
C. Schimpf
manufacturer: Jeol Ltd.
technical specifications:
- electron probe microanalysis for wavelength and energy dispersive analytics
- LaB6- or W-cathode as electron source
- optical microscope with colour TV camera for the selection of the area of interest in the sample
- secondary electron and back-scattered electron detectors for imaging and configuration of the measurement area
- 5 crystal spectrometers with different crystals
- EDX system
- accelleration voltage from 5 keV to 30 keV
- continuous adjustment of the beam current between 1 pA and 10 µA
- LN2 cooling trap for an improved vacuum and reduced contamination rate
- extensive set of metallic and mineralogic standards
typical applications:
- local, quantitative elemental analysis for elements with atomic number > 5
- measurement of elemental distributions along lines or in areas of interest