
C. Schimpf
manufacturer: Freiberger Präzisionsmechanik GmbH | Rich. Seifert Co. GmbH & Co. KG
technical specifications:
- horizontal X-ray diffractometer with parallel beam (θ–2θ)
- anode material: Cu (point focus)
- angular range: 2θ = 10° ... 150°
- flat Si single crystal monochromator in the primary beam to cut off the Cu-Kα2 radiation component
- ½-circle Eulerian cradle to accommodate flat bulk samples
- analyser: flat Si single crystal monochromator (on the secondary side)
- NaI(Tl) scintillation counter (0D detector)
typical applications:
- measurement of reciprocal lattice points with high resolution
- 'reciprocal space mapping' in the WAXS range