
C. Schimpf
manufacturer: SETARAM, KEP Technologies, Caluire, Frankreich
technical specification:
- simultaneous thermal analysis (differencial thermal analysis and thermogravimetry)
- temperature ranges:
- room temperature to 1750°C (SetSys Evo 16/18)
- room temperature to 2400°C (SetSys Evo 20)
- heating rate: 0.01 to 100 K/min
- resolution: 0.02 µg | 0.002 µg
- atmosphere: air, Ar (99.999%), He (99.999%) + Varian filter system
- crucible material: Al2O3, Pt/Rh
typical applications:
- determination of phase transition temperatures of metallic and ceramic substances
- determination of mass-related phase changes, e.g. due to oxidation or decompositon reactions