
Andreas Hiekel
Streaming and recording
The Media Centre offers a streaming service for the transmission of events and lectures for the following rooms at the University:
- Audimax (AUD-1001) Winklerstraße 24
- Alte Mensa (AME-1001), Petersstraße 5
- Hörsaal Gellert-Bau (GEL-0001), Leiziger Straße 23
- Lecture theatre Weisbach-Bau (WEI-1051), Lampadiusstraße
- Lecture theatre Schloßplatzquartier (SPQ-1301), Prüferstraße 4
- Lecture theatre Formgebung (FOR-0270), B.-v.-Cotta Straße 4
- University Library and Lecture Hall Centre (Lecture Halls A and B)

Andreas Hiekel
Note on transfers
Due to the complex technical requirements, we kindly ask you to register planned broadcasts with the TUBAF media centre very early on and coordinate details.
Contact us
For planned streaming and recording of lectures and events, please contact:
Uwe Schellbach
Leiter Medienzentrum
Prüferstr. 1, Zimmer EG, 09599 Freiberg
uwe.schellbach [at]
+ 49 3731 39-3410