Reinhold
- Markus Reinmöller
- Oliver Rheinbach
- Elke Richert
- Steve Richter
- Alexander Richter
- Silvia Rogler
- Jörg-Ulf Röhl
- Wulff Roller
- Rotary Hilfswerk Freiberg e. V.
- Stephan Roth
- Mario Rothe
- Manuela Rudolph
- Alex Sabelfeld
- Anne and Robert Sachse
- Kevin Sasse
- Simone Schadow-Pietzsch
- Peter Schledermann
- Thomas Schmalz
- Gert Schmidt
- Carolin Schneider
- Jens Schneider
- Markus Scholz
- Zsuzsanna Scholz
- Norman Schreiter
- Romy and Ronny Schrenk
- Hans-Werner Schröder
- Lothar Schumacher
- Rüdiger Schwarze
- Jürgen Seidel
- Birgit Seidel-Bachmann
- Petra and Thomas Seifert
- Karin Sichone
- Karina Sopp
- Sparkasse Mittelsachsen
- Björn Sprungk
- Manuel Stapf
- Thomas Storch
- Steffen and Ilona Sziedat
- Silke and Jens Then
- Bärbel and Wolfgang Thielicke
- Michael Ulbrich
- Martin Ullrich
- Renate and Georg Unland
- Petra Vater
- Uwe Weber
- Petra and Elias Wegert
- Anja Weidner
- Ellen Weißmantel
- Renate Welcker
- Saskia Wesolowski
- Jürgen Uwe Weyer
- Rene Kristanto Wirnata
- Steffen Wirth
- Maria and Hendrik Wollmerstädt
- Cornelia and Michael Wolowski
- Christian Wolterink
- Rhena and Hans Wulf
- Sylvio Zapf
- Henning Zeidler
- Christian Zieger
- Holger Zienert
- Herko Zwätz
The names are listed in alphabetical order and without titles. Only donors who have expressly consented to the publication of their name are named.