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E-learning at TU Bergakademie Freiberg - Here you can find out about the e-education opportunities currently provided and supported by the Media Centre.

Our services for e-learning

We offer you:
  • Advice and support with the conceptualisation of e-learning courses
  • Advice on the e-learning tools and services available at TU Bergakademie: OPAL, examination platform E-Exam OPAL, ONYX, H5P, video platform, BigBlueButton, ZoomX (administration of university licences)
  • Training courses and workshops (didactics in cooperation with university didactics)
  • Support with planning, preparation and creation of video-based teaching content (screencasts, video tutorials, lecture recordings)
  • Consulting and implementation support for e-learning projects from the faculties

Focus on students and teachers

On the blog of the Media Centre you can find out about the possibilities in the field of e-education that the Media Centre currently provides and supports. These include working with the OPAL learning platform, lecture transmissions, teaching videos, video conferencing and virtual classrooms.

On the page of the blog of the Media Centre for Students you will find important information about our e-learning tools and services at TU BAF. Here you will find information on what the tools are used for and how to use them as a student.

E-learning tools at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg

OPAL - the online platform for academic teaching and learning is particularly suitable:

  • For providing learning content
  • For querying learning progress (using tests) and for testing and assessment
  • For collaborative exchange (e.g. in wikis, forums and blogs)

Helpful instructions for working with OPAL

. in wikis, forums, blogs)

Helpful instructions for working with OPAL

The e-learning coordination office of the media centre, in collaboration with lecturers at the TU BAF, has created a toolbox and makes it available in OPAL.

We will be offering several more OPAL training courses in the coming weeks, all of which will take place in digital format. You can find more information here.

A lecture recording does not always have to show the lecturer themselves. So-called screencasts or screen recordings of lecture slides with audio commentary are also a suitable way of conveying knowledge audiovisually.

BigBlueButton (BBB) is available as a web and video conferencing system for all lecturers and students at the university. Teachers have the following options for setting up a BBB video conference:

  1. Add the course element "Virtual classroom" to your OPAL courses and select BigBlueButton as the web conferencing tool. The students will then be forwarded directly to the web conference via the course element.
  2. For online meetings with external parties: Log in with your university login at and generate a room link that you send to the participants.

The media centre manages a limited contingent of Zoom licences. These licences are intended in particular for high-attendance (teaching) events from 80 with up to 300 participants. For regular use of Zoom, a licence must be applied for centrally via the Media Centre (e-mail: elearning [at] tu-freiberg [dot] de). Further information on the use of ZoomX can be found on the media centre's blog page.

E-Assessment with ONYX

The ONYX test suite supports the entire e-assessment workflow from task and test creation, to delivery and evaluation of your test and participant data. Use your course on the OPAL learning platform to embed your ONYX test content in various scenarios. Learning content can be activated on the basis of test results or deepened and practised with the help of tests. By using it as a final test, possibly under examination conditions, you can evaluate your participants and conclude learning units with a certificate, for example.

Interactive teaching/learning content with H5P

The interactive content created with the software can be used as part of virtual self-study programmes - designed, for example, according to the flipped classroom model or the learning by teaching model (students create content for lessons). You can find more information about H5P here in the OPAL course "Creating interactive teaching and learning content with H5P".

Digital exams

The TU Bergakademie Freiberg uses OPAL Exam as an examination platform, which enables e-exams (based on ONYX, among others). The examination platform can only be used by
people with a university login. Basic information on conducting digital examinations is summarised in the guide to digital examination scenarios.

Audience response systems (ARS) are voting systems that enable individual feedback from any number of listeners. The use of audience response systems allows university lecturers to create interaction with students, especially in courses with many participants - whether to increase attention, receive feedback on the level of knowledge or encourage active participation. ARS systems can be used both face-to-face and online. The voting system eduVote can now be used free of charge by staff and students at TU Bergakademie Freiberg.

Contact us

Yulia Dolganova
E-Learning Koordinatorin
Prüferstr. 1, EG. 20, 09599 Freiberg
elearning [at] +49 3731 39-2629