This page provides a regularly updated overview of all decentralised TUBAF channels and pages on Instagram and Facebook. If you have any questions, please contact presse [at] zuv [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (presse[at]zuv[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)

Freepik / TUBAF
The TUBAF channels on Instagram
On our main Instagram channel and the decentralised channels of our university listed below, you can find exciting insights behind the scenes and into everyday university life, current research results, event highlights and much more.
Faculty Student Councils (FSR)
- Student Council for Mathematics and Computer Science
- Student Council for Chemistry, Physics and Biosciences
- Student Council for Geosciences, Geotechnics and Mining
- Student Council for Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering
- Student Council for Materials Science and Technology
- Student Council for Economics
Institutes and facilities
- Faculty of Chemistry, Physics and Biosciences
- Faculty of Geosciences, Geotechnics and Mining
- Faculty of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering
- Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering
- Institute for Industrial Archaeology, History of Science and Technology
- Institute of Metal Forming
- Institute for Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining
- Foundry Institute
- Institute for Processing Machines and Recycling Systems Technology
- Institute of Computer Science
- Professorship for Technical Thermodynamics
- Seismics/seismology working group
- Transfer network 4transfer
- Professorship for Business Ethics
- RoboLab
Uni life and AGs
- Working Group Foreign Students
- Buddy Programme of the International University Centre
- terra mineralia
- EarthAlchemistsClub (EAC)
- Racetech Racing Team
- AG Big Band
- AG Bicycle
- AG mine defence
- AG QueErz
- Environment working group
- FOUNDress
- TUBAF Beersport
- Academic Theatre
- AG Astronomy
- AG VR Realm
- Old canteen
- Mountain Music Corps
- Geoecology specialist group
- Young Chemists Forum Freiberg
- ASV "Alte Elisabeth"
- Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Verein zu Freiberg e. V.
- Geological Community of Freiberg e.V.
- Corps Saxo-Borussia

Freepik / TUBAF
The TUBAF pages on Facebook
Institutes and facilities

Freepik / TUBAF
The pages of TUBAF on LinkedIn
Faculties, alliances and institutes
- Freiberg Alumni Network
- Career Centre
- 4Transfer
- Faculty of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering
- Institute of Materials Engineering
- Institute for Processing Machines and Recycling Systems Technology
- Institute of Computer Science
- Institute of Iron and Steel Technology
- Institute for Nonferrous Metallurgy and High-Purity Materials
- Chair of Gas and Thermal Engineering Systems
- Institute of Glass Science and Technology
- Institute of Metal Forming
- Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mineral Processing

Freepik / TUBAF
The YouTube channels of TUBAF
YouTube sub-channels

Freepik / TUBAF