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On this page you will find an overview of the scholarship programmes managed by the International University Centre. The scholarship programmes are divided into outgoing (left) and incoming (right) areas.


Scholarship programmeTarget groupShort description
Study completion grantStudents, doctoral studentsThe study completion grant is a scholarship for international students in the last semester of their studies.
The requirements for receiving this scholarship are good academic performance, graduation within nine months and financial need.
Equal Opportunities-ScholarshipStudents, doctoral studentsTU Bergakademie Freiberg awards scholarships for equal opportunities in order to support international students who have to overcome special challenges and life circumstances. The funds are provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of t he Scholarship and support programme STIBET.



Scholarship programmes for outgoing students
Scholarship programmeTarget groupShort description
ERASMUS+Students, teachers, staffThe ERASMUS+ programme is an education and exchange programme initiated by the European Union that offers students, trainees, teachers, young people and other educational stakeholders the opportunity to gain international experience. The programme promotes the mobility of learners and professionals as well as cooperation between educational institutions in Europe.
PROMOSStudents, doctoral candidatesThe PROMOS programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports German students by providing financial assistance for stays abroad. It offers financial grants for study visits, internships, language courses and specialist conferences in various countries around the world. PROMOS helps to promote internationalisation in the German higher education system and facilitate intercultural student exchange.
Saxon Student Mobility ProgramStudents of the Saxon Universities and Universities of Applied SciencesThe program, initiated by the Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism of the Free State of Saxony, under the administration of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, offers Saxon students funding for studies in the Republic of Uzbekistan and Mongolia.
Eastern PartnershipsStudents, doctoral candidates, teachers, staffThe DAAD's Eastern Partnerships programme supports cooperation between German universities and educational institutions in the Eastern Partnership countries, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. It promotes the exchange of students, academics and specialists as well as the joint development of study programmes and research projects. Through these partnerships, the programme contributes to strengthening academic relations, cultural ties and regional cooperation in the field of education.



Eastern Europe



The "Paired Early Career Fellowship in Applied Research" – PECFAR supports researchers who are at the beginning of their scientific career. It is offered by the Indo-German Science and Technology Centre – IGSTC.
Quote: "India offers increasing and extraordinary opportunities to build networks with excellent partners and to get to know very good research institutes on the Indian side." Source: IGSTC



Australia/New Zealand


Australia/New Zealand

New Zealand






Scholarship programmes for incoming students
Scholarship programmeTarget groupShort description
ERASMUS+Students, teachers, staffThe ERASMUS+ programme is an education and exchange programme initiated by the European Union that offers students, trainees, teachers, young people and others involved in education the opportunity to gain international experience. The programme promotes the mobility of learners and professionals as well as cooperation between educational institutions in Europe.
KOSPIEStudents from Colombia, Mexico and ArgentinaThe German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) promotes study and internship stays for young students in Germany, particularly in the engineering and natural sciences. The KOSPIE scholarship programme is implemented by the DAAD with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Saxon Student Mobility ProgramStudierende der akkreditierten (Anabin H+) Hochschulen der Republik Usbekistan und der MongoleiDas Programm, initiiert durch das Ministerium der Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus des Freistaates Sachsen, unter Verwaltung der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, bietet den Wissenschaftler:Innen ab dem Dotrorandenebene 
Eastern PartnershipsStudents, doctoral candidates, lecturers, staffThe DAAD's Eastern Partnerships programme supports cooperation between German universities and educational institutions in the Eastern Partnership countries, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. It promotes the exchange of students, academics and specialists as well as the joint development of study programmes and research projects. Through these partnerships, the programme contributes to strengthening academic relations, cultural ties and regional cooperation in the field of education.