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TUBAF took part in the "First Saxon Higher Education Day of the Verbindungsbüro of the Free State of Saxony in Prague" on 19 June 2024.

At this event for Czech high school students with a German-language profile, the four Saxon universities, the five Saxon universities of applied sciences and the Berufsakademie Sachsen presented themselves with information stands and lectures in the rooms of the Verbindungsbüro of the Free State of Saxony in the centre of Prague (address Ulice U lužického semináre 13).

Around 80 high school students have been welcomed.

Veronika Neumann and Torsten Mayer from the International Office were there on behalf of TU Bergakademie Freiberg. They were accompanied by the student Aneta Leichnerová, who acted as a study ambassador and answered questions from prospective students, for example about the study profile and study conditions in Freiberg.

Torsten Mayer
Programmstudierende, Gastwissenschaftler
Akademiestraße 6, Zimmer EG.21, 09599 Freiberg
torsten.mayer [at]