Postdocs an der TUBAF
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Sie sind einer von ca. 100 Habilitierenden an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, die sich in der Postdoc-Phase ihrer wissenschaftlichen Karriere befinden. Diese Phase ist durch eine Vielzahl neuer Aufgaben, der Schärfung des Forschungsprofils und der persönlichen Weiterentwicklung gekennzeichnet. Zusätzlich stellt diese Zeit die „Rush Hour“ des Lebens dar: Hohe berufliche Anforderungen treffen auf soziale und familiäre Verpflichtungen. Dabei ist es von großer Bedeutung, sich rechtzeitig zu orientieren, zu positionieren und weiterzubilden.
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie zahlreiche Informationen zu den Qualifizierungsmöglichkeiten und Veranstaltungen im Rahmen des TUBAF Postdoc-Programms, Wissenswertes in Bezug auf die Postdoc-Phase sowie Förder- und Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten von Forschungsaufenthalten.
Für Fragen zum TUBAF Postdoc-Programm stehen Ihnen folgende Ansprechpersonen zur Verfügung:
Dr. Theresa Wand & Katharina Rosin
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns unter:
postdoc [at] grafa [dot] tu-freiberg [dot] de (postdoc[at]grafa[dot]tu-freiberg[dot]de)
Liebe Postdocs, Habilitierende sowie Leiter und Leiterinnen der Nachwuchsforschungsgruppen,
hiermit möchten wir Sie auf die anstehende Onlineveranstaltung „Karriereziel HAW-Professur“ am 31.01.2025 um 15-17:15 Uhr, die von der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten angeboten wird, aufmerksam machen.
Die Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten informiert über das Berufsbild und den Weg zur Professur an Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften.
Beschreibung der Veranstaltung:
Mit Promotion und Praxiserfahrung zur Professur? Ja, an Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften!
Die Online-Veranstaltung informiert über Berufungsvoraussetzung, Berufungsverfahren und Unterstützung auf dem Weg zur Professur. Professorinnen und Professoren der RWU berichten über ihren Weg zur Professur und ermöglichen spannende Einblicke in ihren Beruf.
Anschließend ist Raum für Ihre Fragen.
Hier geht’s direkt zur Veranstaltung:
Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich!
Für Fragen zur Veranstaltung steht Ihnen Frau Lisann Kaiser (Projektleitung FH-Personal rwu-prof) über die folgende E-Mail Adresse zur Verfügung:
lisann [dot] kaiser [at] rwu [dot] de (lisann[dot]kaiser[at]rwu[dot]de)
Der Onlinewettbewerb Fast Forward Science zeichnet jährlich die besten Video- und Audiobeiträge zu wissenschaftlichen Themen auf Social Media aus. Er richtet sich an Studierende, Promovierende und junge Postdocs, die ihre Forschung möglichst vielen Menschen näher bringen möchten. Beiträge wie zum Beispiel YouTube-Videos, Podcasts oder Instagram-Stories o.Ä. können bis zum 30. April 2025 eingereicht werden. Der mit insgesamt 9.000 Euro dotierte Wettbewerb Fast Forward Science ist ein gemeinsames Projekt von Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD) und dem Stifterverband. Alle Infos zur Teilnahme finden Sie im Anhang und unter
Für Fragen steht Ihnen die Frau Hanna Strub zur Verfügung.
Tel.: +49 30 2062295-67
hanna [dot] strub [at] w-i-d [dot] de (hanna[dot]strub[at]w-i-d[dot]de)
Liebe Postdocs, Habilitierende sowie Leiter und Leiterinnen der Nachwuchsforschungsgruppen,
im Rahmen des TUBAF Postdoc-Programms für das Jahr 2025 möchten wir Sie auf die zwei bevorstehenden Workshops im März aufmerksam machen.
Workshop "Forschungsprofil für Postdocs: passend, strategisch, gut dargestellt" bei Dr. Annika Bartsch am 06.03.2025 (09:00 Uhr - 12:30 Uhr) im SIZ, Prüferstraße 2.
