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25.06.: Wartungsarbeit und Aktualisierung Drupal

Beschreibung der Störung

Es wird das neue Release auf das Produktivsystem eingespielt. Die Maßnahmen sind für Dienstag (25.06.2024) in der Zeit von 9:00 Uhr bis ca. 10:30 Uhr geplant.

Alle aktiven Verbindungen werden getrennt. Daher speichern Sie bitte vor Beginn der Wartung Ihre Arbeit.

Betroffene Dienste

  • Webauftritt (Drupal)

Betroffene Nutzer

  • alle Drupal-Redakteure

10.05.: VPN fault (fixed)

Description of the malfunction

This Friday, a malfunction occurred in the VPN. This means that use via the eduVPN client is currently not possible.

Update 10.05.: The malfunction has been fixed.

Affected services

  • VPN

Affected users

  • Anybody who wants to connect to the VPN

17.04.: Maintenance and update HIS-ERP

Description of the fault

Due to several errors in the HIS ERP applications, it is necessary to carry out an update. In addition, regular database maintenance is taking place. The measures are planned for this Wednesday (17.04.2024) in the time from 8:30 am to approx. 9:30 am.

All active connections will be disconnected. Therefore, please save your work before the maintenance begins and close the affected applications. You will be informed when the work on the system has been completed.

Affected services


Affected users

  • All HIS users


If urgent matters prevent the measure from being carried out, please contact us at short notice.

We will be happy to answer your questions at any time.

Contact person

Martin Kunze
ERP Competence Centre of Saxon Universities
Phone: +49 3731 39-4015
Email: Martin [dot] Kunze [at] tu-freibgerg [dot] de (Martin[dot]Kunze[at]tu-freibgerg[dot]de)

25/26 October: Update HIS-ERP

Description of the disruption

On this Wednesday and Thursday (25.10.2023 and 26.10.2023) the version change of HIS-ERP to version 2023.06 will take place. All associated applications such as COB, FSV, SVA, ISY-SVA and HIS-QIS ( will be unavailable during this time.

The work is scheduled to begin on Wednesday at 7:45 am. Please save your work until this time and close all affected applications and tools.

The installation of the new version of the HIS client on your desktop computer is planned for Wednesday and should be done remotely after prior individual telephone consultation.

Affected services


Affected users

  • All HIS users
  • .users

Contact person

Martin Kunze
ERP Competence Centre of Saxon Universities
Telephone: +49 3731 39-4015
Email: Martin [dot] Kunze [at] tu-freibgerg [dot] de