
C. Schimpf
manufacturer: Bruker AXS GmbH, Karlsruhe (Germany)
technical specifications:
- X-ray diffractometer with Bragg-Brentano geometry (θ–θ)
- angular range: 2θ = 10° ... 160°
- anode material: Cu (other anode materials possible)
- different sample stages:
- high temperature chamber MTC-Hightemp+ (25°C ... 1800°C) with Ta- or Pt/Rh heating strip (resistive heating)
- low temperature chamber MTC-LowTemp (-120°C ... 400°C) with Cu cooling block and AlCr heating strip
- inert atmosphere available (Ar, N2, vacuum up to 7×10-5 mbar)
- temperature control via thermocouples
- suitable for powder samples (corundum crucibles) or flat bulk samples directly on the heating strip
- check of sample position via shadowing of the primary beam
- position sensitive semiconductor solid state detector LynxEye XE (191 channels, opening covers 2θ~2.7°) with <680 eV energy resolution
- measurement speed yielding acceptable signal-to-noise ratios: 0.25s ... 0.5s per angular step
typical applications:
- investigation of phase transitions at high and low temperatures
- determination of lattice parameters and thermal expansion
- tracking of chemical reactions
- observation of microstructure changes at high temperatures