Das Forschungsprofil ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des eigenen Karriereportfolios. Bei einer Bewerbung, ist das Forschungsprofil für die Beurteilung durch die Berufungskommission sehr relevant. Daher sollte das Ziel verfolgt werden, in der Postdoc-Phase ein individuelles Forschungsprofil zu entwickeln, das den eigenen Interessen entspricht, aber auch strategisch sinnvoll die Karrierechancen erhöht.
Anmeldung erfolgt unter:
Workshop "Konfliktmanagement (Teil 1)" am 26.03.2025 (9:00 - 12:00 Uhr) und "Konfliktmanagement (Teil 2)" am 26.03.2025 (13:00 - 16:00 Uhr) bei Dr. Sascha Weigel im Vortragsraum Krügerhaus, Schlossplatz 3.
In Rahmen des Workshops können die Teilnehmenden im geschützten Rahmen ihre herausfordernden Situationen und Konflikte einbringen, die eigene Handlungskompetenz schulen und mit Unterstützung des Supervisors neue Konzepte kennenlernen.
Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte:
• Konfliktsituationen im Alltag und Eskalationsstufen erkennen
• Konflikte analysieren, verschiedene Perspektiven verstehen
• Strategien für die Konfliktbearbeitung
• Konfliktgespräche vorbereiten und lösungsorientiert führen
Anmeldung für Konfliktmanagement (Teil 1) erfolgt unter:
Anmeldung für Konfliktmanagement (Teil 2) erfolgt unter:
Für Fragen stehen wir jederzeit gern zur Verfügung!
Dear postdocs, habilitation candidates and heads of junior research groups,
as part of the TUBAF Postdoc-Program for the year 2025, we would like to draw your attention to the two upcoming workshops in March.
Workshop "Research profile for postdocs: suitable, strategic, well presented" with Dr. Annika Bartsch on 06.03.2025 (09:00 am - 12:30 am) at SIZ, Prüferstraße 2 The research profile is an essential part of your own career portfolio. When applying, the research profile is very relevant for the assessment by the appointment committee. Therefore, the aim should be to develop an individual research profile in the postdoc phase that corresponds to your own interests, but also strategically increases your career opportunities.
Registration at:
Workshop "Conflict Management (Part 1)" on 26.03.2025 (9:00 am - 12:00 am) and "Conflict Management (Part 2)" on 26.03.2025 (01:00 pm - 04:00 pm) with Dr. Sascha Weigel in the Krügerhaus lecture room, Schlossplatz 3 As part of the workshop, participants can bring up their challenging situations and conflicts in a protected setting, train their own ability to act and learn new concepts with the support of the supervisor.
Focus of content:
-Recognizing conflict situations in everyday life and escalation stages
- Analysing conflicts, understanding different perspectives
- Strategies for conflict management
- Preparing conflict discussions and conducting them in a solution-oriented manner
Register for conflict management (part 1) at:
Register for conflict management (part 2) at:
Liebe Postdocs, Habilitierende sowie Leiter und Leiterinnen der Nachwuchsforschungsgruppen,
ich möchte Sie darüber informieren, dass auf der Postdoc-Webseite unter Qualifizierung und Weiterbildung/TUBAF Postdoc-Programm/Postdoc-Monat bereits das Programm für den Postdoc-Monat im Mai 2025 veröffentlicht ist. An drei Tagen im Mai werden zwei intensive Kurzworkshops, ein Kamingespräch mit einem Experten aus dem Netzwerk der Humboldt Stiftung, ein Gastvortrag und kurze Pitches zum wissenschaftlichen Austausch stattfinden.
Bitte melden Sie sich für die für Sie relevanten Veranstaltungen an.
Wir freuen uns auf ihre Teilnahme am Postdoc-Monat im Mai 2025 im Rahmen des TUBAF Postdoc-Programms.

Postdoc phase
The postdoc phase comprises the time between the completion of the doctorate and the appointment to a professorship. It is divided into an early and advanced postdoc phase.
