We offer centrally provided storage space. This can be requested for an institute/organisation, a professorship or for a project. This is located on our central file server.
Storage can be provided either once per institute or individually for each of the institute's professorships. Simultaneous provision of both options is only possible in justified exceptional cases.
Customer benefits
Storage space for institute/institution or professorship
- Provision as CIFS share
- Multiple snapshots and backup
- Various standard sizes
Storage space for project
- Maximum provision period: 2 years
- After consultation with the URZ if necessary. subject to charge
- Provision as CIFS share
- Multiple snapshots and backup
- Various sizes
Contact us
IT Service Desk
University Computer Centre, Bernhard-von-Cotta-Str. 1, 09599 Freiberg
servicedesk [at] tu-freiberg.de
+49 3731 39-1818
Scope of services
- Support for central file server (CIFS Share)
- Support for backup server