D.A. de Abreu, M. Löffler, M.J. Kriegel, O. Fabrichnaya:
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H. Becker, B. Fankhänel, A. Charitos, S. Baier-Stegmaier, A. Leineweber, W. Pantleon:
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P. Brož, X. Yan, V. Romaka, O. Fabrichnaya, M.J. Kriegel, V. Buršíková, J. Buršík, J. Vřešťál, G. Rogl, H. Michor, E. Bauer, M. Eiberger, A. Grytsiv, G. Giester, P.F. Rogl:
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J. Cassinerio, M.F. Giordana, E. Zelaya, V. Remich, P. Krooß, J. Freudenberger, T. Niendorf, C.E. Sobrero:
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B. Denkena, J.K. Hufenbach, B. Bergmann, U. Kühn, A. Heckemeyer, S. Worpenberg, C. Kunz:
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S. Drescher, S. Seils, T. Boll, A. Kauffmann, M. Heilmaier, J. Freudenberger:
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M. Förste, T. Schneider, P. Fischer, C. Röder, O. Pätzold, D. Rafaja, A. Charitos:
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S.M. Jafarpour, S. Martin, C. Schimpf, A. Dalke, H. Biermann, A. Leineweber:
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D.Y. Kononenko, D. Chernyavsky, W.E. King, J.K. Hufenbach, J. van den Brink, K. Kosiba:
Designing materials by laser powder bed fusion with machine learning-driven bi-objective optimization,
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L. Lai, J.-E. Brandenburg, P. Chekhonin, A. Duplessi, F. Cuvilly, A. Etienne, B. Radiguet, D. Rafaja, F. Bergner:
Microstructure-Informed Prediction of Hardening in Ion-Irradiated Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels,
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A. Leineweber, F. Stein:
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A. Leineweber, M.H. Wetzel, S.-L. Shang, Z.-K. Liu:
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S. Neumann, D. Rafaja:
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P. Nitzsche, M. Hauser, N. Lehnert, A. Weidner, S. Henkel, M. Wendler, J. Freudenberger, O. Volkova, V. Kräusel, H. Biermann:
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M. Otto, J. Freudenberger, L. Giebeler, A. Weidner, J. Hufenbach:
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B. Paul, A. Kiel, M. Otto, T. Gemming, V. Hoffmann, L. Giebeler, B. Kaltschmidt, A. Hütten, A. Gebert, B. Kaltschmidt, C. Kaltschmidt, J. Hufenbach:
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T. Pflug, P. Cejpek, M. Olbrich, C. Wüstefeld, M. Ernstberger, M. Motylenko, D. Rafaja, A. Horn:
Transient ablation topography of a thin chromium film after ultrashort pulsed laser irradiation in the spallation and phase explosion regime,
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A. Qadir, S. Ali, J. Dusza, D. Rafaja:
Predicting hardness of graphene-added Si3N4 using machine learning: A data-driven approach,
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V. Remich, C. Lauhoff, M.J. Kriegel, M. Motylenko, T. Niendorf, P. Krooß:
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A. Rezvani, Y. Li, S. Neumann, O. Anwar, D. Rafaja, S. Reichenberger, D. Segets:
Stability of binary colloidal mixtures of Au noble metal and ZnS semiconductor nanoparticles,
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B. Rivkin, F. Akbar, M. Otto, L. Beyer, B. Paul, K. Kosiba, T. Gustmann, J. Hufenbach, M. Medina-Sánchez:
Remotely Controlled Electrochemical Degradation of Metallic Implants,
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A. Salomon, M. Motylenko, M. Thümmler, D. Rafaja:
Interface Reactions Between the Metal Melt and the Filter Surface Activated by a Spark Plasma Sintering Process,
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V. Shtefan, A. Gebert, M. Hantusch, K. Neufeld, J. Zeisig, L. Giebeler, V. Hoffmann, A. Undisz, U. Kühn, J.K. Hufenbach:
How the multi-phase microstructure of a novel tool steel determines its corrosion behaviour in sulphuric acids,
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M. Thümmler, M. Dopita, M. Motylenko, A. Salomon, E. Brendler, D. Rafaja:
Temperature-Induced Changes in the Microstructure of the Metal Melt Filters and Non-metallic Inclusions,
in: Christos Aneziris, Horst Biermann, Multifunctional Ceramic Filter Systems for Metal Melt Filtration,
Springer Series in Materials Science, 337: Springer International Publishing; Imprint Springer (Cham) (2024) 135–161
C. Wächtler, C. Wüstefeld, M. Šíma, J. Pikner, D. Rafaja:
Effect of the substrate treatment on the microstructure of CVD Ti(C,N)/α-Al2O3/TiN hard coatings,
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D. Walter, J. Hackebeil, C. Hübler, E. Schumann, A. Lißner, B. Störr, M. Motylenko, D. Rafaja, F. Mertens:
Deactivation of Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts by sintering in liquid phase assisted methanol synthesis from CO2/H2 and a way to counteract it,
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