The early postdoc phase extends over two years after completing the doctorate and is characterised by the transition from work within the framework of the supervisory relationship to independent research work. In addition to deepening your knowledge, this phase also serves to expand and reorient the field of research. At the same time, qualification in personnel management, review activities and committee work is recommended in this phase. Furthermore, a research stay abroad is advisable in this phase to gain experience and expand your professional network. The main challenges in this phase include financing the research project and the stay abroad.
The advanced postdoc phase extends over four to eight years after the doctorate and is characterised by independent research, teaching, committee work, personnel and budget responsibility for a working group as well as administrative and organisational tasks. The aim of this phase is to acquire the qualifications that are essential for appointment to a W2/W3 professorship. As a rule, the basis for appointment is a habilitation, the leadership of a junior research group or a junior professorship. In all three variants, a central task with regard to the career path is to make a name for oneself. This means sharpening your own profile through high-quality publications, presentations with awards, third-party funding, collaborations, project coordination, sound networking in the respective academic field as well as teaching and university didactic qualifications. Qualification in the areas of project management, university didactics, visibility, acquisition of third-party funding, team leadership and academic communication is recommended in this phase.
Qualification and further training
To support you in this challenging phase of your academic career, we have developed a TUBAF Posdoc Programme tailored to your needs.
The TUBAF Postdoc Programme consists of three pillars:
1. Workshops and short workshops
You can find numerous topics and dates of the planned workshops here.
2nd Postdoc Week
In the Postdoc Week, postdoctoral researchers and heads of junior research groups have the opportunity to exchange ideas and receive further training in a concentrated and short period of time. The programme includes workshops, lectures, pitches and discussions with experts from the Humboldt Foundation network.
You will soon find the date and programme for the 1st Postdoc Week in 2025 here.
3rd Postdoc Network
In addition to the ongoing workshops and the Postdoc Week, regular postdoc fireside chats take place, in which either an Emeritus Excellence Professor or a recently appointed professor enriches the postdoc network round to talk about challenges and moments of success, exchange ideas and learn from each other.
Participation in the TUBAF Postdoc Programme is open to all postdocs and heads of research groups at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. To become part of the TUBAF postdoc network and to be informed about offers, please register here.
Postdoc network
TUBAF Postdoc Network offers a scientifically diverse and multidisciplinary environment in which potential is developed and promoted. Postdocs and heads of research groups can benefit from the network with the aim of personal development, mutual support and a constant exchange of experience.
You can register for the TUBAF Postdoc Network here:
What does the TUBAF Postdoc Network offer?
- Networking: Network with postdoctoral researchers and heads of research groups as well as other scientists at TUBAF
- Visibility: Represent the interests and make the needs of postdocs and heads of research groups at TUBAF visible.
- Exchange: Exchange ideas with each other and with the invited professors and experts on exciting topics.
- Information: Support and inform each other as a group and share your experiences with others.
In order to give you the opportunity to join other external postdoc networks and to benefit from the constant exchange and offers, we have put together a series of external postdoc networks for you:
Funding/support in the postdoc phase
There are various funding options and scholarship programmes for postdocs. Some support a stay abroad, others a return from abroad, others support a habilitation or a research project and others are specially developed for women.
In general, interested parties should inform themselves in advance about the conditions of the individual funding programmes. These sometimes contain very detailed requirements in terms of time frame, local particularities or specific disciplines. Some of the most important national scholarship programmes are listed below.
The following are the most important national funding programmes for postdocs:
The scholarship is granted for a period of two years; the funding amount is €40,000.
Emmy Noether Programme of the DFG
The programme is for postdocs who already have at least two years of postdoctoral experience. The programme is intended for a six-year independent junior research group leadership as preparation for a professorship. The programme also aims to attract outstanding scientists back from abroad.
Postdocs in the field of chemistry are funded for one year. The funding amount is decided on a case-by-case basis.
