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How can research findings be put into practice more quickly? The new workshop series "Irgendwas mit Transfer" organised by the Central Transfer Office and 4transfer aims to answer this question. Here, Juliane Grahl, employee of the Central Transfer Office and programme manager of the TUBAF Innovation Fund, explains how TUBAF researchers can actively shape transfer processes and use them as a strategic opportunity from the outset - for greater impact, networking and visibility.


Why is knowledge transfer important right now?

Today, knowledge transfer is more important than ever. Research should not only deliver new findings, but also create concrete solutions for economic and social challenges. Third-party funders are therefore increasingly demanding robust transfer strategies, be it through patents, industrial collaborations or practical applications.

What are the typical challenges in the transfer process?

Many researchers view knowledge and technology transfer as a downstream task and deal with the commercialisation process too late. Early strategies are crucial here, such as planning for property rights and a realistic assessment of a future application.

It is not uncommon for industry-relevant applications to lack a convincing presentation of the practical added value. What makes the process particularly challenging is that the development of such projects and the subsequent transfer require creative thinking, interdisciplinary openness and negotiating skills. The role of communication should not be underestimated: research has a significantly greater impact when it is communicated in a targeted and target group-appropriate manner - in applications, in dialogue with companies or in public.

Workshop series "Something with transfer": Participation for TUBAF members possible on all or individual dates!

How does the "Zentrale Transferstelle" support TUBAF researchers with these challenges?

We support researchers throughout the entire transfer process: from the assessment of transfer potential and market analyses to the complete patent procedure from the invention disclosure and the exploitation of industry-relevant research results. In addition, we establish contacts with industry, administration and politics, advise on the search for funding opportunities for practice-orientated ideas and assist in the procurement of services such as contract research.

We want to raise awareness of these topics with our new workshop series: We impart knowledge and methods on intellectual property rights, industry cooperation, negotiation skills and science communication.

How do researchers benefit personally from knowledge and technology transfer?

The study Transfer1000 by the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering shows that transfer does not contradict the academic core business - on the contrary: transfer creates new opportunities for cooperation and funding, strengthens the visibility and recognition of one's own research and opens up access to new collaborations. We believe it also expands one's own competence profile. Research with impact deserves attention and those who take the step into application show what science can achieve!

As part of the Verbund 4transfer, TUBAF's Central Transfer Centre has been testing innovative approaches to knowledge and technology transfer for two years. In close collaboration with partners from science, business, administration and society, application-oriented approaches are being developed to transfer research results into practice more quickly.

4transfer is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Joint Science Conference of the Federal States through the federal-state initiative "Innovative University".
