
C. Schimpf
manufacturer: Bruker AXS GmbH, Karlsruhe (Germany)
technical specification:
- X-ray diffractometer in Bragg-Brentano geometry (θ–2θ)
- anode material: Co
- angular range: 2θ = 10° ... 160°
- focussing Johannson incident beam monochromator (SiO2) to cut off the Co-Kα2 radiation component
- rotating sample stage for powder and bulk samples
- position sensitive semiconductor solid state detector LnyxEye (191 channels, opening covers 2θ~2.7°)
typical applications:
- quantitative phase analysis, especially for complex samples (low symmetry phases, complex samples with many phases)
- very precise measurement of lattice parameters, also for low symmetry phases
- detailed analysis of microstructure/real structure of the phases