Funding is provided for postdocs up to three years after their doctorate in the field of chemistry and related fields for a period of three years with €3,400 per month plus €3,000 for the purchase of specialist literature and attending conferences and €50,000 for material resources.
The Fritz Thyssen Foundation's project funding is aimed at researchers from the humanities, social sciences and biomedicine. Young postdoctoral researchers are supported for one year within 1 to 2 years of completing their doctorate with €1,800 per month plus funds for the child.
Hans-Böckler-Stiftung awards the Maria Weber Grant to outstanding researchers from all disciplines. Applicants can apply for a replacement for up to 12 months to take over some of their teaching duties in order to free up time for their research.
With this funding programme, the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA) provides targeted support for young, talented scientists to spend one to three months conducting research at another Helmholtz centre.
The career paths of young scientists in the STEM subjects are promoted. Support for establishing international collaborations and networks. Funding of up to €80,000 for up to 2 years.
Volkswagen-Stiftung-Lichtenberg Professorships
Outstanding young scientists with 2 to 3 years of research experience after their doctorate as well as those returning from abroad are supported. It is a five-year grant with €0.8-1.5 million per professorship.
Hermann Credner Scholarship (award)
The scholarship is awarded annually for outstanding basic geological research to postdoctoral students or early career researchers. The scholarship is endowed with around €5,000 plus funding for conference participation.
The following are the most important national funding programmes for research abroad:
It offers monthly financial support of €1,750 for a period of between three and six months for a stay at a foreign host institute (plus, for example, foreign allowances, child allowances and childcare costs as well as contributions to material costs and travel allowances).
Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME) Programme of the DAAD
This does not involve direct monetary payments; instead, the DAAD enables recipients to receive 18 months of employment instead of a scholarship through grant agreements with the host universities.
Walter Benjamin Programme of the DFG
This programme supports researchers in the early career phase after their doctorate for up to two years, regardless of whether they wish to complete their research projects in Germany or abroad.
Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Funding is provided for 6 to 24 months of research abroad in all disciplines.
NSTC Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Funding is provided for 3 to 12 months of research in Taiwan in all disciplines
Research stays of 1-12 months in Japan for doctoral students and postdoctoral students of all disciplines are funded.
Outstanding doctoral researchers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland are supported.
The funding includes a personalised, individual full scholarship. This includes a basic scholarship, supplements if applicable (depending on marital status and host location), as well as a monthly budget of €250 for material and consumables (travel expenses, laboratory supplies, etc.). A stay at the host institute is supported for projects that can be worked on and completed in one to two years.
Max Buchner Research Foundation (Dechema e.V.)
The foundation supports young scientists by awarding travel grants. Habilitation students and junior professors at non-university research institutions are supported with €10,000 for one year.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: Forschungsstipendium
Funding enables early career researchers to carry out a research project at a location of their choice abroad.
The following are the most important national funding programmes for women:
Zia-Visible Women in Science and Humanities
The one-year fellowship programme of ZEIT Verlag supports 25 female scientists from all disciplines every year. The aim of Zia - Visible Women in Science and Humanities is to promote and network female scientists and make their achievements more visible.
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard-Stiftung
Foundation is aimed at female doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in a subject of experimental natural sciences or medicine. Funds are made available to relieve the burden of household chores and childcare. These funds can be used, for example, to hire domestic help, purchase appliances such as dishwashers or washing machines and additional childcare (e.g. babysitters in the evenings or while travelling to conferences). The funds are not used to finance the living expenses of the scholarship holder and her family.
The Free State of Saxony provides scholarships for re-entry into science for women who have taken a break from scientific work to fulfil family responsibilities. Funding is available for female academics from all disciplines with the aim of a doctorate or habilitation.
The following are the most important European/global funding programmes for postdocs:
- The Marie Curie Fellowship (MSCA)
- Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship
- EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships
- European Research Council (ERC) - ERC Starting Independent Research Grants and ERC Advanced Investigator Grants
- Human Frontier Science Programme (HFSP) - Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Society in Science - The Branco Weiss Fellowship