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For young researchers, TUBAF organises the annual JuniorUni with exciting lectures, experiments and hands-on activities. The Junior Researchers team also offers a wide range of programme modules for events and project days at daycare centres and schools, as well as for school group visits to TUBAF.

There is also a wide range of programmes for teachers and educators who want to learn more about maths, science and technology.

Offers for children

Junioruniversität TUBAF1
Junior University
Next junior university lecture on 14 June 2025
Experimente für Kinder
TU-Lino experiments
Junioruniversität TUBAF2
TU-Lino on the road

Experiments in the footsteps of Hans Carl von Carlowitz and Alexander von Humboldt

Craft instructions ames room

Offers for educational professionals / junior researchers

The local network for the district of Central Saxony was founded in May 2008. The TU Bergakademie Freiberg has been a network partner from the outset, with Veronika Bellmann, Member of the German Bundestag, acting as patron. Since 2008, training courses in science and technology for early childhood education have been offered to educational professionals from daycare centres in the district of Central Saxony.

Hitherto organised in cooperation with the nationwide "Haus der kleinen Forscher" foundation, the new organisation and new premises in the Kunsthandwerkerhof at Burgstraße 19 in Freiberg will break new ground from 2021. The new premises express the university's commitment to organising and raising the profile of the services on offer in the district of Central Saxony. More than 90 daycare centres are members of the local network.

Contact us

Kathrin Häußler
Koordinatorin Lokales Netzwerk „Junior Forscher an der TUBAF“
Kunsthandwerkerhof, Burgstraße 19
Kathrin.Haeussler [at] + 49 3731 39-3007
Dr. Christiane Biermann
Kunsthandwerkerhof, Burgstraße 19
christiane.biermann [at] + 49 3731 39-3007