
C. Schimpf
manufacturer: Bruker AXS GmbH, Karlsruhe (Germany)
technical specifications:
- X-ray diffractometer with parallel beam optics (θ–2θ)
- anode material: Cu
- angular range: 2θ = 0° ... 155°
- parabolic Ni/C multilayer mirror in the incident beam (AXO Dresden GmbH)
- sample stages:
- standard sample stage for powder and compact, bulk samples
- reflectometry sample stage with knife edge, e.g. for wafers
- parallel plate collimator in the diffracted beam (acceptance: 0.12° or 0.23°)
- LiF monochromator (reduces Kα2/Kα1 ratio)
- Li-drifted Si solid state scintillation counter (0D detector)
typical applications:
- X-ray diffraction with fixed, small angle of incidence (asymmetric diffraction, GAXRD) for the analysis of thin films:
- qualitative/quantitative phase analysis
- determination of lattice parameters
- analysis of residual stresses of the I. kind (sin2ψ method)
- X-ray reflectometry:
- measurement of surface roughness
- investigation of multilayer structures
- determination of thin film thicknesses (e.g. oxide layers)